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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (WCSox @ May 28, 2008 -> 07:11 PM) I'd say that Philly and Boston are probably worse, but Chicago is definitely up there. Chicago and Philly are basically mirrors of one another. From the media to the hostility of the fanbases (mostly because of the media).
  2. QUOTE (daa84 @ May 28, 2008 -> 08:34 PM) it may have helped him though...he has gotten a chance to see big league pitching, to learn how pitchers like to operate...i mean this guy in all probability hadnt seen more than 9 innings of american baseball til he came here...i think hes been able to learn while being on the bench, though i understand it would have been nice to get him consistent ABs in the minors if it wasnt here...either way i think he should be better than uribe from here going forward... the thing ive been most impressed with has been hes defense....hes really smooth out there and hes got a nice arm....the few double plays ive seen him turn have been the quickest ive seen for a 2b in a while Richar's not too bad at the DPs himself from what I could tell.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 28, 2008 -> 07:45 PM) Then again if they weren't working so hard to get weapons in, the rest of the stuff would be a lot easier. Israel or the Palestinians? Basically Israel's entire economy is based off defense and their military-industrial complex. We kind of give them a free pass on some things though because we're on good terms with them.
  4. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2008 -> 09:31 PM) I seem to recall that when Richard Clarke had his book coming out around election time, McClellan tearing into Clarke in his press briefing on March 22, 2004 when asked about Richard Clarke’s book blasting the Bush Administration for 9/11 and CIA intelligence failures: Hmmm. That also is a totally valid criticism/accusation IMO.
  5. The original article I read was talking about how in '57 the Soviets had developed Sputnik, and weren't chasing crystal skulls. Oh really? BWAHAHAHA.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 28, 2008 -> 06:08 PM) That's possible. The only info I have is what he has said, so, I have no specific reason to disbelieve him. It may be bulls*** - I couldn't tell you. A guy on the news in the background a little while ago was saying it was less of him being a hypocrite and knowing everything he knew in the book while he was serving, and more of a metamorphosis from a total Bush-backer to Bush-basher.
  7. QUOTE (Princess Dye @ May 28, 2008 -> 04:57 PM) by the way, hitting .307 since May 12.... roughly when he started seeing consistent atbats All I ever wanted for Alexei was a chance to get consistent ABs... he was rotting away on the bench. It's just like I felt for Anderson last year. Either play him more or send him down, but keeping him on the bench, you're doing him no favors.
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 28, 2008 -> 05:48 PM) You cannot compare the experiences of you or I, to his, in this instance. While you and I may both have seen what we felt was the real reason for war, and seen how weak the evidence was, that was based on information we had available too us. McClellan had all that info, but also probably, was given a lot more. And that more part may have been info that led him to believe that it was the right move. All I am saying is, we can't know if that was the case or not - until more facts come out. It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that McClellan was misled. For whatever it's worth, McClellan is saying that he was misled and he really believed the stuff he was saying and later realized it was BS.
  9. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2008 -> 03:03 PM) Look, to start, I in no way think that Dunkin Donuts or Rachael Ray is endorsing the PLO or anything along those lines by wearing the scarf. She wore what some designer told her to wear. That person, however, may have had some agenda in her choice for the scarf. We don't know that, because they declined to say who it was or where they got it from. You guys keep saysing 'it's just a scarf'. I get that. What I am trying to get you to realize is that it may just be a scarf to you, but to someone else, it is a symbol of Palastinian sympathies, or worse. I am just trying to find SOMETHING fashion wise that can bring that point across, since you guys keep reiterating that it is just a scarf. Yes, I know that, but it is a scarf that has meaning outside our PC walls of America. Hey, maybe it is a shrewd marketing move, if DD plans on opening up a few branches in the middle east. I am not sure the ad would play as well in Israel, though. I am not boycotting Dunkin Donuts for this (I am, however, staying away for the sake of my waisteline), and it doesn't reach anywhere near that high on my disgust scale. But it isn't as meaningless as some may ant it to be. It's not easy to come up with an analogy to get your point across, fair enough. I just don't see what the big deal is, at the same time I don't blame DD for not wanting to take on that unnecessary risk. Right now a certain segment of Americans are scared of anything having to do with Arabs and/or Muslims (not necessarily one in the same). To a certain degree, that's understandable considering what we've got on our plate right now, but not to the degree some people are freaking out about. People have to learn to not generalize so much. I've completely gone off on a tangent though.
  10. These types of things happen more than I assume y'all think. Just ask a CTA employee when they're not on the clock. They'll tell you the train system is ridiculously in need of upgrading. If Chicago gets the Olympics in 2016, hopefully there will be a nice windfall of cash to help the CTA out with that.
  11. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:49 PM) Which is my basic understanding as well – that it has come to refer to the head-dress and not a robe as Alpha suggested. The term isn't used to describe any single item of clothing in the Quran though. What you said is probably correct as well.
  12. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2008 -> 03:43 PM) How about replica Nazi army jackets? I remember a time in my youth that American army jackets were cool to wear, I guess it could happen. Honestly, are you comparing Muslim women to Nazis? Why?
  13. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ May 28, 2008 -> 03:42 PM) Technically, I don't think hijab isn't any one type of covering, like a burqa, khurmur, or a jibab. As i understand it, it is a broader reference to Islam's directive for personal modesty or privacy. Actually I was told that a hijab is the thing that covers a woman's hair.
  14. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 28, 2008 -> 03:28 PM) I wonder if the hijab will be the next fashion trend co-opted by the west. Hey, it's just a robe. Although this statement is a stretch to put it mildly, what if it is? Does it mean the people who wear it - as a fashion trend - support Islamic terrorism simply because it's worn by most Muslim women? I'd like to think not.
  15. WTF there was a game already played today?
  16. It's still a scarf. Hundreds of millions of people wear the same thing (albeit not necessarily black and white) who are NOT doing it as a symbol of solidarity. They do it because they want to wear scarves and have done so for decades.
  17. Alpha, it's a scarf. I have one myself, and I bought overseas to boot. It's traditional Arab garb, nothing more.
  18. QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:11 AM) From here: http://www.slate.com/id/2192185/ Eh? I don't really get that vibe from the media, I read an article somewhere that was saying the Hillary campaign was hostile and arrogant towards the media, so they were more forgiving to the Obama campaign for a while because he was more open. And also little anecdotal stories about how a radio show host (I forget which one) sent e-mails to both the Clinton and Obama campaigns about doing an interview, and Obama's people replied in 45 minutes, but the Clinton camp never called back. If anything, at this point, the Obama camp seems to be strictly controlling its message after the whole flap over the NAFTA thing.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 28, 2008 -> 10:08 AM) They need to stick to their guns and not seat the delegates so that this doesn't happen again. Obama needs to make sure he doesn't say this out loud again
  20. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 28, 2008 -> 08:18 AM) Cabrera has some things to say: "If it happens again, I will call again," Cabrera said. "I don't have to do it with other teams because they always had my back. They don't want to do it here, I can take care of my own business. If you have a problem with what I did, come to me and say something. Don't go to the media to send a message, because he didn't send any message." "I never had anybody complain about that stuff," said Cabrera, who won his second Gold Glove Award last season with the Los Angeles Angels. "If there was a major-league player who tells me he's not selfish, he's lying. Everyone is selfish about numbers, because that's the only thing people cannot lie about. That's it. It's not a big deal. I don't know who's trying to make this a big deal. Maybe it's the media, maybe it's the manager. And nobody is complaining about that stuff. Nobody cares about that."
  21. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ May 28, 2008 -> 11:30 AM) damon and crisp, what a joke lol quentin will make the team lol... seriously the All-Star balloting process is a goddamn joke. Coco f***ing Crisp. The only way he should be at an All-Star game is if he has a ticket.
  22. QUOTE (VAfan @ May 27, 2008 -> 04:25 PM) I'm surprised Vazquez appears to have mentally turned his game around after all those 6th-inning meltdowns that sunk our 2006 season. If he pitched then the way he pitched last year, we would have had a chance to defend our WS title. Javy was our 5th starter that year, he didn't really sink our season. He was about what you'd expect from a 5th starter. The problem was the 1-4th starters underperforming so much all at once, then again maybe 2005 raised the expectations for them too much.
  23. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ May 28, 2008 -> 10:10 AM) well hey, we cant say much. ny and redsox fans are voting a lot! more than us! There's probably twice as many of them, at least, for each team. That being said, Francona is going to pick Carlos unless he's completely insane.
  24. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 27, 2008 -> 03:06 PM) A Congress that would quit sending pork to the President and then over-riding the vetos would be a nice place to start. I don't remember the exact wording of it, but all 3 of the then-major candidates voted in favor of a measure to cut back on pork, but it failed miserably on all fronts when it was voted on. Never had a prayer.
  25. Winner Cabrera's gotten away with at least 4 errors already this season, he needs to be happy.
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