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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 03:38 PM)
    As for Greene, he's been mentioned here before, but the Padres would also need a SS replacement obviously, so I don't see them trading him unless they get a real good offer.



    Khalil Greene would blow up at US Cellular. His defense is top notch and I don't think we could be so lucky as to pull in Greene.

  2. QUOTE(BearSox @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 03:49 PM)
    Fernando Hernandez has come a long way for a 49th round draft pick. Our AAA bullpen looks pretty good with Onelli Perez, Fernando Hernandez, Dewon Day, Adam Russell, Carlos Vasquez, and a couple of others.


    That's great news because we'll more than likely need one of those arms to step up for us in the pen late in '08.

  3. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:42 PM)
    He's still a hell of a productive player. I hope Fields is as productive. I don't care how frustrating it gets at times.


    Fair enough.

  4. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:33 PM)
    What the hell do you want from the man? 40-100-100 every season. .925+ OPS. He's a beast. He destroys RHP to the tune of 1.000+ OPS. Fields will never be Adam Dunn though. Fields will never walk as much as Dunn, that's for sure.


    I have friends in Cincinnati that claim Dunn to be a huge rally killer. Since he's been the bigs he's struck out 170 times a year to the tune of a career .248 BA.


    He's as exciting as it gets at times, but he's the type of guy you'd rather watch play on someone else's team IMO.

  5. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:27 PM)
    What's wrong with Adam Dunn? I pray Fields turns out to be as good a hitter as Dunn.


    I suppose Dunn would be king around here because of his OBP.


    What I don't like about Dunn is that he's not a complete player. He's a guess hitter and a porous defender. Teams are scared to Christ to pitch to him, of course, but a player like Dunn frustrates because I don't think he's come close to living up to his talent.

  6. QUOTE(scenario @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:11 PM)
    Besides, we (WhiteSox fans) value Fields higher than other teams do.


    My guess is because he was the only recent highly touted prospect we've had to hold his head above water at the Major League level in his initial stint with the club.


    However he shows awesome power and is a great athlete. I do like Fields, but he looks like an Adam Dunn to me at this point.




  7. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:09 PM)
    That is no slam at all; I actually find Roberts to be more valuable, being a 2Bman and all.


    You underrate Roberts and overrate Crawford. Just compare them, please.


    Didn't realize Roberts stole 50 bases last year. Roberts also has a much better BB/K ratio than does Crawman.


    However, Crawford is 4 years younger than is Roberts and IMO a much much higher ceiling.

  8. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:06 PM)
    Fields does not come close to Evan Longoria at 3B. Longoria is an absolute stud. The D-Rays would not be interested in Fields unless they could move him to some other team for something they want.


    Agreed. I missed the bus and forgot about Longoria.

  9. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:06 PM)
    Just as a complete hypothetical, would you give up Josh Fields for Brian Roberts?


    What a slam on Crawford. Uncalled for, sir.

  10. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 12:02 PM)
    The White Sox lose their best young hitter, and the Rays don't need any more bats.


    You don't trade Fields unless you get a superstar type player (or close to superstar); Carl Crawford is not a superstar.


    Thank you for your elaboration.


    I agree with the first part, but totally disagree with the second part.

  11. QUOTE(scenario @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 11:56 AM)
    Nah. Tampa already has more quality 3B prospects than any team in MLB. In fact, they have too many. Not likely they're going to move their most tradeable asset to get another one. They've got other needs.


    I thought about that as well and that could very well be the case.


    However, I feel Fields would rank above any of those players at 3B. If they didn't agree, Fields would be a LF candidate to replace Crawman as well.

  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 11:03 AM)
    And none of those guys would I hesitate in trading for someone like Crawford.


    I think the headliner would be Josh Fields in a deal like this. I recall Ozzie saying near the end of the year that if they could move Fields to bring back a big time player he'd be in favor of it. If anyone needs me to get a link- I will. I'll just go ahead and believe you'll take my word for it for now.

  13. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 11:24 AM)
    1 guaranteed year remaining on his deal but there are 2 team options as well.


    2008: $5.25 million

    2009: $8.25 million club option w/$2.5 million buyout

    2010: $10 million club option w/$1.25 million buyout


    Crawford at 3 yrs for 23.5 million?


    Oh I hope the rumor is true.

  14. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 10:34 AM)
    Could the Sox trade for Abreu?


    Abreu has a 1yr/16 mil deal with the Yanks. With the departure of ARod, they'll really need his slugging and OBP more than ever.


    With a 1 yr deal, it wouldn't be worth the WSox to get him anyway....especially at 16 million.

  15. I just don't see what all the hate for Owens is for.


    I don't think he's anything special, either. However, how can anyone hate the idea of him moving to LF and batting 8th or 9th? Owens gives us another dimension that we wouldn't necessarily have without him in his ability to play small ball/steal bases.

  16. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 06:34 PM)
    If we trade for Damon, we better sign Hunter or Rowand because if not Damon will most assuredly be butchering CF for the next 2 seasons.


    I think it's a foregone conclusion that Damon will be in LF next year no matter what.

  17. QUOTE(spiderman @ Nov 4, 2007 -> 06:01 PM)
    What are the contractual status' of both Burrell and Damon ?


    I have little interest in either guy....Burrell strikes out way too often, and Damon seems to be breaking down and both make in excess of 10 million dollars.


    I am in favor of keeping Crede for next season at 3B, but if we do move him, I'm hoping it's for a possible starting pitcher and/or a dependable relief pitcher.


    I also want to see if we could get a young arm that could have a shot at making our rotation next year for Crede and the Yanks would be that team able to facilitate that idea.


    Burrell has one year left at around 14 million (Type A FA)


    Damon has 2 years left at around 26 million (if a deal gets done it's projected that the Yanks eat around 4 mil/year and we'd owe Damon 18mil for 2yrs)


  18. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 3, 2007 -> 09:58 AM)
    I want Furcal.


    I'll end up with Uribe or Eckstein. :angry:


    I think we'll end up with Furcal. It may cost us Garland, however I'm sure the Dodger would throw in Brazoban to make the deal work.


    Brazoban just had TJ last year, but should be back playing in the bigs by June.


  19. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 3, 2007 -> 10:04 AM)
    Wow, I'm shocked by this.


    Let's just crown his ass. haha.


    Seriously, his next 15 effort will probably be in December, but good point, he's erased everything from the past.


    Tyrus is the most talented player we have.


    Tyrus hit four or five 17 foot jumpers last night. If he continues to do that, he'll average 15 pts/game for the year.


    His biggest problem is getting in early foul trouble, which significantly cuts into his PT. Another problem is how Skiles is all over Noc late in the game and Noc always plays the 4 in the 4th quarter.


    If Ty can get 35-40 minutes a night consistently, the sky is the limit ALREADY this season for him.

  20. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 02:50 PM)
    He's not going to get 6 years, it'll be 4 or 5 at the most and as for the contract that he supposedly turned down, according to Hunter a legitimate offer was never even made by the Twins.


    I'm not worried about the 4th or 5th year of the deal because the first 3 should be pretty damn good by that 4th he'll be slower but probably still hitting for good power and making all the plays he's capable of getting to in the OF.


    And yes, some people are worried about the first few years of the deal. When claims of "career years" and "he's a mediocre player" are being made, then it's not just the last year or 2 of the deal that people are worried about.


    I don't see anyone offering him more than 5 guaranteed years, if someone like Tom Hicks decides to do so then bully for him he can have Torii. But $13M-$14M a year over 4 or 5 years doesn't scare me all that much. What else are the Sox going to spend that money on? The payroll will likely be in the 100's for the foreseeable future and there's no players aside from Garland (who is pretty much out the door) that are looking for big money in the coming years and the free agents aren't going to get any cheaper. The money is there and the player is a good fit.


    Hunter will get 5 yrs/75 mil minimum.


    A 4 year deal? In FA? No way in hell.

  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 02:36 PM)
    You're delusional. I'm still waiting for you to back any of this up. How is he mediocre? HIS HUGE CONTRACT SEASON WAS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT HE HAS DONE IN YEARS PAST. You act like he's been a .750 OPS player for every year of his career until last year when he shot up to .950. Last year was the 4th .800+ OPS season of his career and only 13 OPS points better than his 2006 numbers hell even 2005 was .789. THAT'S NOT MEDIOCRE. You can keep saying that he's slowed down in the OF but the Cell is one of the smallest centerfields in the league and he's still going to make all the plays. He's 32 years old, you act like he's 38.


    It isn't the short term that anyone is worried about regarding Hunter.


    It's the 6yr/90 million he wants.


    Do you really want to owe this guy 30 million when he's 37? Do you really want to be on the hook for that? Let some other team suffer that horrible contract.

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