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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ May 22, 2008 -> 08:37 AM) I don't know that this is really pro-Obama, but it's not anti-Obama, it's only about him, and it's an interesting read. The NYT on Obama's problems within the Florida Jewish population: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/22/us/politics/22jewish.html That article contains several obnoxious realities... on several different levels.
  2. I think the question of hurting our relations with Pakistan is legit... they are shaky enough already as is.
  3. The likelihood of Brand joining the team is high? What does that mean?
  4. QUOTE (CWSGuy406 @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:48 PM) My question is... do any of the candidates? I'd rather the candidate be honest and admit to a level of ignorance on the topic, but be able to surround themselves with people who do know what they're doing (in that specific area)... I really don't think so. So debating over who is going to lead us through the recession is pretty much a moot point to me. This is why rarely chime in with anything meaningful on what we should do about taxes. Everyone is sticking to generic, not anything practical.
  5. QUOTE (daa84 @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:27 PM) few things are more annoying to me than the wave.... I feel embarrassed for humanity when I'm at the game and people are doing it.
  6. lostfan

    Heather Locklear

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 21, 2008 -> 02:39 PM) Most overrated hottie of my life time. Paris Hilton says hi.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 21, 2008 -> 03:24 PM) He takes every policy issue I have with Obama to a new level. The administration would be far, far too left economically. Obama doesn't really know s*** about economics... and I'm hoping he contrasts himself with someone who does.
  8. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (Iwritecode @ May 21, 2008 -> 03:53 PM) Yes but I rarely drive it. In fact, it sat in my driveway pretty much all winter long. We only use it when we need the extra room for something or we are pulling our trailer. Yes, no, no. I drive 40 miles one-way to get to work. But my gas consumption has decreased signifigantly in the last 2 years. First, my company lets me work from home one day a week. Second, we bought a new car that gets much better gas mileage than the old minivan I was driving. So I'm somewhat doing my part. B) Then you are actively trying to reduce your gas consumption, which is the basis of anything I say, so that's legit. My annoyance is mostly directed at single people who drive bigass Tahoes or Suburbans (like my best friend) who have no need for them but still burn gas like crazy and wonder why they have to pay so much.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 21, 2008 -> 03:41 PM) I find it quite interesting that your instinct was to care more about the race and age of an Obama VP choice than to care about the policies they advocate or their leadership skills or anything else. Obviously all the other stuff is important, but honestly that's reality. It would not be wise for Obama to pick, say, Deval Patrick as his VP. The VP is supposed to complement the president and contrast in some ways, and that includes race (as much as we might personally disagree with its relevance) and age (which loosely means experience).
  10. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:56 PM) On your next vehicle...please consider waiting a couple years and then look in to the plug-in hybrids when they're available. I bought this car brand new so I'm running the damn thing until its tires fall off. I'm getting my money's worth, dammit.
  11. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ May 21, 2008 -> 01:08 PM) Umm... Heh, I was thinking in reverse. My bad. But IIRC Perkins and Barkley were picked right behind MJ so my point still pretty much applies.
  12. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:48 PM) There is no consensus #1 either. Always better to have a higher pick, but choosing #1 isn't fool proof. Plus, if the #1 consensus player does not fill a need, it becomes even more over valued. The Bulls got lucky the year they picked #3 and took MJ. They were hoping for a big man, and settled for the guy on the Olympic team who was flashy and would sell some tickets. editing my own post for stupidity and to save embarrassment
  13. rangercal, no you are not the only one that thinks it's not a good idea to end the Tyrus Thomas experiment. What's done is done, we wish we could have Aldridge but we can't, and TT is still very young.
  14. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (Y2HH @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:47 PM) From Pershing to 95th -- no thanks. And I've never been the NY, and I probably wouldn't ride the subway in some of those hoods if I knew any better, either. I used to ride the Red Line every day, and my dad is a conductor on it. Besides the general cleanlines (it's the busiest line) and the occasional drunken bum or obnoxious group of teenagers it's no different than any other line, and I've been on all of them more than once except the Yellow line. It's not like people from those neighborhoods regularly get on the train and start selling drugs and robbing people. If I lived there and the Red Line was an option to me I'd use it. But like NSS72 said, the line is there for people who live and work in that part of the city.
  15. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (Y2HH @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:26 PM) I wouldn't want to take the red-line from that direction anyway, considering the neighborhoods it travels through... I'd sooner drive a Hummer at 9-10mpg than ride that train that direction/distance at night during the winter. For someone that lives in the city I'm surprised you'd actually think that. That reminds me of the girl from ND that was talking to me and another guy from NYC and said "well at least you don't get mugged living in ND." The Red Line's dirty stations might look intimidating but it's no different than taking the subway in NYC, and the people that ride it are just everyday people going to work/school/whatever.
  16. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 21, 2008 -> 11:16 AM) Well, that's not the case. Red Line to 95th, Green Line to 63rd, Orange Line to Midway. The south side is not AS covered as the north side though, so that's a strong argument to make. I wonder if that has more to do with expected ridership than anything else, though. Or did you mean that you think rail should cover the whole south side? Because there are all sorts of neighborhoods all around the city that aren't. You do bring up a good point, and yes, I do think the whole south side should be somewhat close to rail, NYC is the perfect model. There's just not enough money to do that though right now barring a major shift in priorities at all levels of government, so it would be based on priorities. From 95th on south to 136th, 138th or wherever the city stops there is no rail coverage whatsoever. This is a significant chunk of the city, it's about 5 miles, and it's one of the parts of the city that needs it the most and has been waiting in line the longest. The bus coverage isn't too great either compared to the other chunks out southwest that don't have rail. BTW I think you misinterpteted what I meant by "the whole South side," I just meant the farthest south section has the weakest public transportation coverage.
  17. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 21, 2008 -> 11:09 AM) Multiculturism and all this bending over and taking it in the ass in the name of 'fairness' and 'diversity' will be the end of our country. If the firefighters cannot speak English, they should have never been hired to begin with. Multiculturalism + diversity + fair treatment for all = ok Caving in to people who refuse to learn the language we've spoken here since before it existed and doing generally unreasonable things = not ok
  18. I dont have speakers at work can someone summarize?
  19. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 21, 2008 -> 11:56 AM) They've been considering this for the last 2 decades. Yeah, but they're talking about it for real for real this time, meaning like if they got funding, it'd actually happen. Of all the possible CTA extensions I think this one is the most needed. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense that the whole South Side isn't covered by rail.
  20. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    My dad told me the CTA is seriously considering extending the Red Line out to 130th or so.
  21. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:54 AM) I need a SS. Tejada.
  22. lostfan

    Oil Issue

    QUOTE (Y2HH @ May 21, 2008 -> 08:23 AM) I think I'm just annoyed by the entire issue since I hear people complain about the price *ALL* *THE* *TIME*, yet none of them have stopped driving their 13MPG SUV's. That is really my pet peeve. I can't stand it, yet so many people do it. I always ask 2 things to people when they complain, either out loud or silently to myself. 1. Do you have a SUV or a big pickup with poor gas mileage? What the f*** are you complaining for then? If you have the ability to buy a vehicle with better than 20 mpg and aren't doing it, then don't say s***. You're a part of the problem and you have no right to complain that it just cost you 75 dollars to fill your tank. Suck it up and be quiet unless you're going to do something about it. 2. Do you live in the city? If yes, is public transportation accessible to you? If yes, do you use it at least on occasion? If the answer to all 3 questions is no, again, I have to wonder about your mentality and whether or not you think people owe you something. Me personally, I get 25 mpg, whatever car I buy next is going to be over 30 if I can help it. No public transportation goes to where I work, and I live a little too far for it to be practical for me to walk or bike to work. But if I lived within 5 miles like I used to, I'd do it. So I just have to brace myself for the body blows and live with it until I can figure out a better way.
  23. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 10:23 AM) That was the first thing that attracted me to McCain. I just hope he hasn't had to sell his bipartisan soul to get the nomination. He's trying his best to walk a fine and dangerous line.
  24. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 21, 2008 -> 10:08 AM) As are Bush and McCain. McCain has a history of working bipartisianly, much more so than Bush, or even Clinton and Obama. He has bucked his party on issues where he feels they are wrong, again, have you heard that from either of those three? I'm not sure where the Democratic party (or Republican for that matter) stance was on the gas tax holiday but Obama broke pretty sharply from that even though it probably would've gotten popular support, and the other 2 candidates supported it. So that would be one quasi-example. Also all 3 of them were backing a bill to cut down on pork, of course that bill was mostly symbolic anyway and ended up getting defeated badly. As far as voting record, he hasn't really been in office for long enough to develop a track record of bucking the party. The only thing that's really been going on since he got voted in in '06 has been the Dems fighting Bush on the war.
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