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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 03:09 PM) Yes and those who give horrific speeches usually LOSE. That's my point. Humphrey, Mitt, etc. People can't deny there's this double standard involving Hillary in which everything she does is coronated. Even her bad speeches are celebrated. Some people like me think she should actually be up on criminal charges not giving boring speeches. I didn't think her speech was "horrific." She set out to tell people what she plans to do as president and why, and also to discredit Trump, she did a pretty decent job of making her case. Of course, I'm just some guy, and I am not someone who likes to take his individual perceptions and project them on the entire electorate.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 03:06 PM) Some go to no end to protect Hillary. Oh here's a good column. She gives horrible speeches, but that's OK cause it's what makes her a GREAT president. My gosh, anything she does is praised. Bad speech giver? That's OK, that's why she's so qualified to be president. Just coronate her for gosh sakes. http://www.vox.com/2016/7/28/12308198/hill...nton-speech-dnc Being able to give good speeches DOESN'T qualify you to be president, people just think it is. This was a knock against Obama in 2008 when people said he didn't include much policy detail in his speeches. Clinton does, but she doesn't thrill audiences like Obama, or her husband. Never will. It's not her.
  3. John Oliver put this the best Candidates create feelings Feelings are facts Candidates are therefore capable of creating facts.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 02:21 PM) Sure, but that's in normal years. Orca might have sucked, but Romney still had a full-blown campaign running starting way back in the primaries. Here we are on July 29, and Trump still doesn't have any campaign whatsoever in Pennsylvania. I guess I'm thinking of it as an MVP-level campaign (Obama) and a Replacement-Level campaign (Romney) versus an All-Star level campaign (Clinton) and a T-ball level campaign (Trump). Romney's campaign wasn't that bad. I'd say he was solid-starter level. It's just that Obama is better at campaigning than just about anybody in politics right now.
  5. I posted the gofundme on Facebook and several of my friends donated - I was so happy they did but at the same time wished more than anything that it was for some other reason.
  6. If you have a Samsung quick charger and you want to plug your PS4 controller into it... don't... the controller doesn't actually regulate the voltage and it can't take it, and it'll fry the board connected to the charger. $40 lesson for me.
  7. I am late to this argument but I feel like basically everyone on the right completely and maybe deliberately missed the point of Michelle Obama bringing up slavery. That wasn't a pessimistic statement at all, it was the polar opposite. She said "this house was built by slaves and now I, a descendant of African slaves, live in this house with my two black daughters, look at how far America has come in two centuries." That's a statement that has real, tangible emotional impact on black viewers, and it was bewildering to see people questioning or criticizing it afterwards (this should be common knowledge!).
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 12:11 PM) Is there really a debate going on about the degrees of slavery? Slavery is bad. Someone on my Facebook post about this pointed out that Jews were murdered. I mean... yeah... why that was posted on my status I have no idea though. I just ignored it.
  9. A lot of Americans are big fans of a messianic billionaire who inherited his wealth from his father, cultivates a facade as a playboy, has unresolvable psychological problems, and is obsessed with law and order and torture as a means to resolve the dystopian society around him. Batman is really cool.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 04:09 PM) Yeah. I'll never forget that game. I was at college surrounded by Rams fams who carried over their hate of cubs to the bears. They were talking SO much trash up til halftime. When Hester returned that touchdown that was the most excited I've been for any non playoff game I've been to. Plus Urlacher just deciding he'd go score points like the friggin water boy. I had to get up at 5:30 and I went to sleep assuming it was a blowout loss. Woke up and opened Yahoo on my laptop and I was pissed.
  11. Dennis Green's famous meltdown was hilarious, because of the words he used and how pissed he was, but what he was actually saying wasn't wrong. Green was saying "I know everyone has decided the best team in the league and we're one of the worst but we've watched the tape and I figured out their QB is a one-trick pony, and we actually executed that plan flawlessly but inexplicably blew it at the end and I'm pissed." Grossman was actually on fire going into that game (part of why the meltdown was so shocking) and after that other teams copied what the Cardinals did, and Grossman never adjusted and was cooked as a QB prospect.
  12. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 03:38 PM) Derrick specifically avoided recruiting because he didn't want to undermine his teammates. Wasn't the best plan, but he appreciated his teammates. Like his loyalty to Bogans, yeah. Rose didn't trash his teammates in public or make slick comments to the media. It was other dumb things he said that bothered everyone lol
  13. I think EVERYONE hated Reggie, lol. I was annoyed that he'd blast the front office for having done nothing, when they tried, but you can't really do much of anything when your star player's knees blow a gaping hole in the plan. It was working great in 2012. The only thing I think that was indefensible both then and now was trading away Korver for a bag of basketballs to save money.
  14. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 02:48 PM) Jimmy or Derrick? Jimmy. Derrick isn't passive aggressive, he's just pretty dim and oblivious to what goes on outside of his bubble.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 02:32 PM) You all are way too hard on Rose. His "son graduation" thing was the worst thing he said, but I'd take a player acting like a hobbled noah, rose and melo are a super team over this crap: "I'll have a voice in the locker room. I'll say what needs to be said. What I want (those) guys to do, whenever I'm on some (B.S.), I want them to tell me. I want you to say my name, man to man. That goes along with everybody. Say my name. And I'm going to do the same to you. "Whenever you're (B.S.)ing and not doing what you're supposed to be doing in practice and the game or not taking care of your body, you need somebody holding you accountable. You can't beat around the bush and say: 'Hey, guys, we need to take care of our body. Hey, guys, we're taking bad shots.' It's: 'Jimmy, you need to do this. You need to do that.' " The IDEA of this is fine, holding teammates accountable, but I can't stand how he does it to the press. Overinflating how good your team is is one thing to do in press, but he takes way too much stuff to the media. It's ridiculous. He's sooooo passive aggressive and it makes him hard to root for unless it's like directly during a game. It drove me crazy last year.
  16. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 02:05 PM) Yeah but to Lost's point, those people don't come out when the candidate isn't conservative enough, just like the young don't come out for liberals unless there's a special reason (change you can believe in!) They do, though. They will talk about how they are unhappy with the nominee, like with McCain and Romney, but then by summer they're a lock to vote for the nominee. I don't know what will happen with Trump though, this is kind of unprecedented.
  17. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 01:20 PM) Sanders really did well against Clinton with younger voters. Voters under 30. I feel like those are the voters she needs to energize and get out to the polls in November. They aren't voting Trump, but they may stay home or use Johnson as a protest vote. You could use Kerry and Gore of examples of candidates that tried to get the moderate vote by adding very centrist VP and I don't think it worked for them. The under 30 crowd is notoriously hard to get out to vote. Obama's pretty much the only one to unlock this code. So naturally the Dems didn't even bother trying to copy it.
  18. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 01:15 PM) Are you saying most of the country are democrats and if they decide to show up, Republicans have no chance? Not exactly but there's a direct correlation between high turnout with Democratic victories and low turnout in Republican victories. It's not exact obviously but it's a pretty good indicator I am too lazy to look up the exact numbers but it goes roughly: 2006: about 40%, Dems take House 2008: over 60% (modern record. Democratic tidal wave) 2010: turnout decreases back to around 40%, Republicans take back House in landslide 2012: turnout falls from 2008 but Dems still do very well 2014: lowest in modern history, Republican landslide edit: on second thought, yes, there are definitely far more registered Dems than registered Republicans, for what that's worth.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 01:08 PM) Sure. And who are those Sanders voters going to vote for if they don't get their way? The centrists are already looking elsewhere. What is the threat from the left? They just won't vote. Voter turnout for Dems is everything. With the probable exception of this election, Republicans always always always show up to polls. Dems, especially the left flank, are flaky. Contrary to popular belief it isn't "independents" who decide elections, there's not this large group of people who flip ideologies they vote for every election. It's just whether more Democrats vote than Republicans that election, or less.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 01:03 PM) It is actually a pretty savvy move, based on the polls I am sure. Look, there is a gigantic chasm between Clinton and Trump. So much so that a guy like Gary Johnson is polling with double digits simply based on the fact that so many people can't stand either major candidate. If you pick a person towards the center, instead of further left, maybe you dig back some of those centrists. A left wing VP gains you nothing. What are those people going to vote for Trump? Johnson? lol. Sure, but it's the left wing base that she needs to shore up. There are a lot of people who call themselves #BernieOrBust who talk like they're democratic socialists but they're actually anarcho-capitalists (mostly white males who talk like they're voting for Trump because it can't be Bernie), but those aren't the people I'm talking about.
  21. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 12:35 PM) Would Warren even want to be her VP? I don't think she's necessarily been lobbying for it, but if asked, I'm about 90% sure she'd say yes
  22. Kaine is about as interesting as a jar of mayo
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 10:10 AM) This? This? Really? Michelle Obama: “…the world as it should be.” In 2008, the aspiring First Lady was accused by bloggers of lifting lines for her DNC speech from Saul Alinsky. Alinsky wrote, in Rules for Radicals (emphasis added): “The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be.” Michelle Obama said: “And Barack stood up that day, and he spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about ‘the world as it is‘ and ‘the world as it should be.'” (Perhaps Mr. Obama who left out the attribution.) That's not even a sentence, it's turn of phrase. This is just breitbart adding in the right wing bogeyman Saul Alinsky into every concept. That's not even close to plagiarism. Yeah, I saw this before by people who were interrupting my fun making Melania Trump jokes on Facebook. "the world that is" vs. "the world that should be" is not a "Saul Alinsky" concept. There is not, like, a commie boot camp where leftists go to learn that.
  24. Was Laura Ingraham giving an actual Nazi salute at the RNC in a prime-time speech? No, almost certainly not. But I'll be goddamned if I'm not gonna give that bizarrely crisp snap of her arm the side eye and then make fun of it.
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