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Posts posted by rockren

  1. As optimistic as I've been and as big of a fan of Miggy that I am...


    Even I've been coming to the reality that there is probably less than a 10% chance of dealing for Miggy. We just don't have what it takes to get him.


    If Florida did like what we had as far as young talent goes....it'd take all of it. Forget this Fields, Floyd, Gio and Egbert stuff. It'd take Danks, Gio, De Los Santos, Owens/Sweeney/Anderson and Fields. We'll come to the realization as a fan base sooner or later.

  2. QUOTE(PAUL KONERKO 14 @ Nov 14, 2007 -> 05:08 PM)
    Castillo=Not the answer to our problems. I would rather not have him on our team.


    Considering he looked to have a tough time walking back to the dugout the past few years.....yeah.

  3. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 06:04 PM)
    Why do people think Jones is going to get a 1 year deal? This is the same agent that got Magglio Ordonez a 5 year, $75 mill deal with escalator clauses to bring it up to a 7 year, $105 mill deal when Magglio's career was in jeopardy.


    I don't foresee Andruw Jones getting a 1 year deal, but perhaps that's just me.


    It's not just you- If Druw Jones' camp best offer was a 5 yr/65, at the end of the day they'd take it.


    Jones will get at least that. This isn't Jeff Weaver we're talking about here.

  4. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 11:18 PM)
    and that couldn't be farther from the truth


    I give Hunter a 10% chance of staying in Minny next year. That's if he doesn't like what he hears in FA and decides to just go ahead and take the hometown discount at the 3yrs/45 mil that was offered him. 10% may be a little too high, but a 90% chance that he gets at least 5yrs/75 mil from another franchise sounds about right.


    The chances of them resigning Johan? About a 5% chances- now I know that is high considering Johan was asking why he was still there in the middle of last year.


    Chances of them both staying? ZERO. Predicting that ownership will invest 35 plus million a year into two players is a pipe dream to any Twinkie backer.


  5. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:18 AM)
    Unless, maybe, he's trying to market Fields for trading, as a 3B. He may be thinking in terms of trading Crede OR Fields, and the market needs 3B's, not LF's.


    That could very well be the case, too.


    However, unless the WSox somehow have Florida's interest in a mega deal for Miggy- I don't see them trading Fields for really anything.

  6. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:13 AM)
    Yeah, Bosh has been rather hit or miss on the young season, and Toronto is struggling to get in a groove... but they did just split two with the Magic. We'll see. I think that first win was huge for the Bulls and they will come out rolling... but Bargnani/Bosh might give them fits.


    Hopefully they sit Big Ben down for a while. I'm not trying to make an excuse for Wallace, but he's a shell of his former self from last year. That ankle is bugging him even more than he's letting on.


    Ben is doing nothing for us while he's in anyway. Let him rest up and get closer to 100% before we rely on him to be our enforcer inside again. Besides, this will allow Tyrus to play more. Tyrus/Smith/Noah/Noc and even Gray for a few minutes will hold up just fine for a few games inside for us.

  7. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:43 AM)
    However, he's had two what I would consider monster games out of 5, and is looking much better than 2006-07, so I am very happy with what I have seen. I'll be at the UC tomorrow night, hopefully he dunks on Bargnani (taken 3 spots higher than him) a few times.


    You lucky bastard.


    Tyrus will be going against Bosh all night so he'll have a tough time. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ty put up some big plays and surprise Bosh, though.

  8. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:40 AM)
    Crede is getting dealt. KW is just trying to drive up his value a bit to squeeze that extra piece, but the future of the White Sox at 3B is Josh Fields, not the Scott Boras-led Joe Crede.


    You just don't send a guy down to AAA who had a pace of 37/108 in his rookie year.


    You're exactly right and every MLB GM will agree with you.


    There really isn't any other reason for KW to say that.

  9. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 11:38 PM)
    Tyrus is going to be improved, but inconsistent this year IMO. Thus, this will be a VERY long, back and forth thread, by the time late April arrives.


    If Tyrus gets 30 plus every night- he'll have a great year.


    But if he gets a few early fouls and only sees 20 minutes, then yes...he'll be up and down. The thing that bothers me is that Skiles falls in love with Noc at the 4 in the 4th quarter. So Ty could get lost on the bench late in the game, which is BS.


    Whether or not TY is consistent this year- the sky is clearly the limit for this freak of a 21 year old.

  10. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:23 AM)
    No he won't. If Crede plays the year and walks as a FA the Sox could get 2 high picks. If he is healthy and it appears he is, he is a better option than Fields. Fields working on his defense and a back-up to Thome and Konerko should something happen is not a bad thing. He is not going to give him away.


    Are you kidding? Sending Fields down to AAA or not allowing him to play daily wouldn't be beneficial to Fields' development at all.


    No one is a bigger Joe Crede fan than I am, but read between the lines. If the WSox can save themselves 7 mil on Crede next year they will.

  11. QUOTE(BearSox @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:07 AM)
    Kenny Williams said:



    Now this makes no sense to me. Why in earth we send Fields down to AAA even if Crede stays? What was the whole purpose of having Fields in LF last season? This tells me that KW already has the LF spot already filled, and I have a real bad feeling it will be 'you know who'.


    That's just KW trying to drive up the asking price for Joe Crede IMO.


    "We're so confident in Joe that we'll send Fields down to AAA next year, so if you want to make a deal for him- we're not just going to give him away."


    Someone should tell KW nobody is buying it. Everyone knows he'll essentially give Crede away.

  12. QUOTE(greg775 @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 02:19 AM)
    I think you are going to get your wish, but why would you be furious if inning-eater Garland is on our team next year?

    Don't understand.


    He's thinking along the lines of every smart WSox fan in the fact that Garland will be gone after next year anyway in all liklihood. Why not pick up a few arms for him before he goes?


    Nippert, Owings and Pena from Arizona is a deal that I would target for Garland. I'd settle for Nippert, Cruz and Pena if I had to.


    We'd add a potential set up man in Pena and a guy like Nippert would compete for the 5th Spot. Owings would be in our rotation for sure, while Cruz would provide another BP/LR arm.

  13. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 02:04 AM)
    Looks like we could kill that noise:

    per Ken Rosenthal


    The fact that he states that the Red Sox and Yankees are interested totally discredits this report.


    The Yanks have come out and said they won't deal multiple young arms for Miggy.


    Boston is trying to re-sign Lowell.


    I totally believe the Dodgers/Angels interest, but this all sounds like pure speculation on Rosenthal's part.


  14. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 03:14 PM)

    If Uribe can hit .255, Richar can hit .265, Konerko can rebound to .280, Crede get .270, Fields .270.. we're competing for the wild card.


    No chance in hell with Uribe hitting .255. I know you already know this and was stating the above as an admiration, but he's hit .234 the past two seasons combined. Uribe is terrible and I'm not over thrilled with the re-signing to say the least.

  15. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 07:31 AM)
    Yes. Fields is one of the in the organization that would have real value to Flordia. A deal of Fields/Gio/DLS would certainly be something Flordia would have to listen to. Just another reason why having a solid farm system is so important.


    Judging from the Beckett deal in the past, Florida got MLB ready players in that deal (Han-Ram and Sanchez).


    While I'm sure they'd be interested in acquiring DLS, we could probably get away with keeping DLS.


    Agreed that Fields would HAVE to be involved, Fields/Gio/Floyd/Egbert is a deal that I would do rather quickly. Fields would be their starting 3B right away and it's more than likely all three pitchers would be on their MLB Roster after dealing Willis as well.

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