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Everything posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 11:18 PM) and that couldn't be farther from the truth I give Hunter a 10% chance of staying in Minny next year. That's if he doesn't like what he hears in FA and decides to just go ahead and take the hometown discount at the 3yrs/45 mil that was offered him. 10% may be a little too high, but a 90% chance that he gets at least 5yrs/75 mil from another franchise sounds about right. The chances of them resigning Johan? About a 5% chances- now I know that is high considering Johan was asking why he was still there in the middle of last year. Chances of them both staying? ZERO. Predicting that ownership will invest 35 plus million a year into two players is a pipe dream to any Twinkie backer.
  2. QUOTE(Vance Law @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 11:40 AM) Er, no he didn't flop. Take another look. Er, I live in the Milwaukee area and watched him daily. Rick started the year off as the club's lead-off man and finished the year batting 8th. Some of you act as if Rick was sent down to AAA for rehab assignment and that's BS. They gave Rick a week or two off at a time to rest his wrist. He was sent down because he was struggling immensely and the Brewers had enough of it. He finished well, but Rick's body of work in '07 was a grave disappointment to their franchise.
  3. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 12:36 PM) Yeah I guess I'd go Gallardo, but fitting our needs, Weeks takes care of 2B and leadoff for many years. I guess I have been yearning for a decent leadoff man since Durham was traded. Once (if) Weeks gets healthy, he ought to flirt with 30-30 each season. They wouldn't deal Gallardo for much of anything. I believe Rick the Kick could be had just because the organization was so disappointed in his last year. Everyone knows he has potential at the plate, but he is dreadful in the field. Not to mention everyone in Milwaukee is SICK of Ricky going after off-speed low and away with two strikes on him. Again, I know there isn't any purpose or merit to talking about getting Weeks because he's not for sale. But he isn't impossible to get IMO. Gallardo OTH...is pretty much untouchable.
  4. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 08:12 AM) I think that's really over-valuing Garland. Weeks? For a 1 year of league-average pitching at $12M? There's not a big market for that. Gamel is a B prospect, which is about what the Sox should expect -- Perry, Sickels, and BP have all pegged Garland as being worth a B prospect plus maybe a C prospect. He's just not going to bring much in return. The Rockies already have decided not to pursue him because $12M is too much to fit in their payroll (according to Ringolsby). Plus teams know the Sox have to shed payroll if they want to sign Hunter. Last year was a big year for Weeks and flopped. Weeks doesn't hold the value that he use to- it isn't that far-fetched. It is probably pointless to talk about because the Brewers aren't moving any of their core offensive players anyway.
  5. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 13, 2007 -> 05:53 AM) Gamel's a 3rd base prospect who hit .300/.378/.472 in the FSL this season. He's currently has a 1.112 OPS in the Hawaiian Winter Ball league with 7 HR's in 28 games. Thoughts? For Garland? Anything that doesn't start with Hall or Weeks should end the conversation with the Brewers. They can have Count for Gamel.
  6. QUOTE(PAUL KONERKO 14 @ Nov 11, 2007 -> 08:58 PM) In exactly 3 seconds. Lies!
  7. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 12, 2007 -> 04:54 AM) Because he wears sunglasses at night? ZINNNNNGGGGG!
  8. Just the talk of getting Miggy drives me crazy. GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT!! We'll just worry about not having a farm system later.
  9. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 11:21 AM) You're prepared to give up a first rounder in '08 and '09? How about no.
  10. QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 10:09 AM) Jones for one year damn well could be a better option than Hunter for 5 or 6. Something to think about. I think that's pretty evident, but the man-crush on Hunter from KW won't go away and we'll be stuck paying Hunter 30 million when he's 37-38.
  11. QUOTE(WCSox @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 04:26 PM) I didn't get a chance to see much of Fields in LF this year. Is he really THAT bad? Unfortunately....yes.
  12. That deal would've been too good to have been true for us. Qualls would've immediately have come in and become our SU man for Jenks. If it is possible that we could find our next SU man for Ryan Sweeney- I hope that happens.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 03:24 PM) When has KW ever waited too long on a deal he wanted to do or a guy he wanted to sign & lost out because of it? If anything, a lot more people have criticized him for jumping the gun on deals. Not waiting to see if we could get Vazquez for a lower price, or not waiting more to see if we could get more for Garcia, etc. KW sets a price and when it gets met, he pull the trigger, he doesn't wait for the highest deal if his price has been met. Yeah, but we've never had this many holes for a long time. I guess you could count Uribe as filling one of those holes and making a decision on our SS spot, however I'd like for him to make a real move sooner than later.
  14. QUOTE(Vance Law @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 03:19 PM) ...and it's already November! Eh don't act as if I'm overreacting. I understand that patience is a good thing, however KW isn't fooling anybody and I fear him waiting too long.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 03:07 PM) If Fields will not play LF next year...then Crede has to go. It makes me wish KW would just deal Crede for cheap because he isn't going to swindle up a market for him. The longer he waits, the less options there will be to fill our other holes.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 12:00 PM) Despite the Boras factor, I think we all might take a moment and think about how this would be one of those classic KW moves. Everyone thinks his #1 target is Hunter. Everyone thinks he doesn't want to deal with Boras. Then suddenly, we hear KW has made a move, it's a move no one expected, and it just so happens to bring the Sox a guy that KW had tried to acquire in the past. This theory is out there...but I agree with it. The WSox should just take a flier in a few days and offer Druw 5yr/65 million. After just hitting a near .220 last year, Boras camp would be crazy to turn that deal down in my opinion.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:18 AM) Unless, maybe, he's trying to market Fields for trading, as a 3B. He may be thinking in terms of trading Crede OR Fields, and the market needs 3B's, not LF's. That could very well be the case, too. However, unless the WSox somehow have Florida's interest in a mega deal for Miggy- I don't see them trading Fields for really anything.
  18. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 09:13 AM) Yeah, Bosh has been rather hit or miss on the young season, and Toronto is struggling to get in a groove... but they did just split two with the Magic. We'll see. I think that first win was huge for the Bulls and they will come out rolling... but Bargnani/Bosh might give them fits. Hopefully they sit Big Ben down for a while. I'm not trying to make an excuse for Wallace, but he's a shell of his former self from last year. That ankle is bugging him even more than he's letting on. Ben is doing nothing for us while he's in anyway. Let him rest up and get closer to 100% before we rely on him to be our enforcer inside again. Besides, this will allow Tyrus to play more. Tyrus/Smith/Noah/Noc and even Gray for a few minutes will hold up just fine for a few games inside for us.
  19. That doesn't surprise me that Boras would cry about this. I'm just waiting for Boras to comment about Miggy's weight because Miggy being available only hurts ARod's price tag. Boras needs to get a clue. Set the price tag at 350 million and see you offend anyone....tool.
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:57 AM) Yeah right. He is trying to drive up the demand for both Josh and Crede. Certainly, but it can also mean the end of Josh being a LF as well.
  21. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:43 AM) However, he's had two what I would consider monster games out of 5, and is looking much better than 2006-07, so I am very happy with what I have seen. I'll be at the UC tomorrow night, hopefully he dunks on Bargnani (taken 3 spots higher than him) a few times. You lucky bastard. Tyrus will be going against Bosh all night so he'll have a tough time. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ty put up some big plays and surprise Bosh, though.
  22. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:40 AM) Crede is getting dealt. KW is just trying to drive up his value a bit to squeeze that extra piece, but the future of the White Sox at 3B is Josh Fields, not the Scott Boras-led Joe Crede. You just don't send a guy down to AAA who had a pace of 37/108 in his rookie year. You're exactly right and every MLB GM will agree with you. There really isn't any other reason for KW to say that.
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 11:38 PM) Tyrus is going to be improved, but inconsistent this year IMO. Thus, this will be a VERY long, back and forth thread, by the time late April arrives. If Tyrus gets 30 plus every night- he'll have a great year. But if he gets a few early fouls and only sees 20 minutes, then yes...he'll be up and down. The thing that bothers me is that Skiles falls in love with Noc at the 4 in the 4th quarter. So Ty could get lost on the bench late in the game, which is BS. Whether or not TY is consistent this year- the sky is clearly the limit for this freak of a 21 year old.
  24. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:24 AM) What is says is Josh is done in LF. Agreed.
  25. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 08:23 AM) No he won't. If Crede plays the year and walks as a FA the Sox could get 2 high picks. If he is healthy and it appears he is, he is a better option than Fields. Fields working on his defense and a back-up to Thome and Konerko should something happen is not a bad thing. He is not going to give him away. Are you kidding? Sending Fields down to AAA or not allowing him to play daily wouldn't be beneficial to Fields' development at all. No one is a bigger Joe Crede fan than I am, but read between the lines. If the WSox can save themselves 7 mil on Crede next year they will.
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