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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 01:07 PM) I know I'm in the minority but I feel that the 2nd amendment is completely outdated. I don't see why we need to own guns as individuals. It just doesn't seem like something a civilized society would require. I could see a case where hunting specific rifles were allowed but that's about it. In a perfect world we could wave a magic wand and take everybody's guns away, so everyone is on equal footing. The problem IMO is that you can easily take guns away from people who obey the law, but by definition you can't take them away from criminals. So by taking away guns from law-abiding citizens all you do is leave them vulnerable to criminals.
  2. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 09:16 AM) I don't rely on sabermetrics or message board groupthink (or ESPN, for that matter) to evaluate players. I do it the old-fashioned way: I watch the games. Me too, and I can see that Jeter makes flashy diving plays on balls that Uribe or even Cabrera get to routinely and boringly. That is mostly a gut feeling, and the sabermetric stats support it.
  3. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 01:45 PM) John McCain: Does anyone know if McCain is for allowing convicted felons and gang members to own guns? I'd be curious. Why would he? I seriously doubt it. That would be just plain bats***.
  4. re: welfare, when you're in that situation (dirt poor) and it's benefiting you, or you know a lot of people who are in that situation and benefiting from it, you aren't going to want to give it up and you're not going to want to hear the "pick yourself up" arguments, and even if they can see the big picture it doesn't help them in the near term. Those arguments only work on people with stable lives who have no need for welfare. For various reasons, blacks (and Hispanics) have a higher percentage of poor people in their communities so it applies more to them than anyone else.
  5. ^^That's where Kap and me started going. There is still the perception, for whatever reason, that Democrats are the party "for" black people. As far as the attitudes towards social classes and effectiveness of policies and whatnot that's another argument.
  6. QUOTE (mreye @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 11:27 AM) You said former KKK members became Republicans. I'm just pointing out that the only former member of the KKK currently holding office in Washington is indeed a Democrat. That wasn't what I said, or at least intended to say. The point I was trying to make is that the Republican Party of the past 50 years is not the same Republican Party from the Reconstruction era (to the point of being completely irrelevant to even bring up) and it's intellectually dishonest for someone to act like it is. The party back in the era that was in support of all the Jim Crow laws and let the KKK do the things they did was the Democrats in the South. It stayed that way for the next century or so until the 60s when the Republicans appealed to the white conservatives in the South (who would be those Democrats) and now they're Republicans, and the states in the Deep South have been red ever since except for the blacks who are mostly Democrat but not in enough numbers to make a difference. Nowhere was I trying to say "the KKK used to be Democrat and now it's Republican."
  7. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 10:08 AM) Theres not really a correct answer for that question. He cant really answer it honestly but saying what he said is so transparent its aggravating. If anything, maybe just saying he doesnt like Imus and thinks what he said was stupid. Pacmans comment about how he hopes Imus' employer handles it is what upset me the most. This is a guy who has been whining in the media about wanting to be given a 7th chance by his employer and how he doesnt think its fair he cant work and now he is trying to get a guy who only said something stupid fired by saying what he did really offended him and he hopes it gets taken care of. If Pacman was to be held by the standard hes asking Imus to be held to he would never be allowed to play football again. I just really hate how Imus put Pacman in a position to take the high road and look like a victim. I dont believe Imus' explanation but at the same time I dont think he meant what he said in the most cynical way. I just really think he must be either way behind in the times of whats socially acceptable or really really dumb. I suppose Pacman didn't have to be so self-righteous about it.
  8. QUOTE (mreye @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 11:21 AM) Uh-huh. Like Robert Byrd. Yes, because Robert Byrd being a Democrat means the Southern Strategy didn't happen and that nothing I said is true.
  9. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 10:12 AM) So I disagree with your statement as being a bad way to vote. 'scuse me? You had to have completely made that up.
  10. QUOTE (TCQ @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 11:50 AM) Exactly but this wont happen because most likely the same logic that ozzie placed on the uribe situation. Alexei doing good, and Uribe comes in and gets one hit and he starts the next three games. Whether intentionally or not you're comparing DeWayne Wise to Alexei Ramirez. Wise has something resembling a track record in MLB to go along with a career batting average in the minors of .259 and a OBP of .310 (with TONS of at-bats, and there's a reason for it). Good 4th or 5th outfielder but nothing more. And as a leadoff hitter? No thanks.
  11. How long does anyone realistically expect Wise to keep this up?
  12. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 10:17 AM) That's where a lot of it started, and boy, that makes me really sad. However, I think that the entitlements offered by Democrats in general, and the fighting of those by Republicans - (and here's the important part) combined with the Democrat's policies of "you are entitiled to those entitlements from your government" gives the impression that Democrats are the better party for the little guy. In reality, I think neither party cares, but the message over the last 30-50 years has been exactly that, and minorites in this country buy that line more often then their "majority" counterparts. People tend to vote for their own personal interests rather than what's good for the country, I guess.
  13. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 09:46 AM) You really want me to get into that? I call it brainwashing, but that's neither here nor there. Now, on that point, I don't think it's "racial" but I think it's "policy". All of that completely changed after the Civil Rights movement. The people who would be Republicans for racial reasons are now Democrats and vice versa. The Southern Democrats that supported the KKK and blocked the amendments etc. moved over to the Republican party and that has yet to change.
  14. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 11:19 PM) So in your view, they should just close up shop and give up. Does that mean the end of manufactured CDs, etc.? Close up shop, no, that'd be unreasonable to expect of any business. But does that mean I can't smile as the natural selection of free market capitalism pummels them mercilessly until they are finally down for good? Sure doesn't. The sooner it happens the better. The music industry will be fine without the RIAA. Hopefully the next thing will have better foresight.
  15. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 12:48 AM) I dont know what bothers me more. Imus's explanation, which is ridiculous or Pacman actually saying he is offended and is going to pray for him. Theres a guy paralyzed because he was making it rain at a strip club and hes offended by a guy who he hadnt heard of before Rutgers. I dunno... what is Pacman supposed to say? "I know I'm a douche everyone, I realize that, but he shouldn't have said what he said"
  16. QUOTE (rafacosta @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 09:36 PM) I agree. He knows a lot. I'm pretty sure he gets a lot of those info from the internet (computer in front of him). Otherwise, it would be impossible. He even knows that Mark Teixeira went to the same high school as Gavin Floyd... I knew that. But I live 10 minutes from there, lol.
  17. QUOTE (IamPabloOzuna @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 09:33 PM) yeah...that guy...vin scully...its not like hes a legend or anything I knew, but couldn't think of his name.
  18. QUOTE (rafacosta @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 09:32 PM) Man, he doesn't stop... Yeah seriously. How much baseball knowledge does it require to go on like that?
  19. It's funny listening to the LA guy do play by play with no color commentator - but he doesn't even need one.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 10:18 PM) I liked Stewart's line on it last night (paraphrasing): "MoveOn.org: making even those who agree with you cringe for over 10 years." Stewart's take on Obama backing out of public financing was hilarious too. First "well duh" and then he said he should change his campaign slogan to "I'm rich, b****!" If Obama did that I would support it wholeheartedly.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 10:16 PM) I thought it was drawn at the only way to get the death penalty is to actually take a life? This was just part of the NPR summary, though. I haven't read the actual decision. Yeah, that's about as far as I've gotten so far, and if that's the case I don't agree. Not that life in prison is a picnic or anything, but I think that threshold is a bit high.
  22. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 04:19 PM) LOL. Whoever wrote that article obviously had no idea who George Carlin was. Not one reference to his life as a standup comedian. He probably heard his name mentioned, browsed through Carlins IMDB trivia page and then put together some bits of information. lol that's kind of the equivalent of saying "Albert Einstein, co-creator of the Einstein refrigerator, dies at age 76"
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 08:29 PM) I realize it goes both ways. *That's what she said*
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