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Everything posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 26, 2007 -> 01:44 PM) The question I have is at what price could LA have signed him? They went to 90, 15 over the Sox. Could they have gotten him for 85? 80? 75? Seems like they left a lot of money on the table. The article said that the Angels wanted to prevent Hunter from meeting with the Dodgers. Judging from the recent offers of 5 yr/75, 5yr/73, 5yr/70.....you certainly would assume if the Dodgers were to bid- they'd bid higher. For the Angels to offer 5yr/90 just to make sure he didn't visit with the Dodgers makes sense if they wanted him that badly. The only reason I'm disappointed we didn't get Hunter is because he's who the WSox really wanted. I'm glad we didn't get him because he just isn't worth that kind of money. He's not even close to the 5yr/75 mil to what we offered him. I think it's fitting that Ben Wallace was in a video to get him here...Hunter probably saw him and thought, "Wow it woudl suck to end up like him and have the city of Chicago accuse me of stealing money."
  2. For this whole thread..... I'd be willing to bet KW doesn't even know who he's talking about. Whatever new addition we end up settling for- that'll be the guy KW says he was talking about.
  3. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Nov 25, 2007 -> 02:54 PM) You don't trade a major league starting picther for a AA prospect. You don't gain anything now to help you win. The suggsted trade is all Mets I agree with the thought.....but who considers Count as Major League pitching? He's been the worst starter in the bigs the past year and a half IMO. He's old as dirt and makes over 10 mil next year. You get a chance to get rid of him- you do it.
  4. QUOTE(G&T @ Nov 25, 2007 -> 09:19 AM) This is the same logic that said we should have kept Freddy. He looked good the last month of '06, then couldn't pitch in '07. If KW can clear some of the salary and get some value he has to do it. The money saved can go to Colon or someone else who can be an injury risk for less money. We can only hope this is what KW is thinking.
  5. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 04:19 PM) I actually like Patterson, but then a left-fielder would have to be brought in. The only left fielder with a big enough impact to make up for Patterson's .300 OBP is probably going to jail. Bonds wishes he were going to a jail....that assbag will be serving prison time.
  6. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 02:04 AM) The Yankees and their fans can pound sand. What a bunch of frickin' tools.
  7. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 21, 2007 -> 01:31 AM) Ace, I don't mind if people wear their hate sideways. That's about individuality. When on the baseball field, you should follow some type of dress code, and unless you are tilting your hat to block the sun, I feel you should keep it straight. Merely an opinion, among many, but it's how I feel. I actually use to cock my hat to the left when I pitched. I wore it with a curve and it made it easier to see runners on 1st Base while looking over my left shoulder. I do however think it is completely retarded to cock it for any other reason on the baseball field.
  8. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 06:30 PM) We don't want to lock this thread. The bickering is over. Everyone stop. Thank you.
  9. This argument is stupid. Who cares.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 05:08 PM) And the reason why people are upset with you is that you have tried to pass your opinion as fact up until very recently. That would upset me too. Just stop saying "he's signed, announcement tommorow". If it's your opinion, say, "I think the Sox have him locked. I don't see him signing anywhere else now". Eh, it isn't a big deal. People should know more than to just go on the word of someone on a message board anyway. People should take that kind of thing for what it's worth. If people really took him seriously and started calling all of their Minnesota friends and talking smack......as Hawk would say....then shame on 'em. Not shame on 'em for talking smack to the Minnesota people of course (that is commended) but for jumping the gun.
  11. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 03:45 PM) I was kind of thinking/hoping that it would go like this: Joe Crede and Brian Anderson to Philly Coco Crisp to the White Sox and to the Red Sox....hmm...Carlos Carrasco ? hahah Boston is set to be the best team in baseball the next two years anyway.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 12:38 PM) No way, Phils want to make him a starter (#2). I think Crede will be on the Phillies within 10 days, but we might get someone like Greg Dobbs for him. I see a Tad Icuchi type deal when all said and done. I wanted DeSalvo from the Yanks and people on here yelled at me saying we can get better. I don't know what people think we'll get for a guy with a contract year/has Boras/just had back surgery..... He like Uribe will be given away because every team knows we need to clear cash for Hunter.
  13. QUOTE(Scwible @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 02:19 PM) I heard that when they first met, Kenny had a video with those guys on it telling hunter about the city or something. beat me to it greg. Brining up Big Ben in any conversation with Hunter makes me want to steer clear of Hunter that much more.
  14. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 02:32 PM) Forget the Torii as DH idea. Forget it. We don't need another DH. I think Stone meant 2 or 3 years from now after Hunter's body can't play everyday anymore due to being old and beat up.
  15. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 02:45 PM) Just curious, how do you define the word "decent"? Uribe will be given away.
  16. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 20, 2007 -> 12:01 AM) And part of pitching is defense, especially if your staff isnt striking guys out at a good rate. Something I just thought of, and it's probably not a huge point but it holds some relevance, and that's that Vazquez had his best years in Montreal with Orlando Cabrera as his shortstop. Whether that's mere coincidence or not, I don't know, but it is true. If we do end up inking Hunter, that'll give give two new gold glove additions in important areas (CF ans SS). I can't think of a better way to bring up young pitching than to put a great defense behind it. It looks as if KW is taking the route of letting Danks, Floyd, Gio, Broadway and Egbert fight it out for the last two rotation spots going into next year. I know some people may be down about that, but not me. A youth movement at the end of the rotation may be a great thing for us going forward and would be worth the gamble. Give me the promise of the future over the glory of the past time any day.
  17. QUOTE(max power @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 11:24 PM) Where would tori hunter bat in that lineup if they signed him? 6th
  18. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 05:57 PM) Also, we still need a leadoff hitter in all of this. I'm really hoping that Pods isn't back with us. But if we can't trade Crede for a leadoff hitter who can play LF, is KW really going to give that spot to Owens? No I can't see that happening myself. And what leadoff hitters are available out there (and isn't going to break the bank)? Would KW and Ozzie really give the leadoff spot to a Luke Scott type of hitter, someone without speed? I would say no. With a quality #2 like OC, I don't hate the idea of giving Owens a shot to lead off as much as before we got OC.
  19. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 05:42 PM) So just a couple of questions and points quickly; 1 - It's essentially Garland for Cabrera, and the cash it's freed up has probably ensured that we are to sign Hunter if the above report is true? How are people with that overall scenario? 2 - Is Hunter worth 75/5 (or even more)? At 1st glance, definitely not. At least we'll be hurting the Twins I suppose. 3 - What draft picks do we lose for signing Hunter? 4 - Signing Hunter for $15M, lose Garland for $12M, Cabrera for $9M, and we'd probably being paid about $2M. That's an overall gain of $10M. What's our total payroll at, and if we traded Crede and got rid of his $5M salary how would that impact it? 5 - Now with the Hunter signing, do we concentrate on fixing the pen, or do we have to find a SP to fill in for Garland? Answer for #3 is we'd be losing our 2nd Rnd pick due to the fact that Hunter is a Type A FA and we lost 90 games last year so we only forfeit a 2nd rather than a 1st.
  20. It should be noted that OC was the only Angel to touch Garland in that Game 3 game with a 2-run bomb. Just throwing that out there.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 12:54 PM) What was it, game 4 against the Angels? On 10 days rest, sinker not working at all, and he comes back and throws a complete game with nothing but his fastball? That was Game 3, when the series was 1-1. Some guys have overwhelming stuff and some guys just know how to pitch. Garland certainly knew how to pitch, but more importantly, he knew how to win. It was a pleasure, Jon Garland.
  22. QUOTE(Wanne @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 03:02 PM) Here's a big one... Cabrera-2 Eckstein-0 It's more like, OC: 2 Eckstein: -8
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 03:34 PM) Hes also a great leader and clubhouse guy and brings energy to the field which was lacking last season. Most angels fans are upset about losing his character, and rightfully so. I'll bet Vlad isn't happy about this. The past few years, OC has been their 2nd best hitter IMO. Vlad and OC appeared to have been extremely close as well. I feel bad for Vlad but feel great for us.
  24. QUOTE(PAUL KONERKO 14 @ Nov 19, 2007 -> 03:29 PM) Well they do play in different leagues. OC is time times the player Eck is. When OC gets here- you'll love watching him everyday on the South Side. This guy is a blast to watch.
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