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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 11:57 AM) One of the Best Filibuster analogies ever. I just realized that I indirectly compared McCain to the KKK which I didn't mean to do, but the absurdity in the analogy is still there.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 12:40 PM) I just saw the stat on MCNBC that 26% of her voters aren't going to support Obama. That is CRAZY. Especially since they are basically the same candidate when it comes to issues. 11% of them are planning on voting for McCain. Wow. Yeah... I mean if you're serious about politics (and if you're a lifelong Democrat who is registered and is a loyal supporter of a prominent Democrat, I think that qualifies) I just can't understand how spite could be that strong unless you're just uneducated, ignorant, or otherwise don't care. I think some of those 26% will stop and think about what they're doing, and realize they are voting the exact opposite views of the candidate they supposedly support so strongly. I can understand abstaining from voting (or even better, writing in for Clinton), but don't vote AGAINST what you and your candidate believe in. That is like me getting pissed off at Jesse Jackson for saying he wants to cut Obama's nuts off and then declaring I'm going to a KKK rally next week.
  3. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 12:24 PM) The whole "we wont support Obama because hilliary didnt win" thing? Bill and Hillary were VERY sore losers and it's rubbed off on their supporters. This would have NEVER happened if they would have just bowed out when they were supposed to. This drawn out fight stung hard. It was unneeded drama that only server to inflat their ego and sens of entitlement. And when they didnt win.... Bill throws a temper tantrum that he dosent get to pick his speaking topic at the convention. Bill is still crying about it too. He still hasn't realized that he is one of the reasons she lost. She saw the writing was on the wall, and there was no way she would've won by delegate count, so she tried everything she could regardless of ethics. Then at the end it all came to a screeching halt and she didn't have time to let out a parachute, and by then her mentality (and ethics) had rubbed off on them.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 12:41 PM) Except Reagan actually had some real good policies behind his talk, which led to the bankrupting of the Soviet Union. Somehow I don't see Obama having that ability. It accelerated it, but didn't lead to it. That was already happening and Reagan knew it. He just capitalized. It probably would've happened on its own though, they couldn't wean themselves off the centrally planned economy they had.
  5. Hillary's supporters are really starting to piss me off... one of the reasons I can't be a registered Democrat.
  6. QUOTE (BlackBetsy @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 09:55 AM) I'll be there cheering the Sox. There usually are a ton of Sox fans in Baltimore. I'd say the last trip to Baltimore, the crowd was maybe 1/4 Sox fans. I wouldn't say it's that many. Maybe 15%. What section will you be in? I'll be somewhere around 1st base.
  7. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 09:54 AM) I know 3 people currently in Russia, 1 is an American who is working there, and they do not feel that way. According to them, the average Russian loves America (especially our TV shows, for some reason. maybe Russian soaps are really that bad) and wonders why both governments keep playing politics. I first met them 3 years ago in Miami at a work convention, and email with them regularly. And just something different, it had been rumored for years before we pulled out of the one treaty that Russia had been working on their own anti-missle defense systems in violation of the treaty, and had just not been able to come up with a working system so far. Maybe they still haven't, hence their anger at being 'one-uped'? I'm talking about their government, and the media translations I read sometimes (albeit their media is still pretty much state-run media now, although nowhere near as bad as China). The Russian government is shady as hell, I know. I'm sure the people were just as relieved to see the Cold War end as we were although it probably didn't happen the way they wanted. They were scared s***less of us during the 80s. But still, their foreign policy is based off the US and what the US does. If they were violating the treaty while we were monitoring them though that should've been something that we took up with them directly, maybe we just couldn't prove it. But they had a lot of programs they scrapped at the end of the Cold War that they had no need for anymore, and now they probably have the budget to start those them back up again, along with a reason to. Not good.
  8. I go to read the comments on the Tribune articles - which is a mistake, because the "comments" sections on news sites are generally a haven for some of the dumbest people in America to express their feelings - and I see tons of naysayers, crybabies, and Chicago-haters mixed in with the people who would absolutely love to have it. As a person who hails from Chicago, if it is done properly, I see NO reason why you should not want to have the Olympics in the city. None. Hosting the Olympics is not an individual honor, but a collective one that involves everyone. This may sound corny but I feel it's true... if you love your city, that's the highest honor there is to get recognition for it from the world. This would exceed even the White Sox winning it all, IMO. If that all is not enough then just look at the practical benefits that have already been discussed. If done properly, as I said, then the city will turn a profit or at least break even, but in either case, the investments to improve the city won't leave with the Olympics. It'll be reboot the city needs badly.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 08:07 AM) We won't try to. It will be a different kind of games. I agree. China saw the Olympics as sort of a coming-out party, and really went all out on the ceremonies. We don't really have to. This might be the first time Chicago ever hosted an Olympics but it still ain't our first rodeo.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 09:00 AM) Yeah, because why would countries have anything to fear from Russia, right? I never could understand our insistence on doing that even if the official reason given is to guard against missiles from Iran. We've had treaties in place for a while now, there was a balance and a status quo, both sides were content with it and glad there was no reason to change anything since everything was relatively calm. Then we pull out of one of the treaties and decide to one-up them, although that's not what we said we were doing, that's the only way to view it if you are Russia, which would become obvious if you asked your average Russian to list their perceived external national security threats in order. Now we are back to where we were in the 70s again. Except we are going to act like we didn't provoke it. Hi there 21st century arms race.
  11. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 11:38 PM) Early and bring us back 2 W's. I'll try. I'm 1-1 this year at that stadium. Boone crapped his pants in that game.
  12. I have tickets to tomorrow's game at Camden Yards. Anybody know how this works? Should I show up at 7:05 PM as if it were a regular game or should I get there early?
  13. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 02:33 PM) I insinuated OC wasnt a GG caliber SS in a thread this week and I had his defensive winshares thrown in my face. I was there with you.
  14. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 10:59 AM) Well you tend to worry about three things with a great basketball team: how will they react to their first close game, what if what they do best isn't there during a game, and what if the other team shoots the lights out. The United States ran into all three of these things in the same game, and it happened to be the gold medal game against a very good team, and they still managed to win. So they deserve a ton of credit and certainly winning the gold medal is a great accomplishment. They didn't play well at all defensively, but they just did everything they could on offense to overshadow it, and this is not a game they'd win without the continuity of being together the last few years during the summer. Hopefully we continue to improve at the international game now that we seem to care. I think this tournament proved that we still are that much better than MOST of the world, but a couple places are very good now and waiting to take us down (Spain and Argentina), and a couple more are very solid and can scare us if we aren't paying attention (Lithuania and Greece). The world is only going to get better though because this is such a huge sport worldwide, and places like Australia and China will improve, so the United States can't let it's guard down. This looked like the All-Star game at some points. The international game is so much faster than the NBA. Looks like the United States finally learned how to play it.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 12:38 PM) the media coverage about how he said "the next presid, vice president of the united states" was ridiculous. Yes everyone, Barack was really just a Biden strategy to win the presidency. Oh that. I didn't really pay any attention to the media coverage because it was aimed at people whose IQs were below 75.
  16. How's that pathetic exactly? That's pretty much to be expected.
  17. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 04:21 PM) Why did Obama feel it necessary to bring up Biden's 'Catholic' faith? Is it because they want to have religion up front in case Romney is picked for the Republicans? It's part of the base that he still hasn't solidified... and he still has to deal with those "Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist" rumors that won't go away.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 03:10 PM) Frankly, it's not even close. The only one I'd say goes up there with it is the legendary "We begin bombing in 5 minutes" and "I am not a crook". Reagan was pretty hilarious. What was funny about that particular statement was the fact that the Soviets actually thought he was serious at first.
  19. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 03:00 PM) veto every beer? Still maybe my favorite presidential speech gaff ever. No I still think Bush is up there at #1 with the "fool me once" gaffe. That one might never be topped in my lifetime.
  20. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 02:56 PM) I think we've all done something like that. We get so excited that our lips move ahead of our brain. Not an excuse, just sayin. Heck, I know I've done it. It was pretty funny. Well there is at least one of those in every speech, especially when they are long ones.
  21. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 02:31 PM) Did Biden just mispronounce Obama's name? He called him Barack America. Obama also introduced Biden as "the next President" until he caught himself.
  22. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 11:30 PM) Funny. Don't quit your day job. Are you suggesting that Iraq and georgia are morally equivalent to each other? But if you can put away your America hatred for a moment, what do you thik of the idea that China may use the events in georia to thier advantage in thier struggle against Tiawan? Or is snark about the maximum difficulty for your thought process? Please don't equate self-criticism of our own mistakes and missteps with "America-hating" It's no different than yelling at Swisher when he misreads a fly ball and lets it fall for a double, or Boone Logan when he throws a meatball on the first pitch and lets 2 inherited runners score. It doesn't mean you hate the Sox.
  23. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 09:40 AM) I can see the equivalency argument for the 'reasons' for going to war, but not in their actions once there. Russia has killed indiscriminately and destoryed at will anything and everything in its path. The US did not do this and took great pains to try and avoid civilian casualties and destruction. ues, they happens sometimes, but the didn't happen on purpose, and when they did they were always investigated because of the anti-war groups here and abroad howling about the eeeevil America. Russia just flips the world the bird and says 'oh well'. Out of curiosity have you ever seen the human rights report on Iraq? It's long, and I didn't read the whole thing, but while they rip America for the civilian casualties in some cases, they give the coalition credit for trying to avoid them when they could, and things like using precision weapons etc.
  24. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 09:02 PM) Michael Jordan? The man who spread basketball across the continent world. fixed
  25. Yeah back to back pwnage. Leave the stolen bases alone for a while.
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