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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 22, 2016 -> 09:47 AM) That Trump speech was 90% fear mongering bulls***, but the parts he talked about NAFTA being an awful deal and factories closing in America is true. Now I don't believe for one second that he actually cares about that stuff, but he is going to attack Clinton on that stuff. It will probably work pretty well. That's the Democrats' Achilles heel.
  2. I heard Ivanka Trump gave a great speech last night (not surprised - everyone loves her, she's charismatic, not at all trash like Donald and Donald Jr.) but she was gaslighting. I saw pieces of it and she sounded like she was talking about some hypothetical liberal/Democratic candidate. Equal pay, family leave, subsidized childcare? Uh no, that's not Trump, that's Hillary Clinton you're thinking of. Then after her sunny speech, her father took the mic from her and, well.
  3. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 03:53 PM) Have you ever been involved in negotiations before? Leverage is the name of the game. From what I can tell based on that interview all he was saying was that he wanted some leverage. He did not say, as you want him to say, that he thinks NATO is a waste and we're getting out of it as soon as he's sworn in so Putin can take over the world because they're besties. It's not Trump's first go-round with this, he's s*** on NATO previously. However, I'll give you this, he has always stopped just short of saying "we should pull out of NATO."
  4. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 03:51 PM) I didn't mean to throw that in as a "ah ha! you see!" I just thought it was interesting to point out his very reasonable statement that we should look at our own f***ed up situation before we start lecturing other countries. The dude in The Atlantic article made a big deal about this, like no US citizen has ever spoken ill of the country before. Trump has actually said other things I agree with in the past (yeah... I know...) but I don't bring those things up, obviously, since I don't take issue with them. Trump is very much a "broken clock" type. He is almost always wrong, except the couple of times when he isn't.
  5. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 03:31 PM) Good point. We really can't criticize other countries for anything given that Donald Trump is a major party nominee here. More seriously though, what s*** are you referring to? "Hey Turkey, stop trending towards dictatorship and purging massive numbers of suspected opponents from government and academia." "Shut up America, you had some a-hole shoot 5 cops." "Good point, nm" I'd be very surprised to see him criticize that considering Christie has actually said, out loud, that he wants to do that very thing.
  6. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 03:30 PM) Huh? That was a point raised in that crap article bmags posted. That's not the part of his interview anyone's criticizing him for, especially in this thread, so it sounds like you're trying to play a semantic game where you can score points than actually engage the criticism of Trump.
  7. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 03:16 PM) And how do YOU guys not agree with this: I 100% agree with this! How can we lecture other people about how they act when we have the problems we have? It's completely disingenuous. That doesn't mean democracy and freedom aren't great things and we should be pushing that around the world, but how do we have the standing to lecture with the s*** going on in our own backyard? Hot damn, I think that's the first time i've agreed with something he's said. Place the goalposts back where you found them please.
  8. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 02:52 PM) Jenks, read this: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/us/polit...rview.html?_r=0 His actual words are that he would only follow the NATO treaty if "they are paying their bills". Putin politics are showing a remarkable amount of power in the Trump platform. That's a real thing, that's not theoretical. So it's not just watering down platform language conspicuously to be on pro-russian terms, it's openly claiming he will not follow the NATO Treaty. I read that, and my first thought was "he literally thinks NATO countries write the United States a check in exchange for military protection, and he's worried they're in arrears? because no..."
  9. I seriously doubt Trump even knows what the f*** he was talking about and he was talking out of his ass. His comments on NATO sounded like a high school student who didn't do the reading assignment trying to bulls*** his way through an answer when he gets called on unexpectedly. But this wasn't some small thing and don't be trying to downplay it. It was *NOT* a responsible statement in any context whatsoever.
  10. Can we not be talking about 2020 yet? I still have yet to swallow this f***ing turd of an election in 2016.
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 21, 2016 -> 12:55 PM) http://www.theatlantic.com/international/a...in-nato/492332/ Honestly worried about how these signals are going to ripple across before the election even Putin has successfully supported right-wing parties all across Europe with the intention of weakening Western alliances. If he was paying an agent, this is the type of thing they'd say. Trump has soooo many shady ties to Putin though, it's pretty scary. Not the phony Obama-Ayers-Alinsky ties, I mean actual ties.
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 20, 2016 -> 12:19 PM) If a troll tweets cuck, but there is no twitter, does it make a scream? edit: still the best I bet you if you look at their browser history it will be like "bbc cuckold humiliation" and other stuff like that
  13. Milo Yiannopolous got permanently banned from Twitter after the Leslie Jones racist troll debacle (it wasn't his first time getting banned for this, he leads an army of trolls) and his cult is doing the predictable "free speech" thing they are always wrong about. But here is a justification for Milo's banning... written by Milo... in 2012. http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/yiannopoulos...nto-sociopaths/ This was of course back when he was positioning himself as Gamergate's mascot, and a bunch of s***bricks which later seamlessly rolled into the alt-right with the Neo-Nazis and such.
  14. Pokemon was pretty fun to do with my son for about 10 days but now it's just boring. Same 3-5 Pokemon everywhere, every Gym has a Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon (because Eevee is the only common Pokemon worth a s***), Pidgeys, Rattatas, Zubats have the nerve to escape at higher levels but that's all there is to catch after walking for a half mile... meh. Unless they adjust this I'm retiring.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 19, 2016 -> 10:53 AM) I don't know that I don't "care", I think it is certainly a sign of the amateurism of the campaign. I mean...it's one thing to plagiarize, it's another to plagiarize another prospective first ladies speech at a convention, it's another one to plagiarize another prospective first ladies speech at a convention that was only 8 YEARS AGO, when there's only been 1 other since! Like, that's a very small pool you are going to be compared to. But yeah, this one from Jessie Williams: I, am Malcolm X #famousmelaniatrumpquotes had me rolling. Also the tweets where she keeps referencing her kids sasha and malia. "As a black woman at an Ivy League college in the 80s- wait, that's not right..." For me, the funniest part is that the audience cheered and applauded Michelle's words because someone else was saying them. Melania Trump literally said she has the same values as the Obama family and got applause for it. Then they get on Twitter like "I like her so much better than chip-on-her-shoulder Moochelle"
  16. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 02:43 PM) Classic case of a prosecutor being appointed because of political clout more than ability and then royally screwing up a case. Hmm, sounds familiar! Mosby was elected, not appointed. She was brand new when this happened.
  17. I don't honestly in my heart give a s*** about Melania Trump ripping off entire sections of Michelle Obama's speech, but god damn are the jokes funny. #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes is a gold mine on Twitter.
  18. Did I step in a portal to an alternate Earth? Just for clarification, on the Earth I come from, in the 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders got tons of favorable media coverage relative to Clinton (when they could find time to stop talking about Trump), it was frequently noted he generated enthusiasm in his supporters and drew large crowds, and every time he gained ground in polls or won a state he received several days' worth of coverage for it. When the media did mention Clinton, they usually accurately reported that she had more delegates and was more likely to win, which is what happened. I'm not sure how that happened on this Earth, though. Did Hillary Clinton squeak out a come-from-behind win or something? idk
  19. QUOTE (BurlyMan56 @ Jul 14, 2016 -> 02:44 PM) I don't post offen but have been a Soxtalk daily reader since 2003. I signed up on this site when I was 15. I am now 28. Soxtalk has always been place for Sox news. I am a Southsider and moved to Dallas a few hours ago but catch the Sox everytime they are here in Arlington. I am active Dallas PD. I have been on for 4.5 years and currently work in the division where 6 of the officers were killed/injured. I lost my 3 of my good friends that I worked alongside day by day, rode bikes with, made significant arreste with, helped people, ate dinner with and had personal relatioships with. The officers lost were great guys. The three killed were in my assigned squad. I was scheduled to be at work Last Thursday and would have been right next to them. However, I took the day off because I took my wife's friends back to the airport that night and soon thereafter my phone began to be flooded with calls and texts. We have received an overwhelming amount of support from the DFW community and across the nation. I ask support/prayers/thoughts from my Soxtalk community as I bury two more of my friends the next two days. I'm sorry for your loss in this senseless tragedy. This is awful.
  20. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 14, 2016 -> 02:45 PM) Kudos to RBG for rescinding commentary. That she apologized goes someway to restoring norms. I'm sure all of the fed justice seats open will be filled now too In the future, Clarence Thomas will disclose his direct ties to parties arguing before the Court and recuse himself. I am now certain of this.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 14, 2016 -> 02:06 PM) Key stuff: You have to seriously be a dumbass to get caught violating the like 4 weak campaign finance laws we actually have.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 14, 2016 -> 01:49 PM) Apparently the loophole is you can do it when running for office, but not when in office. http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com...mp;slug=1089789 Ok, Jackson must've been doing it outside of a campaign cycle. Didn't know that.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 14, 2016 -> 01:28 PM) Sounds like Pence is a done deal as Trump's VP candidate. I read that Pence was using campaign funds to cover his living expenses, but that it was totally legit. I'm kinda confused though, I didn't know that was legal, isn't that what Jesse Jackson Jr. went to prison for?
  24. I actually forgot Austin Jackson exists.
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