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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 01:54 PM)
    I remember a game we played versus the old EXpos in IL play and Vlad batted against Foulke in the 9th in a tie game. Foulke led off with a change up and Vlad hit it to the moon for the win


    I remember I was at County Stadium (Old Brewers Park) when the Brewers just switched to the NL and Vlad was in Montreal. Vlad threw a guy out trying to tag from the warning track in Right.

  2. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 12:36 PM)
    All I can say is the Sox are starting to use Charlotte as a place to develop prospects a bit more. Flowers is there, Hudson there, Becks spent a little time there, etc.


    Unlike the past where they seemingly skipped Charlotte at times...good to see them use AAA.


  3. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 02:15 AM)
    career 2-2, 5.12 ERA, 1.29 WHIP, in 7 career regular season games, 6 career regular season starts.


    He also faced them in the postseason once. Paul Konerko helped end his night rather quickly.


    That also includes a CG SHO at the Cell in 2005. That game was his 2nd MLB start.

  4. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 01:28 AM)
    Well, to be fair, not you or I or anyone else know if Mitchell/Danks will be adequate MLB players at all. And the 10-12 million is pure speculation. I highly doubt he'd be able to get that much. He's 31 and in a down-economy. Look at what Dunn and Abreu had to settle for last year...


    That's all true, but if he leaves Anaheim I feel that's a safe bet regarding what he'll cost.

  5. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 01:14 AM)
    The other variable in this situation is whether the Angels will even let him walk.


    Everything I read and hear, from some pretty well-informed Angels commentators, is that Scioscia loves him and would be really disappointed if they let him walk.


    That's true. This could be much ado for nothing. Anyone know on the status on the over/under on Figs returning to Anaheim next year?

  6. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 01:10 AM)
    You're misconstruing that "$30 million" quite a bit. Its not like we'd have to pay it to him all in one season. And where exactly would you invest that money any better? After this year, you'd have to figure that the only real holes we'd have on this team are at one of the corner outfield spots, center-field, 5th starter, and one reliever with Dotel departing. You sign Figgins, you've got a center fielder and a leadoff man and you're worry free for a while. And I'd have to assume it'd take a ton of pressure of Mitchell or Danks and give them time to get some quality development. If anything, you could bring one up and put them in LF (presumably with Quentin in RF and Thome/Dye at DH) and let them bat 8th or 9th next to Getz.


    The approx $30 mil is a lot of money for a guy like that when we have guys that may be able to handle the immediate future in Pods and the future in Danks/Mitchell.


    That 10-12 mil/year for the next three years isn't worth it IMHO.

  7. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 01:03 AM)
    I don't think anyone is saying that Pods for 1 year while waiting on Danks/Mitchell is a BAD option, just that there is a better sense of durability and consistency in Figgins, who many think is a BETTER option.


    Fair enough. I'd rather our organization pocket that 30 mil and spend it elsewhere or wait for a later time than throw all of it at Figgins with what we already have in our organization. Especially when we could bring back Pods for close to the minimum (or close enough) IMO.


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