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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 02:15 PM)
    Amazingly, there's still potentially room for 1 of them. Jim Thome has an option year for 09...if he struggles with injuries this year or shows his age, it's possible that the Sox won't want to pay the $14 million for him, at which point, JD becomes the obvious next candidate for DH (and I'll grant that the Phillies may pick up a small amount of Thome's money). That would create an opening in the OF for either of them. Or a struggling Owens could do the same thing, if we don't pick up another OF this offseason.


    I wouldn't mind seeing either of them getting another shot.


    I do think Anderson's days on the south side are now numbered, though.

  2. QUOTE(heirdog @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 02:04 PM)
    The longer this trade goes without a KW comment makes me think more and more that Quentin will be flipped in another deal.


    I hope that's not the case unless the next deal really blows our socks off...Crawford, Cabrera, Bedard?


    Anyone heard any comments from the Sox brass on the deal?


    I'm sure they won't comment until they've spoken with Carter. This probably got leaked a hell of a lot sooner than they wanted it.


    I'm sure Carter won't be too upset about this. He'll be groomed to be the future 1B of a team that may have the brightest future in the game.

  3. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Dec 2, 2007 -> 02:27 PM)
    The rumor was Hughes and Kennedy (in addition to Melky). It was more or less shot down.


    I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here...


    These teams are just posturing...if the Yanks really wouldn't deal Hughes AND Kennedy for Johan, while letting him go to Boston...


    I can't even predict that outcome because it's too far-fetched.

  4. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Dec 2, 2007 -> 02:16 PM)
    The idea of improving the Sox short term through trades (unless they are absurdly one sided) is dumb. D-U-M-B.


    What? You mean you don't think the Pirates will deal Bay for Mac?

    What logic is this??

  5. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 04:06 PM)
    But can it be "fixed" in 5 months?


    I think KW has done a good job so far. He needed to make a move or two BEFORE the winter meetings and he did that.


    I think Linebrink is overrated, but he is an answer for our SU void. I LOVED the OC trade, which filled our void at SS and in the two hole.


    KW has been active enough IMO. I agree he has work to do, but he's done enough and has done ok at worst thus far.


  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 08:13 PM)
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Last year's Aaron Rowand is worth that kind of money. The 2006 and 2005 versions of Aaron Rowand are worth 1/4 of that. If you could guarantee me we'd get the 07 version at least most of the years of that contract, ok, but I still don't have said guarantee from anyone.


    Here's my comparison. Uribe gets hot next year. Puts up a Tejada like OPS. 900 or so, 30 home runs, .300+ average, etc. Would you then give Mr. Uribe a 5/$75 deal? If he put up those same numbers every year, he'd be worth it. But when Mr. .240 comes back...


    Let the Dodgers overpay for Rowand. Give me Druw Jones.

  7. If you have a 360 get Mass Effect.


    If you're at the store and they have Mass Effect there....buy it and take it home.


    If you don't have a 360, buy one so then you can buy Mass Effect.



    My goodness what a game. (If you played the KotORs for XBox.....this is that exact same type of RPG)

  8. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 12:04 PM)
    Then convince Torii Hunter to sneak into the Anaheim front office, burn his contract, and sign a better one with the White Sox.


    No thanks.


    I'm glad he isn't on our team....even for what KW wanted to give him.

  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 11:56 AM)
    Crisp is just not that great. Neither is Taveras. Not worth the money/prospects/players they would cost.


    If Rowand is asking for ridiculous money, if the Sawx are delusional enough to think they will get 3 good prospects for Crisp, if Fukodome goes elsewhere, and if the Sox can't swing a mega-deal for Andruw (signing) or Crawford (trade)...


    Then I think a backup plan should be signing Jenkins for LF, and going with Owens in CF. Trade Crede and Uribe for the best young prospects they can fetch.



    Only problem with Jenkins is that Jenkins won't come that cheap either $$$ wise. We'll all be stunned to see what he gets I'm sure. Add that in with the fact that his skills are diminishing and he's played in the NL all of his career....I'm not too thrilled about him.


    (I've met Jenkins and he's cool as s***. He banged one of the girls I knew and she talked him up pretty big after)

  10. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:54 AM)
    If this is true, then it goes against everything the Sox (KW and JR) have been saying. If you are serious about building a championship team, like they say, you are going to have to pay people, simple as that. Since the Sox have one of the worst farm systems in baseball, we can't build from within, thus we must go out and sign free agents. And unfortunately, good free agents cost money, but it pisses me off the Sox never go out and get the big fish.


    Eh don't be so upset. The off-season isn't over yet and Hunter wasn't worth the $$$ that even the WSox were willing to give him let alone what Anaheim did.

  11. QUOTE(chisox2334 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 06:44 AM)
    Cowely sources have been wrong last yr. Going through the whole buerhle about to sign to buerhle souces saying it was dead. I love the part where says trade crede to rockies for taveras when atkins is in colordao


    No s***.


  12. Prayers go out to Sean Taylor's family and the Washington Redskins.


    With that being said, if anyone actually believes this to be a burglary/strong armed robbery gone bad....you're naive.


    This was an assassination. Taylor was a dog long before he put on the Hurricane uniform. The man was a thug. He didn't get shot in the balls by accident.


    If I've upset anybody by saying these things, I don't apologize. This is why people like Taylor shouldn't get a free-pass in life and be held accountable for their actions. Taylor has always gotten off every step of the way. Taylor's past caught up with him. It's a shame to say all of this, but it's true.

  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 26, 2007 -> 01:44 PM)
    The question I have is at what price could LA have signed him? They went to 90, 15 over the Sox. Could they have gotten him for 85? 80? 75? Seems like they left a lot of money on the table.


    The article said that the Angels wanted to prevent Hunter from meeting with the Dodgers.


    Judging from the recent offers of 5 yr/75, 5yr/73, 5yr/70.....you certainly would assume if the Dodgers were to bid- they'd bid higher. For the Angels to offer 5yr/90 just to make sure he didn't visit with the Dodgers makes sense if they wanted him that badly.


    The only reason I'm disappointed we didn't get Hunter is because he's who the WSox really wanted.


    I'm glad we didn't get him because he just isn't worth that kind of money. He's not even close to the 5yr/75 mil to what we offered him.


    I think it's fitting that Ben Wallace was in a video to get him here...Hunter probably saw him and thought, "Wow it woudl suck to end up like him and have the city of Chicago accuse me of stealing money."

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