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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 01:29 PM) His point with BABIP is that he's only hitting over .300 BECAUSE of his high BABIP, which tends to regress to a number slightly below Alexei's. That said, if Alexei were hitting grounders through the holes, this stat would have a lot more applicability, but I guarantee you BABIP for a line drive is much higher than BABIP for grounders, and Alexei is a line drive hitter. Another piece of that blog that bothers me is that he continually references the small sample size for the things Alexei appears to be doing well, but completely ignores the small sample size for the things Alexei appears to be doing poorly. Cherry picking stats? Looks like it. That's what I was getting at. It's one thing to have an inflated batting average because you have more infield singles than you should, or because you get seeing eye singles. Alexei hits the ball with authority. It's not a fluke. He's never going to walk a lot but to point out his OBP at this stage does no good, he has
  2. ^^bmags I'm trying to talk to you-know-who on the other site and tell him that right now, mostly for my own amusement since he's like a brick wall and doesn't listen to anything. I find it hilarious that he is so dismissive of the fact that I already forgot far more than he'll ever know on this subject, and others like it.
  3. Ok so I see here that he points out Alexei's high BABIP as some kind of red flag... ok... when you're batting over .300, how are you NOT going to have a high BABIP?
  4. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 03:27 AM) I fully expect him on the 25-man roster and starting by August 4th...perhaps leading off with Quentin moving to the bench. What if Jerry Owens had been drafted by the Twins? lol he would be killing us.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 11:28 AM) I am not sure if you are addressing me or Jenks, but I am 100% WITH Obama on this one. It was complete bush league to steal the letter and print it. neither. just posting that for the sake of posting it.
  6. Even if he did it on purpose (who knows, he probably did) I can't see how it can be interpreted as a slam on him.
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 10:16 AM) If you look through this and other threads, I think you'll find only a couple posters who fit your description - Obama walks on water, McCain sucks, etc. Similarly, I think you see about that number of posters who wrote off Obama as soon as, and for any reason, they could. There was a definite, extended "gotcha b****" moment after the Jeremiah Wright thing broke out. You could tell that there were people waiting for a reason to attack him, because up until then they really didn't have anything besides "no substance" which started to get weaker and weaker the longer he campaigned, and developed "substance." It was like jubilation. I bet Sean Hannity had to change his underwear when he found out about that.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:19 AM) Seriously McCain has gotten a free pass? That is rich. Obama dispite his complete lack of anything forgein policy has gotten off scott-free. Did we hear about this? http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=70454 OR THIS http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=5433416 OR THIS http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/pos...WExZTI5OTc3YmY= OR THIS http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/pos...GRkM2I1MTU0ODc= OR THIS http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8060503510.html Look at the poll numbers and see what the voters think on this specific issue (mind you, Obama has a pretty decent lead in overall polls, so it's not like we're talking about the opinions of an anti-Obama crowd). McCain's maintained an advantage, along with national security, pretty much the whole time over Obama, I would call that a free pass. It's really already been decided for us that McCain is the foreign policy expert and Obama is the neophyte, rarely is this challenged, and the numbers reflect that.
  9. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:13 AM) I haven't disagreed with this at all (I do agree that McCain doesn't have the "experience" he's been portrayed to have - no one in the senate does). But, tell me, how's he getting a free pass when all I see here is seeing 800 posts a day about how McCain is a doubletalking asshole devil, while Obama walks on water? I see it here all the time about how McCain is a blazing, bumbling idiot, so I'd say he's hardly getting a free pass. You're not seriously using the people who post in the Filibuster on Soxtalk as a measuring stick for the rest of America are you? I bow my head in shame, kap.
  10. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:51 AM) My commentary on my last post: For everyone that is sick of the media fawning over Obama I am equally sick of the media anointing McCain as some sort of foreign policy expert. What exactly has he done or said that makes him an expert in foreign policy? I'm starting to think that since he's 72 and been in Washington forever that everyone just assumes he must be an expert. He has been less than impressive, to say the least, with regards to foreign policy during this campaign. From the numerous gaffes regarding Sunnis and Shiites to Czechoslovakia references to the Iraq/Pakistan border reference it's obvious he's getting a free pass on foreign policy. bmags tried to make this point using different words and got shot down. He's right though.
  11. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:45 AM) I disagree. The whole thing is a front, which is what SS is saying. And it almost makes it worse, IMO, because he's pretending to be pretensious (sp) when he's not. I didn't say it wasn't a front. I said it was a strategy, and that it's working.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:10 AM) It bothers me when you present yourself as a "new" kind of politician, and then engage in the exact same stuff that you have been demonizing the other party for. That is really nothing more than a campaign strategy, and a damn good one if you ask me (results show it). Even still, it seems like the media and other people have projected their definition of "change" or "new politics" onto him anyway, and either praise him for no reason or rip him for failing to meet the expectations they set for him. In the end, people will hear what they want to hear.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 08:47 AM) Exactly. Obama has had his people on the attack since day one. In and of itself I don't find anything wrong with that, in fact it's necessary. It depends what the attacks are about. When the attacks are ad hominem, or outright lies/falsifications/distortions of the truth/completely irrelevant is when I have a problem with them. So it's ok to say something like "McCain has an inconsistent voting record on issue X" or "Obama voted against the surge." It's not ok to say "McCain has an illegitimate black love child" or "Obama's wife ranted about how she hates white people, I have proof but I don't have it right now but take my word for it."
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 08:33 AM) Not this type of campaign. Heck look back to 04. John Kerry sure as hell didn't run like this, and neither did Al Gore. If anyone of them did, we wouldn't be talking about George Bush today. Kerry's downfall was in letting the attacks continue before he went on the offensive. Well that, and he spent too much time convincing people he was the opposite of Bush.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 08:32 AM) Where do you think he learned his trade from? He learned from some of the slimiest dirtiest politicians in the country. The smart part about what he is doing is farming out out of the mudslinging to his surrogates and general public. He looks clean because he just has everyone else doing in for him. Using words like "slimy" or "dirty" when talking about positions is relative though. Politics is a dirty business by nature. If there's one thing I've learned from following all these primaries, it's that.
  16. Bauzin was a very, very stupid pick considering our needs... but from what I know of him, he really can play.
  17. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 10:06 PM) Good post. It looks to me like that's exactly the case. He's avoiding the inside corner, and that won't work with him. Oddly, even though his stuff is very different, when he slimps, he has the same bad habit MB does - staying outside too much. I was at the game against the A's when he was striking everybody out. He was going after guys, and his breaking stuff was working (from what I could tell out in section 102 in RF). Hawk and DJ were talking about how he wasn't in command today and was having trouble getting breaking balls over but I disagree with that. There was nothing wrong with his command, the ball was going where he was putting it, and his pitches were biting. The problem was where he was trying to put the ball in the first place. When you only use half the plate, you'll miss a lot of pitches, curves/sliders will miss the outside corner, and the fastballs will look meaty. It doesn't look like there's anything physically wrong with what he's doing, or even mentally. He just has a terrible approach he doesn't seem to want to fix.
  18. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:58 PM) And then of course 'someone' managed to get at those sealed divorce papers of Ryan's. Those don't show up, Obama is back organizing communities. I still want to know who it was that had leaked those. I dunno, weren't those in California? I can see Obama having the political clout to do something like that now, but he was still basically a nobody back then and I doubt if he can pull something like that off.
  19. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 09:49 PM) It's not just the "good lineups". Look at what most people are saying here (not some, those are the, um, not so smart fans, and I'll let you determine who those folks are). Most people here are saying he has some of the best stuff in baseball, and that's what keeps him around, but he blows up mentally at times and it costs him dearly. You want a Cy Young pitcher? I would love Mark Buehrle's head with Vazquez's stuff... that right there would be a Cy Young candidate every single year. Just a thought. I think his stuff is pretty undeniable, the dude is straight nasty. He really pisses me off when he won't pitch inside, or pitch to contact. He was doing that this game. His pitches would actually work and be biting, but he looked like he was either trying too hard to strike everyone out, or he was just afraid to let the ball see the strike zone, and he'd keep missing off the outside corner. The Tigers hitters would just sit on it and wait for one that wasn't too far outside, and nail it. He does this every game. When he's challenging hitters instead of trying to fool them, it works beautifully. When he doesn't, it makes his other pitches ineffective. Contrast this to, say, John Danks (or Mark Buehrle, since he is basically Danks with less stuff) who just won't care, and will throw inside to Barry Bonds if they wanted to. You need to be able to work both corners, especially when you have such quality off-speed stuff like Vazquez has.
  20. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:43 PM) Yes, but it takes a special machine to pull it off, and Obama's got one of the best machines I have EVER seen in politics, well above and beyond the Clinton machine. He beat her at her own game, which still amazes the s*** out of me. Mayor Daley says hi. Same thing on a smaller scale. Not coincidentally, Obama is a product of dirty Chicago politics, you can't make it very far without slinging a little mud. First election he won in Chicago, he did it on a technicality by getting everybody else disqualified and running unopposed.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:13 PM) Something finally hit me today. Barack Obama is running a campaign straight out of Karl Rove's playbook. Complete with the glittering generalities and the vague giant promises for everyone. He never really attacks anyone, but he has all of his surrogates who do it for him so he never really looks like he is attacking anyone and stays above the fray. McCain is constantly attacked, and then when McCain attacks back, the attack machine goes into effect talking about how negative he has been. He gets off scottfree. Anything he does is made to look so incredible and is portrayed in a huge glare, even if McCain has already done the exact samething and was generally ignored. We have our first GOP style democrat. Anyone can say that about any political candidate if they wanted to. Seriously.
  22. It's pretty sweet that his extension is based on escalators and de-escalators depending on how well he does as a WR. He'll get about 4 mil a year otherwise. He could make 10 mil a year, but I doubt that.
  23. I wish Javy wouldn't try to make people miss off the outside corner all the time.
  24. QUOTE (Cubano @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 12:05 PM) This reporter must write a similar article about Fukudome. Have you guys compared Fukudome's and Alexei's stats and salaries? This is what I have conveyed in other posts. The media give a free pass to the japanese and the cubans rarely catch a break. How old is Fukudome? He's a good 5 years older than Alexei.
  25. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 10:19 PM) Reminds me of KW's quote in the WS DVD- "we needed guys who can pitch it", and then they show Jose, "we needed guys who could catch it", then they show AJ, "a little speed" and they show Gooch, "and we need a little power" and they show PK and Carl. Now Dansky can fill in for Jose, Alexei can fill in for Gooch, and Quentin can fill in for PK and Carl. Jermaine Dye asks why you don't love him?
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