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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. I sat there for a good 2 minutes trying to figure out what the big deal was on that one.
  2. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 11:32 PM) It's not a smear, because honestly, none of it's stuck. Rev. Wright - that was RSO's own doing, not the right wing. He stepped in his own s*** spot on that one. Birth Certificates? WTF? That's just stupid, and I've never heard of it. Ayers - ok, let's face it, the guy worked with RSO. Period. Closely at that. Yet, no one can prove a thing there, and so that's all the further it's gotten, so what? It's not about "fighting back". It's about taking the high ground, something neither party seems to know how to do. I'm sick of the "gothca" bulls***. Let's just stick to the issues. And the Rezko thing too, where all that's known Obama did was make a legal transaction, and his name never came up in the trial or anything. That hasn't stuck either.
  3. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 11:28 PM) Thanks! I'm not sure if that will actually work against some right-wing nutjobs elsewhere, but I'll try. Are you still trolling CU? Or have you been banned yet?
  4. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 07:58 PM) These were coming directly from Mozilla though, not from any virus protection. Yeah I re-read the thread. My post was pretty irrelevant. Disregard.
  5. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 01:54 PM) Yeah, there are some two-day ferry excursions to get to Okinawa Island and, longer excursions to get into the more southern Ryukyu islands. I hope you make the trip, it will probably be a trip of a lifetime. I'm definitely making the trip. I applied for a passport on Saturday. Later, in September, I'm going to Croatia.
  6. It wasn't anywhere near as close as Yost made it sound. The runner was moving pretty quick and was pretty far down the line and moving fast, and CC was all the way on the other side of the infield, and would've had to make a perfect throw. It's really not crazy to call it a hit. Yost sucks as a manager by the way.
  7. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 08:10 PM) 1) McCain knew about it already 2) This 'scandal' hasn't changed my mind about anything 3) McCain refusing to comment on personal family issues is completely legit. 4) It doesn't matter who he picked, it would be 'scandalous' to left wingers. So it is reasonable to consider he knew about this stuff, but didn't think it was a big deal. Oh, in that case I agree. I just think a denial by the McCain camp that he didn't know is less relevant than the other reasons.
  8. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 08:00 PM) So you think he should have given a comment ? what are you getting at? I mean, I understand that politicians can't always be taken for their word, but I'm pretty sure everyone that posts here already has that opinion. All right, now I'm confused, and I don't know what your position is here so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you.
  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 06:42 PM) http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idU...=22&sp=true No comment? well yea, it's not a political matter, it's a personal family thing. Well I mean he's not going to say he DIDN'T know, that would make him look like a complete dumbass. Of course he's going to say he knew. Do I think he knew? Yeah, probably. Or at least I'd hope so. But I just don't take everything that's said by a politician at face value.
  10. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 06:47 PM) it shouldn't be and the media wouldn't touch it. Yes they would, without a doubt. Remember when Bush's daughters got caught drinking how much to do was made about that?
  11. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) McCain's been up to these dirty tricks all summer, Obama has ways of getting this out. The media loves scandals and they will cover it on their own. But it will blow over and ultimately not matter.
  12. FWIW, in response, Obama said that people's families are off limits.
  13. Thanks bmags, just tryin to keep everything running smoothly.
  14. Probably belongs in the GE thread, fwiw
  15. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 01:52 PM) I'm a big Gates fan, so I wouldn't mind seeing him around. Like I was saying earlier in the thread, in that book I was reading, it seems that Gates has kicked ass for the last 20 or 30 years. Had he been Bush's SECDEF from the get-go (and without Wolfowitz and Pearle around) it probably would've had a much more positive effect on his presidency, and if we still did invade Iraq, we wouldn't have done it with such a f***ed up, half-assed, arrogant strategy that we had to fix a few years later. Our ducks would've been in a row first.
  16. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) Interesting, and thank you for the follow up. I guess I'm on the side of a house cleaning. Using this race as an example. Obama has been running on a plank of Bush has this totally f***ed up and he's going to fix it. What message does that send, when if elected, he keeps all the people in place? And to me those types of positions are more important then some cabinet positions. Now when you start wiping out clerical staff and minor players like that, I start to have a problem. Well you have idiots like Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz who are gone so Obama wouldn't have to worry about that. It's my own opinion that Gates is highly qualified and should stay though. I could be wrong. As long as Obama doesn't gut the intelligence budget I won't have a problem with how he handles national security. If he goes for Clinton-esque cutbacks it's going to sting and I'll be pissed. If he keeps it strong like Bush has then we'll be ok. Besides talking about ending the war he hasn't indicated in his speeches that he's thinking about cutting it though, although it would be kind of dumb to do that while campaigning.
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 11:03 AM) I always assumed that started long before Carter, I could not find any sources, do you have any?While early on there was some carry over, in 1841 there was a 100% turn over of the cabinet. I remember from Civics classes way back before and around Carter's time that it was traditional even for Presidents who are reelected to receive resignations from their cabinets. During Clinton's terms there was considerable debate and comment when Janet Reno did not follow protocol and offer a resignation. I think I didn't write that correctly. I meant to talk about just the Director of Central Intelligence, not the Cabinet as a whole. My post seemed to indicate I was talking about more than the DCI. The source is a book I have (For the President's Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush by Christopher Andrew) so I can't give you a link but I'll type out the passage I read that for you: "Carter's choice of DCI set an unhappy precedent. Since the foundation of the CIA, all newly elected presidents except Eisenhower had kept the incumbent DCI in office. (Ike had made Truman's last DCI, Bedell Smith, undersecretary of state.) George Bush tried to persuade Carter to keep him on, at least for a few months, to preserve the principle that the office of DCI was above partisan politics. Carter, however, failed to grasp the importance of the principle, and was anxious to make a visible break with the past."
  18. Shotgun wedding FTW. First off, for the record I'd like to clarify that I believe this has no bearing whatsoever on the presidential race, Palin's personal character, or anything like that, and that it's the business of her family and her family only. Now, having said that, it's my personal belief that getting married just because you're knocked up is a terrible idea. You're either meant to be married to someone or you aren't (and I don't believe in soul mates btw but that's another subject), and having a baby is NOT going to automatically make it work. However, I do hope it works out for her.
  19. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Aug 31, 2008 -> 04:16 PM) Yeah, I just ignored the warnings too. This isn't gonna f*** up my computer, is it? Soxtalk gives me warnings from Norton sometimes, out of the blue, it never means anything though.
  20. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 10:32 PM) The question is above my pay grade Im reserving my judgment on it until more conclusive facts come out. I think her response to the allegations warrants that at least. I'm in this camp too, for now.
  21. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 04:22 PM) Anyone who dies in that city from this storm will not have my sympathy. You may have been unprepared for Katrina, and FEMA certaintly didn't help, but everyone in New Orleans is given plenty of warning for Gustav. Get on the damn bus this time or attempt walking to higher ground. Atleast people in Florida are accustomed to hurricanes and typically have the supplies to cope with them if they remain. Now, even those crusty old "I'm aint gonna leave my town!!!" people should learn from the death of several thousand people three years ago. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/gustav_gulf_coast /FACEPALM
  22. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 09:51 PM) Democracy wont work unless we viciously attack each other until vultues pick at our rotting corpses. Be prepared, I dont know read a book in print or something... I know how you Libertarians get about those internets. God you're messed up Tomorrow morning you will see this and lawl.
  23. QUOTE (Rooftop Shots @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 07:49 PM) (I'll try again, if this doesn't work, I'll post the link.) http://www.methodshop.com/picts/ads-1930s/f**.jpg The problem is the board filters a certain perjorative for "homosexual" that starts with F. If you want the pic you have to manually type the letters in over the asterisks.
  24. QUOTE (YASNY @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 12:10 PM) PKINASS
  25. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 30, 2008 -> 05:00 PM) Lose has 1 "O". Pet peave of mine. Peeve has 3 E's and no A's. Sorry, that was a Mike MacDougal fastball down the middle.
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