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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 11:12 AM)
    Its quite possible to be intelligent and just not have people skills or negotiating skills. I believe thats what we have here



    That could be. I just want to see KW come out and talk s*** about Billy Beane again.


    He could answer in a PC about Beane-


    "It'd be so easy I could crush him like an ant. Instead, I'll bide my time...oh what the hell! I'll just crush him like an ant."

  2. QUOTE(iamshack @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:53 AM)
    Can you imagine how many moments there would be of you appearing immature or silly if you were always being filmed?


    KW comes across as immature or silly just about once a year it seems. That whole negative rant on Frank was a joke.


  3. QUOTE(iamshack @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:43 AM)
    Again, I am not trying to stifle criticism or commentary. But to claim he is "not smart" is absolutely inaccurate.


    Do you remember the press conference after the Mike Sirotka trade? KW acted like a 6 year old.

  4. QUOTE(ptatc @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:35 AM)
    Actually, the behavior most people associate with "immaturity" can be a sign of intelligence not average intelligence. It comes from getting frustrated when other of less intelligence around you cannot understand or comprehend what you are saying or doing.


    Not to say that KW is necessarily intelligent but your assumption that immaturity=average intelligence is inaccurrate.


    So immature people are intelligent? Are you kidding me?

  5. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:35 AM)
    This is from deadspin. Take it for what it's worth please. They said that they received the same list from multiple sources. I have bolded the truly important names.




    Can you say Albert Pujols?

    Again, please take it for what it's worth. We'll know very soon if this is true.



    LMAO at Gagne. I live near Milwaukee and am surrounded by Brewer fans......OH PLEASE LET GAGNE BE ON THAT LIST! :pray

  6. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:25 AM)
    Please don't use Kenny going to Stanford as evidence he is smart. He went to play sports. He didn't graduate and I think was only there for a year or so.


    I've always said this to my friends.


    KW's immaturity shows how average his intelligence really is. He's no smarter than Joe Schmoe down the street.


    I know a lot of brilliant people are arrogant, but KW doesn't fall under that category with me.

  7. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 02:05 AM)
    I am done arguing this. You have no intension of getting anywhere and admitting you're wrong. You're trying to weasal your way into other things and getting embarressed in that aspect as well.


    Actually I'm sitting in my squad car having a good laugh about this. (I'd patrol more, but there is about a foot of snow on the ground right now so I'm just kind of hanging out here until a call comes in).


    I'm trying to weasel out of what? Saying that Javy is 100 times the pitcher that D-Train is going into next season? Wow how dumb of me to say.


  8. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 02:05 AM)
    That's correct. You didn't. Dbaho did. You just questioned it. So fair enough.


    You said teams have figured Dontrelle out and yet lefties still don't hit him. I don't get why you made it green. Is it funny that you clearly didn't watch him pitch and certainly not everyone has figured him out? Or was it just that righties hit him well with his stuff being worse?


    It's in green because it's sarcasm. "He can get lefties out!" That'd be great if he were a reliever. Dude.....hitters hit a combined .294 off of him and he had a WHIP of 1.6. It doesn't matter that he can get lefties out from starter's prospective because he won't face them. He's been up in the zone all day the past two years and in the AL....kiss it good bye.


    If you're pretending that the Tigers actually WANTED Dontrelle in that deal.......whatever. They had to take Dontrelle if they wanted to get Cabrera. There was absolutely NO market for Dontrelle. If you claim to already know this....why defend Dontrelle in the first place?


  9. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 01:38 AM)
    Wait, teams made up of just solely right handed hitters. Cuz you saw that lefties figured him out right??? Just wanted to make sure we agreed that a .130 ba or whatever was figuring out a pitcher


    I'm sure all D-Train will see in the AL is left handed hitters. Like that .130 against lefties turning into a .294 overall baa on the year in '07.


    D-Train has declined yearly in every category because teams have figured him out.

  10. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 01:16 AM)
    Javy can easily pull a Contreras on us(which you convenietly avoided in your post) next season and all I am saying is to wait and see how he does.


    Or you can refer to post #421.....either way I don't care what you do really.

  11. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 01:16 AM)
    Ok. You're deliberately just trying to piss me off right?


    I didn't bring up the 2nd half of 06'. You did. I responded to it. You said Javy starting pitching very well in 06', not me. I said he improved but didn't really have mind blowing numbers or numbers near 07'.


    Actually I never said anything about '06.....I was referring to '07.

  12. QUOTE(striker62704 @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 01:17 AM)
    The only difference between you and me is I am disappointed in June, July, maybe even May when we are out of it. You are disappointed year round.


    I wouldnt' be against dumping anyone. I've actually posted several times to trade Paulie to LAA for youth. But who knows if anyone actually wants him. If you don't like the players we have then you will kill yourself speculating all the moves we should make. When in actuality there may nt be moves out there. Thats the reality.



    KW has no choice but to keep moving forward on his "Go For It" approach. The decision was already made when he re-signed MB and Dye.

  13. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 01:06 AM)
    I'll continue to be take my 99% accuracy rate because when it happens. I am happy that I am right. It's an ego thing...It sucks though that it comes at the expense of the teams I root for. The pessimism is really only with sports. I just expect the worst and hope for the best with certain things. It's win-win.


    That's actually how Cub fans act.


    What a lame outlook.

  14. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 10:18 PM)
    I dont know if I'm ready to give Turner the can yet. The O-line has been so miserable I cant put all the blame on him. That being said I wouldnt shed any tears if he did get canned. As for Babich, I couldnt agree more that he needs the can. The only thing that doesnt make sense is we lead the league in 3 and outs and really good in 3rd and long... but just horrible in every other statistic.


    I'm ready to scrap him and get an O-Coordinator who will put the ball in the air. We have the QB in Rex to do it.


    With the way the NFL is now in pass interferences/illegal contact and everything else the defense isn't allowed to do....it's stupid not to throw more.

  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 08:49 PM)
    I don't care who your O-coordinator is, if your O-Line can't create holes for a running back or keep the D off of your QB, then your coordinator is going to look horrible. Not to excuse anything, but seriously, if your options are "Run for 1-2 yards or have the QB drop back and have a 33% chance of having him sacked/hit", you figure out how to make that work.


    Turner has still had a terrible year in failing to incorporate Hester into the offense. I understand that it isn't as people think- but talk about a complete lack of creativity.


    Turner also has stuck to the game plan too much. When something isn't working.....it isn't working. We've stayed committed to the run even though we KNEW we couldn't run.


    Say what you will about not being able to do anything, but Turner did nothing to try and change it. When is the last time you ever saw the Bears line up in shot gun with 5 WRs? Why not give Rex a look at his old Florida days? How could that be any worse than what we've been doing?


    It's just a shame how this season has gone for Rex because I totally believe he's a very capable QB and will probably throw it back in our face if he gets a chance to play somewhere else.

  16. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 12:35 AM)
    Contreras dominated and never looked better in the 2nd half of 05-1st half of 06'. Everyone was talking about how unhittable he was and everything else. How'd that pan out this year???


    He had a pinched nerve in his back and he's old.


    Javy is a pitcher that gets people out with his stuff. Dontrelle tries to deceive people with his wind-up. They're worlds apart.


  17. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 12:27 AM)
    Bulls***. In 2006?


    I don't have ur qoute in front of me right now but I am fairly certain you had said he was pitching better in the 2nd half of 06'. That is what that comment was towards.


    And no I didn't see many of Willis games. Maybe 10. Like I said, his stuff was bad. I've mentioned it in numerous threads. Nothing had bite and he had no "out pitch"


    It's hard to just up and lose stuff though. Usually there is something behind it. It's rare someone just wakes up after several years of success and in their mid 20's to just having nothing. Usually it's mechanics or an injury. Rare his god given ability just stops.


    Well I thought you were talking about '07....but either way what does '06 matter?


    Is it rare for a pitcher to just lose it? Nope. Not in D-Train's case. D-Train really has only thrown two pitches his entire career. He was long projected to be a long reliever even after his big rookie campaign. Will D-Train get his velocity back? Probably. But he's still been figured out.


    Mentioning Javy and Dontrelle in the same breath after last season is crazy.

  18. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 12:00 AM)
    ok. I say we should rebuild now. Start checking my head but I am pretty sure logic is not a symptom that can be treated. My reason why...you answered it yourself. "We are AT BEST the 3rd best team heading into 08'".


    So what do you want KW to do? Trade OC for less than he could've gotten for Garland? DUMB.


    "And last I checked the Twins still have Johan. So outside of Hunter, Garza, Bartlett and Silva being gone. 2 of those I will say are minor because they didn't give contribution that was season changing."


    If you think Johan will still be a Twin before the season starts, you're naive. I think the Twins will rebuild in a hurry, but '08 is going to be a tough year for them and people in the Twin Cities admit it.


    "Idk about you...but for a team who has problems going past a certain limit with spending and all that kind of stuff....Why spend the 100 mil when we know we aren't going to win?"


    So you know we aren't going to win? IF Linebrink does what management hopes he does...we might be 10 games better on that alone. Now I think Linebrink is vastly overrated, but he's a huge upgrade to our bullpen either way. With how many games we blew in the 7th or 8th inning last year...we should see vast improvement in that area alone. To say that we WON'T win next year isn't fair at this point. MB and Javy are one of the stronger 1-2 punches in any starting rotation in baseball in my opinion. If things fall right (I understand it's a big if) this team can win.


    "That is why I think we should do it. If using common sense and understanding your own ideas means getting your head checked...sign me up."


    Ok so we'll just go ahead and deal MB and Dye away for half of what we could've gotten at the dead line last year, even though we got bargain deals on them.


    Come on! If you don't agree with KW's choice to "go for it in '08" in July of last year that’s fine. But to say he should back off now would be the dumbest thing he could do.


    KW made his decision and he has to live with it and keep moving forward.




  19. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 11:32 PM)
    Javy did look better but not much. I still want to say he had like a 4.8 era in the 2nd half.


    He had a 3.8 ERA Post-All Star actually. Take into account that we were one of the worst teams in baseball with perhaps the worst defense and color me impressed.

  20. QUOTE(Chombi @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 11:32 PM)
    I didn't say I would take Willis over Javy. I said he is in a similar, but reversed situation. But seriously, forget the ballpark. It is a case of one bad season for Dontrelle, regardless of ballpark, to one good season for Javy. That's all I am saying. Both still have question marks coming into this season....And one other thing I never hear mentioned...Our hitter's all claim they couldn't hit because of the weather...Do you factor that into your Javy domination? Just something to think about when you hear that kind of talk about our hitters, cuz it was bs.


    Javy and D-Train shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath right now. Javy has NEVER looked better in his career after last season. Javy had better seasons in Montreal, sure, but his stuff has never been this polished. Javy's best pitch has become his 2-seamer, which is unhittable when on with his variety of pitches. I’d even make the argument that Javy has “ace-like” stuff and is our best pitcher going into next year.


    I have to question how often you watched Willis pitch last year because no one in their right mind would just play it off for Dontrelle to say that it was just “one bad season”. I watched Dontrelle pitch an over/under of about 10 times last year and he looked awful. Dontrelle’s fire was always there, but he just wasn’t the same pitcher. He was throwing 85/86 every time out and had NO bite to his slider….none at all. If any of these AL teams load up a lineup with righties to face him- He’s going to get shelled big time.


    I don’t doubt for a second that Detroit is trying to deal D-Train for pretty much anything right now. But the Tigers know that they’re stuck with him.

  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 08:43 PM)
    I'd love to see how any of these pieces could do with an actual Offensive line. I'd love to have seen how Grossman could have performed, with Benson behind him and these receivers, if they had an O-Line that was performing well. It's always struck me as remarkable how many deficiencies a good O-Line can mask.


    Except for Griese. Seriously, don't you bench him after that one?


    The OLine is 100% the reason for the offenses failures this year.


    Well that and Turner has had a terrible year.

  22. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 05:57 PM)
    Not a big power guy, but he's basically a more advanced version of Ryan Sweeney 2 or 3 years from now. Good BA and good OBP. Fairly comparable to Matt Murton I guess.


    Kemp could be a big power guy. When MB's name was being bounced in the rumor mill last off-season, Kemp's name came up a lot as a primary part of a package from LA.


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