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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Aug 9, 2009 -> 02:55 AM)
    Thats about the exact opposite of him saying he will deny it. He is saying that he has to assume he will be a Jay and can't think about all that other crap.


    Jesus man, stop reading so much into all these bs quotes from these guys. There is absolutely nothing "between the lines" in any of these quotes, its just standard issue fabricated one liners. Nothing more.


    I was posting that quote with full intention of insinuating he wouldn't block a deal that would send him anywhere.


    Rios' name has been in trade talks for years now and I'm sure he's grown more sick of it than he's let on.

  2. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Aug 9, 2009 -> 02:27 AM)
    He CAN'T say anything about it. Do people expect him to just say "yeah I'm goin after Rios, just got off the phone with JP."


    I don't see why he just couldn't flat out deny it if that were the case...which KW is clearly not doing.


    Its clear the cat is out of the bag here and its the WSox that claimed Rios.

  3. If Thome wants to come back for a bargain next year...I'd have a hard time passing that up. Besides, I'm worried about our lineup becoming a bit right handed dominated as we move forward. Its not a big issue, but something to take into consideration.

  4. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 10:01 PM)
    This umpiring crew does blow.


    What happened to Q tonight on that hit by pitch that wasn't called was crap. Same goes for what happened to PK last night when the ball bounced and hit him.


    Some of these guys are blind.


    How about that strike 2 call to Pods in the Bottom of the 6th? Pods eventually was successful in moving Wise to 3rd...but wow that call was terrible. I said to my buddy, "Yeah we've walked 8 guys tonight and that's a strike?"


  5. KW certainly did try to downplay this...but I would be shocked if Rios wasn't deal to the WSox come Tuesday night.


    Toronto put him on waivers for a reason and Riccardi knows he blew it with the Halladay sweeps. Riccardi doesn't want to look like a joke again by asking for fair value in regards to Rios on this. I believe ownership has A LOT to do with Rios being dealt.

  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 03:05 PM)
    Preserve the pen? Isn't that what we did yesterday?


    Not that I agree with what Ozzie is doing...but it looks as if he feels they need even more of a rest than just last night.


    They've put in a ton of work lately.

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