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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:42 PM)
    Jerry approved of this deal because of our attendance, per KW. We were at just over 90 million this year for our payroll this year before Peavy and Rios. We might not only be looking at that insane amount of money off the books, but also a general increase in payroll for next year, as I doubt the doomsday expectations were met. Regardless people worried about the money are being ridiculous.


    KW mentioned the 5 or 6 thousand walk-ups we had during the last home stand. I'll bet KW used that as a selling point to JR on this.

  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:38 PM)
    Who is not the type of player I would think needs to be called out.


    Also something I don't disagree with.


    KW isn't opposed to calling anyone out for better or for worse. He's called out the franchise's greatest player of all-time in an off-season rant that was totally uncalled for. KW gets carried away sometimes, but I don't think this was anywhere near one of those times.

  3. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:31 PM)
    Which is just flat out wrong since he's not including any of the $4.6M Hudson is going to earn in incentives this year.


    Not to mention we can't really put a price on what Rios could do for our OF...our OF has been been perhaps the worst in all of baseball the past few months.

  4. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:29 PM)
    KW wasn't talking about Jose. Did you hear the interview or are you basing that from the quote reported here?


    The context was as follows: Holmes asked KW if when he made the claim on Rios he had any concern that some of the veterans like Dye, Pods, Thome, etc. would have their feathers ruffled. KW responded not at all. He then added that watching games like yesterday's ruffle his feathers and that the players should worry about ruffling his feathers because that's when people start to leave town. Then he added that if the Rios move works, it makes it more likely that the vets will return.


    It had nothing at all to do with Jose Contreras.


    I believe it to be fair insinuation in regards to Jose as he referred to yesterday's game.


  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:27 PM)
    Any other tidbits from KW's interview? I'd love to know where they plan on having Rios bat. If we put him in the 6-7 range, at least it would give us some more speed.


    Unless anyone else heard otherwise...I believe he's going to leave that up to Ozzie. There isn't anyone on the 25 man roster who has to worry about seeing the field...if you're on Ozzie's team, you're going to play.

  6. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 08:16 PM)
    Who do you suppose he is talking about?


    I don't think he was insinuating anything about anyone in particular...


    The question was posed if KW should be worried about upsetting Dye or Pods and maybe ruffling their feathers at all. KW responded, "Uhhhh no. A game like yesterday ruffled my feathers."

  7. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 04:26 PM)
    I know it's your thought, but your are a pretty reliable source for a while on soxtalk so that'll be sad.. though Ricciardi is/would be an idiot if that happens.


    He is an idiot, thought...that's the thing.


    I wouldn't worry much about this. Rios is getting dealt because ownership is demanding it. (Just speculation on my part, but that's the only logical reason Rios was put on waivers)

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