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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. ...you know we use those regularly too right?
  2. QUOTE (YASNY @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 07:54 AM) I have to admit that even I started thinking that we had to bench Paulie. Right after I had that thought, he started hitting. I wouldn't call that overreacting though.
  3. Urlacher really should do condom commercials though, he'd be perfect. "Wear condoms when dealing with these random hoes people, or you will end up like me with a crazy b**** making my life miserable"
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 11:02 PM) Frankly, I have difficulty with including the word "Prove" in that if you're saying that Russia could prove Georgia did something, given that there's still no reason to trust the statements of the Russian government any more than there is to trust the Georgian denials. It's not all that hard in a war zone to fabricate evidence of war crimes, considering you already have the hardest part; the bodies. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction Saddam Hussein is a threat to America
  5. Yeah I saw that. How soon until I can hide in the women's locker room at my gym?
  6. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 07:03 PM) Well i certainly wouldn't put it past anyone citing 'yahoo answers' to be proof of something. Dailykos and huffington post are quoted often. I was worried about you for a second. I should call my buddies in Atlanta and see if they're ok, apparently the Russians have us beat in the invisible flying tank race.
  7. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 06:51 PM) Uh CNN is reporting that Russia is claiming massive portions of the country and not giving it back. You can go with the 'yahoo answers' reporting, I'll go with CNN. That link your head
  8. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 05:17 PM) Thinking he will be a success is just as right as predicting he will do nothing, IMO. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so I don't know why people are berating him about thinking Danks is overrated. I for think he will be wrong, and I am sure he hopes he is wrong, too in the end, but he can have an opinion. But how can you have an opinion at all? All prospects basically start off on the same footing.
  9. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...08091149AA3VGTk ...
  10. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 04:23 PM) Overrated. I think he'll turn out like Sweeney who wasn't good enough for the Sox apparently. I mean, I like Danks, but I just don't see him being as good as everyone projects which is better than Ryan. lol, how can you figure he's overrated when he hasn't had a single professional at-bat?
  11. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 04:18 PM) And what about the way he speaks to people, sometimes in his own circle? I guess he's the golden boy of the football team though. These are not things I really think or care about. As long as he isn't breaking the law I don't care about his personal life, or his personal business between him and his crazy baby's mother.
  12. So I leave work, and in the 20 minutes it takes for me to come home, I find out the Sox unload and hit 4 HRs in a row. Nice.
  13. Bahaha, that has to be a career high in SBs for Paulie this year. Plus an infield hit. And he has a triple this year too.
  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 03:28 PM) Another big RBI situation for Jimmy just as you said he'd get more this season. Admittedly though, Thome's been kinda quiet lately. He hasn't been getting on base much but he's still slugging like crazy.
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 03:16 PM) I'm saying a hit there is key and breaks open maybe a game against a s***ty team. If he wants a WS he needs to shorten his swing and poke a hit there. It was a big at bat and a big failure of an at bat. Dye came through; he f***ed up. It all adds up. Dye has blown it many a time in those same situations. In fact, statistically speaking, virtually all players will a majority of the time. It happens.
  16. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 02:55 PM) awesome job JD. CQ is getting a ton of deserved MVP talk, but JD should be getting some too Their OPS are only about 20 points apart, actually.
  17. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 02:52 PM) Awful AB there. Come on JD, duplicate what you did in the 1st. He took you literally.
  18. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 02:41 PM) Broadway is just incapable of missing bats right now, the hitters are getting to everything he's tossing up there. 53 f***ing pitches for Broadway, we'll be lucky if he goes 4. It didn't help that he needed to get 4 outs in the second though.
  19. We used to do the same thing to John Danks a year ago.
  20. Great news here. I think I worried a little too much about this. It'd be awesome if both of the Danks brothers ended up being good for the Sox for a long time.
  21. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 12:29 PM) We have laws that split hairs all the time. So videotaping being legal in one context does not automatically mean it is legal in all. For example you can video tape people walking down the street from eye level, place the same camera hidden on the ground to get "up skirt" shots, and it is illegal. So I would believe there is ample precedent to ban cameras. I also believe there is a difference between specific locations and wide area surveillance. A well marked traffic camera or store camera is better controlled then thousands of ubiquitous camera that records everything in 10 square miles. I'd like to explore the presumption of innocence that seemingly is thrown out when you record everyone looking for crimes. I'd be more inclined to support this if it was in response to a specific crime rate in a specific area, and would need judicial review before being set up. The Google thing hits a gray area between advertising and news. Expectation of privacy is the key to what you're getting at. If I am walking to a car in a parking lot, or if I leave a piece of paper on my desk at work, I cannot reasonably claim I expect privacy there. Anybody can see me outside doing anything if I'm not on private property. At work, that is their property, and they own my workspace. If I throw a stack of papers in the trash, and one of them was a note to a killer I hired to off someone, I can't reasonably claim that I expected my trash to be private once it's outside of my house, sitting in the alley or on the curb (if I didn't want it to be found I should've shredded it). On the other hand - a woman has a reasonable expectation that whatever is under her skirt is private... unless she makes it clear she doesn't think so.
  22. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 12:08 PM) Popeye's in Lake Geneva. A friend of mine who is really tall, bent waaaay over to read this girl's t-shirt. It said "It's not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean". He was pretty drunk, so it took him a long time to read it. One might assume he was also staring at her chest. He looked up at her, looked at her boyfriend, and said "small dick huh?" That's when he started getting his ass kicked. Of course we had to help him, and his buddies had to help him. I grabbed one guy and basically thought we'd pretend to be fighting, only he took this s*** for real and started throwing punches. I barely held him off when the bouncers came to royally kick our ass. So the cops released us first because we were on the losing end and would probably be smart and follow their orders to leave town. Nope, we found a hidden away bar, down the end of an alley, and drank some more. As we were leaving, and turning a corner, we bumped into our buddies. Why the hell can't they listen to the cops and leave? This time I avoided that guy and started punching a different guy. He kicked my ass also. Interestingly enough we had the same court date. This time we decided to avoid those guys. I swear the judge held back a laugh when I told him why the fight got started. lol. In adulthood I've always managed to avoid bar fights even when drunk. This guy once was trying to provoke me into a fight - coincidentally, over the slutty girl I was talking in my post above. I wasn't biting.
  23. I have only ever been in one actual "fight" not counting all the times I used to fight with my brother, and that one I won. But once when I was in 9th grade I believe I got into an argument with this fat f***, over what I don't remember, but he pushed me to the ground, plopped on top of me, and proceeded to punch me in my eye about 4 times before I could get my hand up to block and retaliate because my arm was pinned down under the weight of his bulbous ass. The other kids there separated us, but best friend got into it with him a little while later and ended up kicking his ass b/c everybody got tired of the fat kid. I didn't really get my ass kicked, I just wasn't given the opportunity to really fight back. Another time that doesn't quite qualify as getting my ass kicked was Halloween of 2003. I was DDing on the way to a party for my drunk ass roommate, his girlfriend, a random slutty girl whose pants I had gotten in after meeting at a club a couple weeks before but whose name I can't recall at the moment (it starts with an M), and a friend (who also got in the slutty girl's pants some days later). My roommate was in the passenger's seat and we were joking around and whatnot, and suddenly out of nowhere he grabs my right thumb and twists it back really hard. Mind you, I'm driving, and starting to lose control of my car trying to wriggle out of his grip. So I reach up and slap him across the face with my left hand pretty hard out of instinct and he lets go. He sits there for a few seconds then punches me in my right temple. I look over and go WTF and he punches me again in my left eye - gave me a black eye that I have a picture of somewhere - and puts me in a headlock. My other friend in the backseat grabbed the steering wheel to avoid the tree I was about to run into but couldn't see, and pulled my roommate off me at the same time. I had to slam on my brakes hard and throw it into park, I only missed the tree by a few feet. Fun times. Gotta love out of control drunks. Later that night after I had gone to my then-main squeeze's house to get some sympathy ass, he had gotten so drunk that he started tonguing down some girl in front of his girlfriend and she punched him in his head about 10 times and he had a splitting headache for about 2 days. He later admitted that was his karma catching up to him, lol. I hinted at the fact that I was going to press charges and he apologized profusely when he sobered up and saw him later, we're actually still friends. Just one of those nights.
  24. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 12:39 PM) Possibly, if Powell can convince him that there are conservative values that need to be held - but honestly, I don't see that happening. And that's one of the bigger reasons why Powell wouldn't accept. I don't think he wants a bloated government as big as RSO wants it to be. Maybe, who knows. It's really a damn shame that Powell feels like he can't run, even more of a shame that his concerns are probably valid. Powell would be an excellent leader and it is only bulls*** that prevents him from running. He has pretty much anything you'd want... and his national security credentials don't simply consist of "I've supported like 5 wars" which is what would scare off liberals, and they are strong and proven enough to satisfy conservatives. Plus he has the crossover appeal, I just don't see moveon.org and the like going into a panic over him.
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