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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. You know, to be living in a solid blue state that's not in play, I really see an awful lot of McCain yard signs on my way to work. I can't think of any places that have Obama yard signs although I know there are a lot of Obama voters here. I guess that's because there's a lot of ex-military around.
  2. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 18, 2008 -> 10:06 AM) It makes it seem as if he did that all by himself. That's what I always objected to. I've given Reagan plenty of props, but the single handed disintegration of the USSR is too much of a stretch. Yeah this is my position as well. To say he "won" the Cold War, which is said quite often, is pretty inaccurate. The Russians would also say that it's like thanking the crow for the sunrise but that's not true either. In reality what happened is somewhere in the middle. They were in a downward spiral, and Reagan's policies had a positive effect (from the American perspective) that may or may not have happened with another president, and this ultimately contributed to them reaching a point they couldn't recover from.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 18, 2008 -> 08:34 AM) No green needed. Reagan was the central figure in making USSRs biggest assets and income nearly worthless. IIRC, when Reagan took office, they told him this was already happening, so he decided to accelerate it as much as he could.
  4. Haha, yeah that last line is probably the most inaccurate thing I have ever seen. Ever.
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 07:55 PM) I hate the f***ing bunt! Mostly because they suck at it.
  6. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 03:59 PM) If Uribe could hit like this for the next couple of seasons, I'd love him at 3rd. He won't, and anybody that thinks he will is fooling themselves.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 04:22 PM) I agree with chisoxfan. I don't get the love for Swisher. I've been holding hope that he might at some point carry us whether down the stretch or hopefully if we make the postseason. Because of his personality I don't hate him, but he's not been a good acquisition yet. It's because he's woefully underperforming, and hitting about 35-40 points below what they thought he'd be hitting. The thing about Swisher everybody loves is his OBP, but he doesn't even have that. A .250 average with 25ish homers is perfectly ok if your OBP is .375. But he's just plain not getting it done. Basically, the player the Sox thought they were getting is not the player you see. That's why you don't get it.
  8. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 05:08 PM) The Old Boys Network - in the McCain campaign that's called a staff meeting.
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 01:57 PM) That's false. He did visit the Lions, but just as part of their general talent evaluatoin. They are not signing him. Some Austin city official said that Benson signed a contract (hence me calling it a rumor). I don't have a link but it's from the Free Press site.
  10. QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 03:18 PM) to be fair, i think there are supporters of both candidates who are going to parrot back what they hear their favorite commentator say rather than doing research and looking into the real issues of the day. Absolutely. Go to somewhere like CNN's political ticker and it's like the ESPN of comment sites. People just say blatantly stupid things all around and none of it makes any sense. Or just click on the comments of any news story after it's been linked to Drudge. Wow.
  11. Does anybody remember Yahoo's old message boards before they got shut down? Holy s*** that was terrible.
  12. QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 01:04 PM) i also periodically engage in political arguments on message boards. let me just say that after traversing the internets for a few months, this country is really friggin polarized and unable to do anything other than spout their party's talking points of the day. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Soooo true. I started laughing out loud when a guy called me a liberal sheep because I didn't fall in line with his argument that Palin has more experience than Obama because governor > senator (what a dumb thing to argue about, really). Eventually I managed to counter whatever he was tring to say by saying there really is no correlation between what a person did (governor, senator, general) and their performance as president. So he gave that up and arbitrarily changed the subject to Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers. It was pretty surreal, actually. It's almost like he couldn't even comprehend what I was saying if it wasn't a GOP talking point. I'm not sure what his goal in telling me this was, even.
  13. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 12:46 PM) Still a stupid thing to say as a surrogate. It's not like she ran HP very well. John McCain spent 5 1/2 years as a POW in Vietnam. In the prison camp he was in, they didn't have surrogates. How dare you question the wisdom of a comment made by one of his surrogates.
  14. TSN is pretty bad, so is Sportsline. In the same vein as Fox Sports and ESPN.com.
  15. Rumor has it that Benson signed/is about to sign with the Lions. lol.
  16. Sounds like a pretty decent compromise for at least a place to start, hopefully it passes the Senate. Like I was saying before though this is only one of a few steps that need to happen but anything is better than "drill baby drill."
  17. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 11:19 AM) I don't know what effect his knee injury had on swinging and missing, something he did with even more regularity this year. I dunno, a seemingly unrelated injury seemed to affect Jermaine Dye too.
  18. QUOTE (YASNY @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 09:50 AM) How come we draft more quarterbacks than the Bears do? QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 10:03 AM) The sad thing is Borchard, Richards, and Fields would probably be better than what they have now... Jerry Owens could probably establish himself among these WRs too.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 11:10 AM) Their financial markets on MICEX and MISE have been more than open in the last decade - they have been begging for foreign capital. And they've gotten some, but not nearly what they were looking for. Western businesses and financiers have been hesitant to jump in a whole lot because of instability, political unpredictability, and rampant corruption. You just can't do business over there without paying off a lot of people a lot of money, which is costly and in violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (for US businesses). Sounds like they could have borderline superpower status again if they'd just clean up their act and play nice.
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 11:08 AM) Mine sounds dirty... Drill Swollen Palin Winner.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 11:06 AM) In reality if capital is evaporating that quickly, they won't be able to stay in Georgia much longer. This is exactly how the Soviet Union collapsed. It wasn't politics, it was a complete lack of money to support the state. That goes all the way back to like 1975 or something and I thought the opening of their markets was supposed to rectify that.
  22. You know the saying: "When the United States sneezes, the world catches a cold"
  23. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Sep 16, 2008 -> 08:11 PM) Yep, this would be huge. How many pitches for Floyd so far? 49
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