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Everything posted by lostfan
QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 06:00 PM) Because the Cuban league by some reports is the equivalent of High A, or a bad AA. *waits for a Cubano disagreement* I used to think that but Cubano along with Alexei has probably changed my mind for good.
I was at the club last night (Zanzibar if any of you have ever been to DC) and Obama was getting shoutouts every 5-10 minutes from the DJ, with some pretty loud cheers each time. Just like the time when I went to that Jay-Z/Mary J concert some months ago and Jay-Z put his picture up. They were selling Obama '08 baby tees and everything. The excitement is actually pretty hilarious.
That's not what she meant. I see what she was trying to say but she just worded it badly. I'm actually inclined to accept what she said at face value.
Guys it's the beginning of the offseason and the GM is Kenny Williams. This is like trying to predict the career field of a 3 year old. Just don't bother.
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 03:49 PM) Jenks had a BAA of .230 averaging 5.5 k per 9 innings Dotel had a BAA of .208 averaging 12.3 k per 9 innings. He was far from quite hittable most of the time. You're right, his numbers are skewed by some of his Rex Grossman-like megafail outings.
QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:20 PM) But we just voted in the most liberal member of the senate into the White House. How can we possibly be center-right? Still, compared to Europe, he is conservative. Remember he is pro-death penalty and against gay marriage, for example. This is also something I read in either a German or French editorial (I really wish I could link these things I read to you guys but even if I could, they are in different languages). QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 12:10 AM) ANY democrat would have been voted into the White House after the last 8 years. We are for sure a center right country compared to the rest of the world. The one thing that worries me after this election though is the amount of control the democrats have. I think we're better off when the balance of power is just that, balanced relatively close to even between the two parties. And I would be saying this if the republicans had a major stranglehold on the balance of power as well. Agreed on the last 2 points. I voted Republican for my representative not because I didn't like the Dem in office but because I wanted a balance of power. Of course my vote was purely symbolic though since I live in a dark blue district.
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 07:35 PM) also, if the Republicans were doing this the same people who support this would be in an uproar. McCain had similar plans IIRC, they both placed a heavy emphasis on national service.
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 06:47 PM) wait a minute.... is this the Republican thread? nevermind I do have a solution to the GOP mess; evangelicals have been threatening to vote Democrat if all their demands are not met, so you guys (the Democrats) can have them. They cost more votes than they bring in now-a-days. And they can start destroying the Democrats from within like they did to the GOP You know what's ironic? Blacks are generally social conservatives.
QUOTE (longshot7 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 04:51 PM) such as? I could give you examples but it would be a waste of your time and just piss you off I'm sure.
I've been seeing all kinds of ignorant messages on Facebook and Myspace. So much so that I'm starting to wonder whether I want to keep some of them as friends.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 01:57 PM) The Oceans 11 spoof was stupid, but I loved they way they portrayed each side acting because that's exactly what I've seen on various message boards. The "I need to know whether he partied too hard or tried to kill himself" line summarized it perfectly.
I was about to post something about posters tearing a new asshole until I realized the irony.
QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 12:55 PM) In all fairness, he probably has a 32 inch waist--a good strong wind might knock him down. Which, oddly enough, was the topic of an editorial in the NYT today. Hey! I resemble that remark. A strong wind has never taken me down, not yet anyway.
Sasha is a little ham, anybody noticed that?
She obviously works out... so does her husband, but she still looks like she could beat his ass. Ever looked at her arms?
My brother is actually color-blind, he didn't know it until he was almost grown. When we were growing up I always just assumed he was f***ing stupid because he couldnt tell the difference between blue and purple.
I got you Tex, you're right, I just thought I was arguing against something else at first.
QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 12:32 PM) This sort of compromise is like the Feds telling the states to raise thier drinking age to 21 if they want Federal highway dollars. Sure, they have the OPTION to not do it, but it really isn't an option because they can't do without the Federal cash. Or he could just scrap the whole thing and nobody gets any federal cash. /highfive
QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 12:29 PM) I think all the focus here on students, which was most of that part listed, is being short-sighted. There was also these gems there. 1) Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, 2) Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55 So, even after you get out of school, it seems like he wants free labor for life. Anybody here in their 30's or 40's with 2 or 3 kids and a job have 50 - 100 extra hours to spare? What on earth is wrong with #2? It's not free labor for the government, it's service for any number of possible things in communities, or wherever.
QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 12:15 PM) um, no. But if you want to substitute /crazed Obama supporters', of which there are many of all colors, then yes. He typed it in green
I've heard several people say that so far though and I'm trying to beat it out of some of my friends' heads. They completely miss the point. It's got nothing to do with being moderate or far right, it's about the abandonment of their principles, lack of leadership, and lack of a message that resonates with America. If they think they can solve their problems by moving further right and posting up against the Obama administration, the Democrats probably welcome that with open arms.
QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 12:01 PM) hey lostfan, I'm all for the working man. Anybody that is willing to get out there and work to better things for him/herself and their family, they need every break they can get. I don't begrudge them anything. The elistists have used and abused the working class for far too long in this nation. I just have problems with those that are not willing to pull their weight and expect government to take care of them. If you could afford to go to college after giving two years of service to our great nation, would have chosen to do so. I think you would have based on this post I'm quoting. But, if you decided to opt out you should have that right as long as your don't expect the taxpayers to support you because you didn't want to serve. We definitely agree 100% on the content of your post, I was just using your post as a springboard to make another point. I find that talking points water down any support to the poor/lower classes as a handout and classify it all as welfare for people who can't pull their own weight. Of course, that's not what you said here or in the other post, but it's said by other people quite often. I believe the means should be provided for the poor to get a break and move up, if they can, and if they want to put in the work. I'm as against "free rides" as anyone else, though.
QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 11:59 AM) The requirements set forth by the college to graduate are the right of that college as the private institution they are. They set the standards to which they want to graduate their students. The government stepping in and mandating that a college student perfrom 'x' amount of comm service hours per year is ridiculous. But, nobody's doing that. This is a "give to receive" kind of thing that is altogether separate from the actual schooling.
QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 11:59 AM) i hate this. wtf Obama. see i'm already pissed at him. haha what about those of us who are ALREADY so f***ing busy that we don't have TIME to log 100 hours of community service? as a theatre major i have class all day, work, then rehearsal till 11 at night, 6 days a week. i'm sorry, but REQUIRING community service is just plain dumb. See my previous post. If you don't want the $4000 from the gov't then it isn't a requirement