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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxFan77

  1. I take 3-4 years of sucking to get us a 5-10 run at the playoffs.. over this pile of crap. At least we would be building towards something instead of just patching one hole as 3 more bust out. I have more faith in the other GM's doing what is needed to win.. They have a track record of success for longer than 1 year. DET Gm build a winner in Miami, Minny is a god among GMs Cleveland looks to only improve and have Miller in the wings to step-up. KC.. your kidding yourself if you don't think KC has improved.
  2. Twins lack pitching depth.. Santana,Garza,Lirano,Boonser...Man, That just sucks..
  3. It easy to face the facts of reality with this club? I wish I had the optimism that you had.. I just can't see how you can be so happy with the shape we are in.
  4. I just look at the track Record of our Gm.. If you take out 05, it doesn't look good. I can't see how we fill an OF and MI with the hope that said player takes less than market value all the time. KW is a GM who attempts to fix the cracks in a leaky pipe instead of realizing we just need new plumbing system. For me, I want us to rebuild, look as everyone in our division did and they have much better teams because of it. Det and Cle are now on their Runs.. Minny is going to be tough as hell next year if they can get a CF. KC is on the rise as well. and then there is us.. Things look grim and I have no faith KW will be able to put a quality team on the field that can compete.
  5. No Farm system, 4 holes to fill in the field.. maybe 5 and a team that already is at 100mil.. I can't see how 2008 is going to be any different than 2007..
  6. I don't see how we have not unloaded anyone as trying. Look we are not going to be able to rape other teams for Jose, Jon, Dye, Uribe.. He just have to accept that fact.
  7. KW is stupid enough to believe that we still have a shot.. Not make moves that help us going forward. He will again look for quick fixes so we can finish .500. Also I don't see us competing until 09/10 time and that is if KW starts now in the trading process and rebuilds this team.. if he can.
  8. So Should our GM.. sadly this weeks series just killed our chances for 08.
  9. WC, What does your lineup look like for 08..include starting staff and Pen..
  10. Barry Bonds seemed to get younger for a 3-4 year run...
  11. The issues is.. Stoneman is not a moron.. He is not going to give up those 3 pieces to get a 1b.
  12. Or your stretching to make your argument sound solid.. since well it is about as solid as a wet paper towel. One maybe 2 players can be plugged in.. not 4/8 of your position players are replaced with bench guys.. See 2007 offense for what happens.. it sucks. Healthy Pods is 100000X the player Mac is.. He wasn't even a starter in Pittsburgh but you want to make him a starter here.. No thanks Ozuna is not a 2b.. so you have so far 2b/lf/SS all have defenive holes in them. and a bullpen fix is all that is needed? So what 14?
  13. You can only win one World Series a year.. lets stick to baseball. And your XBox offense? do you seriously think Osuna is the answer to 2b? and Rob Mac in LF.. bench players becoming everyday players in their 30's ? How old are you?
  14. Very rare it happens.. yet you bank on the 08 WS to luck into the playoffs and take off from there? actually I have heard the same thing.. from multiple sources.. Hell I talked to some scouts who have told me this about KW.. Sorry, I didn't tape the meeting to prove that to you.[
  15. Stop.. My co-workers think I am nuts from laughing so hard!
  16. Really is the personal attack needed, back your claim up with merit..
  17. Greg as was I, from my brief time here I can see you know what you are talking about. There is no way the two are equals, KW can't hold JS coffee cup to what he has accomplished.
  18. I did.. and what did McDowelll do after he was with the Sox.. Alvaerz(sp) Bere? anyone? I hope you are not comparing those to Mark are you? So again unless they are getting 27outs by Strikeout.. I don;t see how we win next year. There was a reason our offense sucked.. KW thought that Erstad, pods and Dye were top notch. And he didn't have a back-up plan. This is another reason I am with Greg on not seeing this team go anywhere in the near future. Dude this is not Xbox.. Uribe at ss, Osuna to 2b.. Jesus and I thought this years offense was bad. Good God man, there is no way we win 70 games with that offense production. Sorry but having Uribe under .300 obp and bad fielding is not helping us. And if Robby Mac is our Starting LF.. Kw should sign his papers to be fired right then and there.. Who exactly are we going to go after that will magically fix this pen?
  19. Really.. You give up your best pitcher because of a couple of mil? There is no way KW is able to deal MB for spects not if he wants to keep the fan base. What's this IF .. you mean when we are here next year. Who is filling all these holes and able to be a top notch player? I can't see with KW track record him being able to fill 5 position players in an off season with good players for peanuts. edit:I really need to not quick do these.. then walk away from my desek and think they are finished and click OK
  20. You have to deal someone good to get something good back.. See Freddy Garcia trade in what you get from trading crap.
  21. Balta.. IMO he was brought here to him us win a title. It doesn't look like that is going to happen then why is he here? If they could unload him to another team and give him a shot at winning..Why not do it? hate to say this.. But, Besides the Angles.. Could not the Evil Empire use a DH who hits for power off riods?
  22. Bribed him with free Replica WS rings! actually i was unaware of his NTC.. Carry on with dealing Paulie discussion.
  23. They have been.. I seems we all help each other out with miscues.. I like this site!
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