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Posts posted by rockren

  1. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 12:58 AM)
    If Jordan Danks was hitting well in AA, or say hit well enough to get promoted to AAA (ala Gartrell/Flowers) than yes, I would agree, but he's still striking out alot, and he's been in a slump. Either he has to pick it up this year to finish strong, or he might need an extra year beyond 2010 to make it/still view him highly.


    Agreed. However with the chance of Danks being invited to Spring Training next year and opening eyes and Mitchell perhaps shooting through the system last next year...


    I just don't see how we can shell out $30 million plus to Figgins.

  2. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 12:53 AM)
    One fluke season from Pods and people are wetting their tampons? Jesus.


    I agree people are high on something if they act as if Pods is the answer beyond this year, but I do agree with the fact Pods may not be a bad option to hold down our leadoff spot/CF for the short term with what we have waiting in the minors.

  3. QUOTE (The Baconator @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:25 PM)
    You know what, I don't want to sound like an attention whore but I never got a "welcome to..." response on my first posts. I was looking forward to it after the long wait to finally break the seal of posting a response and then I got no love.


    Drunk and Jealous



  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:15 PM)
    You would?


    So if you could have Podsednik for 1 year and $4 million or Figgins and 3/$27 or 4/$36, would you still go with Figgins?


    Point made.


    I believe we could bring Pods back for even less than that.

  5. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:11 PM)
    God I hate Cowley. And no offense to Pods, but if it's between those two, I'll take Figgins anyday of the week.


    Figgins is going to cost a truck load.


    I think Pods may be a good bridge CF until Danks is ready. Perhaps Mitchell will turn the corner quicker than people think...just watching him makes me drool.

  6. QUOTE (rangercal @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 10:59 PM)
    Let's replace a .300 MLB hitter with a .275 AA hitter.



    If it were up to the majority of the forum, we would have an outfield of Brian Anderson,Chris Young and Ryan Sweeney.




    I'm just sayin' is all!

  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 03:28 PM)
    Frank rotated in to the DH spot for basically 1 month, in June 05, and hit some big time killer game saving/winning home runs for a week or two. But then his foot cracked again and he went back on the DL for another surgery.


    Everett played the field a handful of times through the 05 season, usually if someone else needed a day off.


    I remember that big time shot he in extras in Detroit that year.


  8. QUOTE (DanksFan @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 02:51 PM)
    That 2008 draft was loaded with talent. Matusz looks real good, but with Beckham getting on the scene so fast and so successful, do you think other teams are kinda kicking themselves a little bit for not getting a ML-ready player out of college?


    Hard to say.


    I'm sure there is a little more pressure on those teams with Beckham doing so well, but I'm sure they're taking the route the Twins took when they took Mauer over Prior. They told their fan base to "wait and see". I'm surprised Buster Posey hasn't raced through the minors, but it won't take him long. Smoak is another good looking prospect coming out of the draft but he was taken AFTER Beckham and is hitting .220 in AAA.

  9. QUOTE (joejoedairy @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 02:51 AM)
    so q, danks, carrasco, wise and betemit hit arb this offseason. we can probably lowball q due to injuries. should probably give danks a new contract similar to the floyd one if he'd take it. let carrasco and betemit go to arb and wise well....


    They offered Danks the same contract as Floyd, but he turned it down.

  10. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 4, 2009 -> 10:39 PM)
    You can't? Man, this is the internet. Anything that anybody says could blow up, get popular, and come full circle by being told to the person which the comment is based upon, sometimes for no reason. Gotta know that before you say anything.


    He knows exactly what everyone is talking about while asking him about the "Slayer" rumor. It's all good, though...very smart of him to deny these "allegations" if you want to call them that, or support the idea.


    He's going to be bigger than curly fries in this city.

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