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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:09 PM) Fair enough. How about 'Carefully place your teeth upon my buttocks'? This post is acceptable.
  2. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:06 PM) No more so that calling Alpha non credible because he shares a different view. There is no rule against Reddy saying what he said. If it's what he thinks, it's what he thinks.
  3. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:05 PM) To merely dismiss my post as irrelevant because he disagrees with my Palin line is also unnecessary. Yes. You didn't need to go so far as to tell him to bite your ass is what I was saying.
  4. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:02 PM) Their current lack of success in the Dem controlled congress offers little, if any, hope. I will not root for their failure, but I will on a small level, revel in it, and throw back at them everything they did for the last 8 years. They don't really have a big enough majority to start pushing an agenda around. Speaking of lack of performance though, the approval ratings of Congress don't matter, because it's just a continuation of a trend that was happening before they took over. If the conditions of the country don't change, the public's opinion doesn't change.
  5. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:56 AM) Bite my ass. A little unnecessary isn't it?
  6. If the Democrats horribly mismanage the government and act as arrogant and condescending as the Republicans did when they had complete control of everything you may be on to something... because, as of right now, the Dem takeover in 2006 and the inevitable reinforcing of that majority in '08 is direct blowback from all that. If the Dems are smart (which they aren't), they will learn from those mistakes (they won't) so they don't have to pay the price at the polls in a few years (they probably will).
  7. QUOTE (mreye @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:47 AM) Ha! I believe the GOP and McCain has moved further left (His choice of Palin not withstanding) and away from me. All about perspective, I guess. Bailout package aside, how has the GOP moved left? You could consider the spending leftist I guess, but that's directly linked to the aggressive foreign policy approach of Bush's first term. And they've completely abandoned civil liberties. Bush has moderated his environmental approach since he's in the "looking out for his legacy" phase, but the party's stance hasn't really changed. That's the only position McCain is really to the left on though.
  8. I can be persuaded to lean to the right but what turns me off: -social conservatives -flawed ideology (doesn't represent what it's supposed to) -obnoxious patriotism, lumping honest self-criticism (especially of the party's policies) with being unpatriotic and hiding behind the flag
  9. It's not photoshop, what happened is McCain started to move the wrong way, and then once he realized it and corrected himself he made a "whoops" face. But freeze frame it like this and it looks hilarious.
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 08:23 AM) This country isn't even in shouting distance from socialism. Even if Obama's most ambitious tax plans come true (which they won't), we'd moved a few inches closer but still be miles away. We'd still need a centrally planned economy, no? Even with de facto government control of the banking system there's quite a ways to go for that.
  11. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 08:51 AM) I hope that was meant to be green No, he is an honest to god far left socialist.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 08:58 AM) You lost me in the very first sentence. I really don't know of many people who feel that our government isn't rife with ineffeciencies and many feel plenty corrupt. Ask someone who has tried to get a passport, social security, had a tax audit, applied for citizenship, etc, how well our government works. You should've finished reading his post because everything what you just said is exactly what he said : For the record I applied for a passport a few weeks ago, it took me maybe like 6 days to get it and my birth certificate came back a couple of days later. I expected it to take weeks.
  13. lol, I didn't even catch the "Peanut" slip at first.
  14. None of you mentioned Randy Moss, you should probably be shot.
  15. This is why I haven't bought the last 2 copies of Madden, and why I won't get Sunday Ticket. The NFL isn't so important to me that I'd pay an extra 250 bucks plus whatever they charge for HD.
  16. Did anybody watch the charity dinner Obama and McCain went to? It was pretty funny. I missed McCain's bit but my wife told me he was funny, I have to catch it later. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/al_smith_dinner I lol'd at the part when Obama was making fun of his first name saying it's Swahili for "that one," and that his middle name "was picked by somebody who obviously never thought he'd run for president." Then he said he'd have to be honest and that they'd be hearing some October surprises about him, that his middle name was actually Steve, not Hussein.
  17. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 10:16 PM) The MSM is losing its minds over an undocumented plumber, but show than an undocumented immigrant, and they stay quiet. Lou Dobbs sends his greetings.
  18. I'm off on the details, but I still think the practice of selling exclusive rights sucks. The easiest example is Madden where there was very obviously a decline in quality (or at least a decline in progress from year to year) once EA secured the rights and the 2K series, among others, was no more. Same thing with MLB and the 2K series which was a strategic response. And when I want to go buy an NFL jersey, I have to pay what Reebok wants me to pay, which is more than I used to pay and probably has the cost of the license factored in.
  19. I've been following DNE posting politics in various places for a while and this is literally the first time (kapkomet's attempt when DNE was drunk notwithstanding) I've ever seen someone replied to his socialism bait with something intelligent that gets to the core of economics rather than something along the lines of "America the best argaaerarrarrghafasaaaa communism is bad FREE MARKET RULES."
  20. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 10:03 PM) NFL is a monopoly thats why it can sell exclusive rights deals that create other monopolies. And I don't really like that it has the antitrust exemption, either. That they are allowed to sell their license so only EA can make their games, Reebok can make their jerseys, etc. is garbage.
  21. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 09:32 PM) Im not against the Free Market, I just think it needs to be regulated heavily. You dont think businesses come together and overcharge for things? What about Coca-Cola and Pepsi, it costs like $.03 to make a coke but they sell it for $1.00 because they know they can without the other going any lower. It's a fundamental flaw of Capitalism that has been exposed in the age of mass-marketing and branding. You can program people into believing a product must be branded in order to be safe and they will pay whatever price you and your major competitors chose for it be. What's the point in attacking the other side and killing your bottom line when you can just work with them and all go home rich? In the end you're gonna be paying somebody and I feel like I have more control over elected officials than corporate executives. If you want to trash capitalism, NFL Sunday Ticket (and the sports packages in general) are a good example to use.
  22. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 09:33 PM) see, DukeNukeEm, my post was giving useful information to a soxtalk poster.
  23. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 09:27 PM) Shouldn't that be green? I know your real name, Egbert Horacio Funkelsteindorker! A little too obvious to need green isn't it? I gotta say though, your brother's screen name makes a lot of sense now.
  24. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 09:24 PM) Good, when David Gergen get's a Soxtalk account it'll be news. But some b-rate analyst for CNN being told somebody loves him really isn't news. Posting my real name is against the rules.
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