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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(BearSox @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 02:25 PM)
    Furcal hopefully...


    And this obsession people have with Hunter is sickening. Face it, Hunter is old and just is a little better then a mediocre player who had a huge contract season. 5 years 90 million for Hunter would be one of the worst moves in baseball.


    Thank you.


    It's nothing against Hunter, but he isn't worth that much money long term. If we could get him for 3 yrs/45 million then fine...but Minny offered him that same deal and he turned it down. He will get a minimum of 5yr/75 mil...which is ridiculous for Hunter. I'd rather stomach Owens for another year at a 40th of the price.

  2. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 02:26 PM)
    im just saying eckstien would be cheaper because isnt furcal making 13-14 mill? i dont think eckstein will even get 10. how about that rumored deal from the past 2 years, garland in a deal for tejada?


    I think we're going to wait on Senator Mitchell's announcement on what players were juiced before we deal for our SS.


    I like the thought of getting Tejada, though...maybe not for Garland, but we'd have to give up something substantial.

  3. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Nov 2, 2007 -> 02:18 PM)
    i would love to get furcal. great defensively and he could be our leadoff hitter. eckstien would be cheaper and we wouldnt have to give anything to get him though...anyone but uribe


    We had better stay the hell away from Eckstein. Cheaper than Furcal? Eckstein is probably going to get a Lugo like contract at 4yr/36 mil.


    When Eck goes into his little slumps, he's worthless to have. If we give him big bucks I'll be pissed.


    I absolutely do NOT want us to deal Garland for Furcal, but hell I'd rather do that than sign Eckstein.

  4. This is such a gray area.


    I work in Law Enforcement (you could probably guess exactly what) and I've taken complaints on this kind of thing, but it's always a civil issue.


    I have heard much worse than this and it has gone to civil courts and dismissed. So as far as "Mary" taking action...it wouldn't even be worth trying. If it has made her as uncomfortable as she claims (rightfully so if that's the case) then she should just find a new job. It's sad and perhaps unfair advice, but it is what it is.


    Her boss is a creep IMO for commenting on her body no matter how casual he said it.

  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 11:47 PM)
    Owens>Crisp Can we please drop it


    Agreed. However if we can get Crisp for nothing...it's worth looking into. Whoever said Chris Carter for him......BWAHAHAHA.


    If we do get Crisp and find a team that just has to have Fields...things could get interesting.

  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 10:48 AM)
    I'd rather have Jerry Owens in CF for $400,000 than Torii Hunter in CF for 40x that amount...but I contend that you can't put Owens in CF if you don't fix your SS spot.


    I don't know why more people haven't said this. These FA CFs aren't worth half of what they'll ask for.


  7. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 02:18 PM)
    "Today sends a message that our guys don't have to worry about anything anymore,"


    If he trades for Kobe tomorrow and sends the same guys packing who were rumored, or if ESPN and/or Magic say he's still discussing a deal, he will lose all his credibility with his players. He's about as straight of shooter as there is. Both on and off the court.


    From the AP:

    We were never on the verge of a deal,’’ Paxson said. “There was never a time limit to get something done. We never got down to the nuts and bolts because there was never a deal to be done. The reality is we were having talks with the Lakers. But there’s not a deal going to be done.’’


    “A lot of the things that were mentioned were not based in any fact whatsoever, that’s the unfortunate part.’’


    Paxson said he could not rule out some scenario that resurrected the negotiations.


    “Who knows?’’ he said. “The reality now is it’s done. It’s only fair to the Lakers and to us and to everybody else that whatever talks we had--there are a lot of people out there searching for information and it becomes ridiculous half the time. I’m not going to separate fact from fiction because there’s so much fiction out there. It’s not fair to players. It’s not to fair to us. I don’t like seeing our guys names in the papers all the time about stuff that’s not based on fact. It’s time to put that part of it to rest and move on.’’

    Dan Bernstein------who you crappin?


    Just wait until Dec 15th. That's when we can add Noc's salary to a deal and make a deal happen. I'm glad they put these talks to rest and the Bulls can concentrate on playing basketball.


    Gordon, Tyrus and Noc for Kobe and Turiaf.


    I'm betting on that deal going down....unless the Bulls have the best record in the league at that point.


  8. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 08:28 AM)
    I'd rather not pay Hunter and save the money for Miguel Cabrera. That guy loves Ozzie. Show him the money and get him in shape. He would be awesome at USCF.




    I was really hoping we'd lay low this off-season just to maybe "save up" for Miggy next year.

  9. QUOTE(Allsox @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 08:13 AM)


    Would love to see Torii robbing HRs for us instead of from us! Better track record than the PA$$ION (Rowand) and at least CF won't be a gaping hole like it has been the last 2 yrs.


    I know I'm in the minority on my opinion...but I'm holding out that we don't sign Hunter.


    If he gets his 6 yr/90 million like he's rumored to want and will probably get...I'm hoping that someone else owes him $30 million when he's 38.

  10. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Nov 1, 2007 -> 07:04 AM)
    From the Daily Herald,

    After a month of light suspense, the starting power forward job was given to Tyrus Thomas.


    "The first four or five days of two-a-days in the Berto Center, that first unit (with Thomas) played really, really well together," Scott Skiles said. "I wanted to take a look at something a little bit different late in camp, basically because we had injuries. He certainly didn't do anything in exhibition to hurt himself."


    Certainly doesn't sound like lazy, unfocused and out of shape to me. You must take Skiles' jabs with a grain of salt. He is an old school coach who believes in constructive criticism. He tends to exagerrate the negative to get a small point across.


    Skiles was blowing smoke about Tyrus not meeting standards. If the Bulls get what they want in the Kobe talks (somehow trading only Wallace and Gordon, which I hope to God happens) Tyrus will become their new stopper inside.


    This organization thinks the world of Tyrus and rightfully so.

  11. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 09:09 AM)
    If they put him on the inactive list they are not waiting till the 15th to make this happen. I dont understand why you think that Noc is a reason to wait. He is a nice player, but what we call a throw in.


    Unless the Bulls throw Hinrich or Wallace in the deal to make it happen....Noc is the third highest paid player on the Bulls roster to get this done.


    That's why Noc is the reason to wait. Even if the Bulls actually wanted to trade Gordon, Deng, Tyrus and Noah...it wouldn't work under the CBA.


    Kobe makes 19.5 million next year. You need SOME type of big salary to add in and Noc is exactly that guy.

  12. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 11:33 AM)
    Are you kidding me? NO ONE has brought up the fact that Uribe was FIFTH on the team in WALKS last year with 34!!!!!!! That's just plain ridiculous...and if it doesn't change, the Sox aren't goin' anywhere.


    I'm flabbergasted and appalled by that stat.


    and walking Uribe isn't exactly an easy thing to do.


  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 11:14 AM)
    I've learned that a lot of us seem very poor at guessing what KW is doing under the radar. Out of every deal he's made in the last couple years, the only ones we seemed to even suspect beforehand were the Erstad signing and the Thome trade, and the Thome trade hit us pretty rapidly anyway.


    I hope Kenny sticks to his low-balling FAs this off-season. I've got a bad feeling about guys like Eckstein and Hunter. Those guys are going to get way more than they're worth.

  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 11:10 AM)
    I get the feeling that KW is going hard after him under the radar. He knows he is a good fit, and he knows we can get him somewhat cheaply because of his contract and the Dodgers young talent.


    I agree on Furcal, but I hope it doesn't cost us Garland.

  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 09:23 AM)
    So him saying that the ridiculous number they are asking for is ridiculous makes him an ass-bag?


    Nope. It's how arrogant KW always is. Dating way back to the Mike Sirotka trade and how he handled that in the media after it happened. The way he handled Frank said NOTHING and KW threw a crying tirade.


    KW could've said something to the effect that yeah ARod is a great player, but he takes the route and says "Oh it didn't even take me a second to think about it."


    KW is a good GM and has forgotten more about baseball than I know. However, personality wise...the guy is a piss-ant.

  16. QUOTE(spiderman @ Oct 30, 2007 -> 06:06 AM)
    ''When I heard the number ... put it this way: I heard that number, and I haven't spent one minute thinking about it,'' Williams said. ''For our purposes, we would very quickly run the average fan out of our ballpark ... our economic situation wouldn't allow for something like that.''


    It's comments like these that make me hate KW. He's just too candid for his own good sometimes and ends up sounding like an ass-bag.

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