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He'll Grab Some Bench
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  1. If we were to look at each position and put ourselves in KW's shoes, the question becomes "can I improve over what I've already got?". With Ramirez hitting as good as he is, and how well he's doing defensively at 2B, it's awfully hard to imagine having someone clearly better. His weakness as I see it is plate discipline but he can free swing all he wants if he keeps hitting around .300 . You can always tinker with the bench, most of those parts are interchangeable. Uribe is an insurance policy and at this point I don't see them moving him. Lofton is a fit, but that's been talked to death already. Let's examine pitching. So far so good, but we all know Williams loves to add pitching. There are or will be some mid tier starters available. So the question becomes, will one or more of the starters need a breather? Does Williams go out and get a rental? He is clearly in "all in" mode for 2008. I suspect this becomes a wait-and-see game until about July 15th. Our needs will become clearer and other team's willingness to trade will become clearer as well. But if we're talking a Geoff Blum type addition, my guess continues to be Lofton.
  2. You should also ask Northside about my prediction of how you'd come back to this thread and post from "on high". You are like clockwork, very predictable, I'll give you that. No one is falling all over themselves. Clearly the team needs a shot in the arm, I have said that repeatedly. Not sure where you're coming up with your conclusion that anyone thinks it's a crazy idea, then again, some of the conclusions you come up with are, well, shall we say slightly off kilter. There's a need for a lefthanded hitter with speed. At least Kenny Williams and Ozzie Guillen think so. Well, they brought up DeWayne Wise. Personally I wish they'd gone outside, but DeWayne Wise is a lefthanded hitter with speed. Who knew that Kenny and Ozzie would disagree with your conclusions and agree with others' conclusions. And Ozuna is still here! Uncanny.
  3. Owens started in CF for Charlotte today and got yanked after one at bat. Supposedly the groin again. Yup, I think Williams is working on something. It would be highly uncharacteristic if he wasn't. He keeps preaching patience but he's saying it through clenched teeth.
  4. Ptatc, a question for you. It says it's a Grade One sprain of the oblique. Can you explain what the grade comment means in this situation?
  5. I wonder if after this is over they'll designate Wise for assignment again. Can you do that twice in one year? I think they can but who knows how this will go. Also, it is fair to say this is an indication of how the White Sox are feeling about Jerry Owens. One mans misfortune is another mans opportunity. This looks like Brian Anderson's opportunity and yes, that at bat on Friday was really bad. You could tell when he stepped out of the box he's going "oh no ... oh no ... what now?" By the way you are johnny-on-the-spot with the news lately.
  6. Some interesting information about a few of the players at Great Falls this season: http://www.greatfallstribune.com/apps/pbcs...PORTS/806170318
  7. And here's one about Lucas Harrell, who's on rehab at Bristol: http://www.tricities.com/tri/sports/profes..._harrell/10751/
  8. Here's a nice article about the Bristol White Sox: http://www.tricities.com/tri/sports/profes...ay_night/10750/
  9. I can read just fine northside, just want to make sure the truth is stated. That said I do appreciate you stepping in.
  10. Nothing personal kyyle23, but maybe the ignore function is a good idea since quickman and my responses and perhaps even our mere presence seem to annoy you.
  11. Actually I hope the Mets go on a huge run now. I would be happy for Manuel. They have a lot of talent there but for some reason they totally tuned Randolph out. Watching Baseball Tonight yesterday, it seems the Mets are dysfunctional in their front office structure with reporting relationships and other things. They should've let Randolph go a few weeks ago, supposedly this was a huge distraction on everyone.
  12. I agree with you on Konerko but disagree on Ozuna. Also, breaking news from the minor league section, I guess Fields was put on the DL again, which is a shame. But regardless, he won't be called up.
  13. There seems to be a pack mentality on this board. Watch your back my friend.
  14. Talk about antagonizing. Who are you, a moderator?
  15. Sounds good in theory but the latest buzz was the Orioles starting point was Ramirez, one of either Danks or Floyd, plus another player for Roberts. Emphasis on starting point.
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