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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. I like the idea of cutting spending, but it's going to take more than a promise to reduce or eliminate earmarks because that's just a couple of drops in the bucket in the big picture. That's just one step in the right direction.
  2. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 27, 2008 -> 09:53 AM) But see, they HAVE done serious holidays, like MLK day and Veterans day. So are you suggesting that they don't do serious and just stay funny? I'm suggesting that if they say they didn't want to do Memorial Day because they took it too seriously, and didn't want to make light of it like they normally do, then I believe them. I don't really see what the big deal is honestly, they do Independence Day (that's a celebratory, light-hearted but still patriotic holiday) and Veteran's Day (very similar to Memorial Day, not as somber I guess) so that kind of nullifies concerns about not doing Memorial Day in my mind.
  3. Seriously this thread title does look like it's advocating Javy for a Cy Young.
  4. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 27, 2008 -> 09:13 AM) You talkin' about the Orange Glow and Oxyclean guy? Probably... don't forget the shammies to clean up your mess!
  5. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 27, 2008 -> 09:05 AM) And that does lead to a question, is a company more or less patriotic for having a Memorial Day Sale-A-Bration!! There was this commercial like 10 years ago doing a parody of guys like that and the TV in the commercial explodes... I lol'd. That also reminds me of that guy that comes on those late night commercials to sell various gadgets and trinkets who screams at the top of his lungs. The guy with the beard, I don't know his name.
  6. QUOTE (spiderman @ May 27, 2008 -> 06:07 AM) What is Buerhle's recent history vs. Cleveland? I know his last start (last Thursday) was very good, but doesn't he have a, at best, so-so historic performances against them? He sucks against Cleveland. 8.31 ERA this year, 4.32 ERA last year. 4.79 career. All of which are quite far above his career numbers (total is 3.84)
  7. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 26, 2008 -> 03:39 PM) They changes their logo to honor the 50th anniversary of Sputnik! They did it to honor Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday! On April 20 (420) they changed it to some sort of trippy-looking artwork. They have done MLK day and even Halloween. Last year after some bloggers made a stink about it, they did Veterans Day. This just seems like a curious omission. I find Google's reasoning perfectly acceptable unless you're saying that Memorial Day should be in the same category as the 50th anniversary of Sputnik, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday, and Halloween? The only other day that deserves that same treatment is MLK day.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 23, 2008 -> 07:38 AM) MLB's broadcasting rules and Fox's exclusivity rights are so ridiculous. I HATE Fox broadcasts. Plus, whenever they get Sox games, they seem to ALWAYS have Met/Yankee game running at the same time, and it always takes priority.
  9. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ May 23, 2008 -> 09:03 PM) This is how you can tell Obama is trying VERY carefully not to make it seem like he is pushing he rout of the race: His campaign has pretty much said "we dont think it was malicious and she has every right to stay in". Let the record show, if this had been Obama making those comments about CLinton, she'd be down his throat with it and all over the media showing how he is a horrible man. Olbermann had a great point: her "apology" wasn't really that. She said she regretted her comment. Kinda sorta apologized to the Kennedys and NEVER mentioned Obama. Olbermann ripped her a new asshole about that. I've never really watched his show, his "special comment" segments make me laugh.
  10. That strike call to Crede was terrible, it wasn't even close. Napoli even appealed to first and he started to signal that he didn't go, because he didn't.
  11. Floyd's only thrown 75 pitches... throw him out there again for the 6th and see if he gets it back?
  12. QUOTE (north side chi sox fan @ May 23, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) I find it odd that we brought up outfielder when we are short on infielders. Must be to pinch-hit.
  13. Alexei Ramirez is finally hitting, is it going to be for good now?
  14. QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 23, 2008 -> 02:20 PM) I think that it's interesting that Bush gets no credit at all for trying to deal with North Korea by "talking" He already does? I've always thought Bush was doing fine in that area by forcing the 6-party talks I don't really think there is any other way to deal with North Korea though.
  15. QUOTE (mr_genius @ May 23, 2008 -> 02:28 PM) eh, every candidate goes a little off to the left or right during the primaries... then more to the middle for the general election. True, that's what I was alluding to.
  16. I'm also sure that there've been plenty of black gay males that have been fired for just being bad at their jobs, and there was no outcry from anybody because there was just no reason. Now if they were fired because they were black and gay...
  17. QUOTE (rangercal @ May 22, 2008 -> 12:23 PM) Obviously I agree. I was only making the argument that we should address something else first. I would like to see a deal for brand if 1. Nothing else is available and/or 2. We get him for the right price. Meaning, It would really hurt to lose Deng in a deal for Brand. Losing Deng would defeat the purpose of getting Brand IMO.
  18. QUOTE (rangercal @ May 22, 2008 -> 12:06 PM) sorry , misunderstood you. I did not want you to think that I was saying Gooden = Brand. Fair enough. I do think the team would be better, especially offensively, with a Brand-Deng frontcourt than a Nocioni/Gooden-Deng frontcourt. The team would be much more balanced and consistent.
  19. Also, those PER stats and whatnot are probably misleading considering Joe Smith played for us for half the season, and was probably the most consistent player.
  20. QUOTE (rangercal @ May 22, 2008 -> 12:00 PM) I don't think anyone is saying they are in the same class. But why take on 9 MIL MORE in salary and give up 3-4 pieces for a position we are fine at? I can see if we were to package 3-4 of our former top 10 picks to get a bigger shooting Guard(maybe Tmac) or a star small forward, but a power forward? No Thanks. You're jumping to some pretty wild conclusions here... all I said was "what does it mean" not "gee I really hope the Bulls get Brand back" (although I really like Brand and would really like him if he was here... but I never said that in this thread).
  21. To my knowledge, Brand's had one major injury, which was last year. I can't recall anything before that. But yeah Brand is a complete 20-10 PF... I like Gooden, but cmon. They're not in the same class.
  22. I remember watching Gordon defend Barbosa, he was getting RAPED the entire game. Sure he would hit those 3's, half the time he did, on the very next possession you would see him caught out of position yet again, and trying to dive back to contest a wide open shot. Gordon is the only Bull capable of putting up 30 or even 40 on any given night, but he is a complete liability on defense. Maybe they could adopt AL rules and make him the designated shooter or something.
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 22, 2008 -> 09:40 AM) I just want to echo the sentiment that it usually takes a number of years AFTER a Presidency, if not longer, to really put it in historical perspective. I may not think highly of Bush's regime now, but its possible that it may appear different in a different light later. Looking back, for example, I have to give both Clinton and Bush I more credit than I had at the time of their terms. Especially Bush I... Clinton is about the same for me, somewhere in between the hero-worshipping on the left and the flat-out hatred on the right.
  24. The decline in casualties has more to do with a change in strategy and attitude than it does the actual number of troops. e.g., they tend to get mad when we just kill more of them, so let's see if we can build some tangled alliances. So far that's worked but it's really fragile and it can end any time they want it to. Also there isn't any such thing as "victory" or "defeat" in the traditional sense that we're used to. By any traditional metric, we've already "won" so to speak. At the same time, short of either 1) making Iraq the 51st state or 2) just saying f*** it and killing everyone, the bad guys are going to claim victory over us no matter what we do. None of that really matters, what matters in the end is our strategic position compared to theirs. While the author is right about our relations with Europe being mostly repaired since '03, I think he seriously underestimates support for Islamic extremism.
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