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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 6, 2008 -> 10:18 AM) Read Tex's post. He wasn't talking about child porn in games, but Mature-rated games that kids under 18 will get their hands on. I mean "we" collectively because this argument seems to be going all over the place.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:58 AM) The interesting one will be to see what the Dems do to ensure that their mess doesn't happen again. Their primary has been a complete disaster. Start by getting rid of the superdelegates. Without them factored in I'd have to venture to guess this would be pretty much over by now. Oh, and that 6-week lull before PA. That was just unbearable.
  3. QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:58 AM) Now see, that's been my point for years, THEY ALL DO IT, and they are ALL scum. I don't give a crap what party you are. ding ding ding
  4. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:50 AM) So are you saying that if some form of media isn't say kid friendly that is shouldn’t be allowed to be put out? Can we really not see the difference between (as of now, hypothetical) child porn in games and R-rated movies? If not then I honestly don't know what the hell we're talking about anymore.
  5. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:56 AM) Probably somethng that should be looked at. But we would be mixing medias here. So, I ask again, porn on Channel 5 after school, or censorship? I was being semi-sarcastic and intentionally ridiculous (I assume you know that but it's hard to tell over text).
  6. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 6, 2008 -> 07:51 AM) This is a HUGE front page story in the Sun Times. The headline WHITE SOX DOLL BLOWUP The Sun-Times is a joke now. I finally quit reading when Mariotti got his contract extension in '06 after many years of threatening.
  7. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:50 AM) Pornography on CBS after school? No problem, just don't watch? How about Yahoo puts a link to 2 Girls 1 Cup on their front page? edit: If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, nevermind.
  8. QUOTE (Gene Honda Civic @ May 5, 2008 -> 11:31 PM) Yep... In summary, the word "elite" tests poorly, and your "liberal media" is ever so eager to attach simple labels to candidates. The most damaging of which, "flip-flopper" anyone, stick the best. Flip-flopper. Good catch, I forgot about that one. BTW. I need a president who is smarter than me. I mean, like significantly smarter than me. I want the president to be so smart he makes me feel like a moron. But at the same time, to not talk to me as if I am.
  9. "Elitist." Move over "terrorist," "liberal," "communist," "neo-conservative," etc. There's a new political curse word in town.
  10. I'm not concerned with Swish's recent lack of hitting. It's just a slump for now and he's never been known as a high-average hitter. However, I will say that he appears to be handcuffed some by being in the leadoff spot. But he's the only one that it really makes sense to put there for now.
  11. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 5, 2008 -> 02:55 PM) Well the purpose of an endowment is to spend the interest not the principle. Trust me, my employer was hurting for funds and more than a few people wanted to "borrow" from the endowment instead of the bank. That was quickly shot down and fast. As opposed to quickly shot down and slow, or gradually shot down and fast?
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 5, 2008 -> 02:11 PM) The lack of collaboration is the real issue in baseball umpiring, it seems to me. The umps keep trying to stop the idea of instant replay, well, the best thing they could do to avoid that is get better at working together. Look at the NFL, they are far better about it. The umpiring in MLB is just way too individualistic. On that blown call with O-Cab, one of the other umps (one of them must have seen it) needs to step forward and say they saw something different. NFL officiating is much better than MLB umpiring and they can and will overturn calls/mistakes, but IMO it still leaves much to be desired.
  13. QUOTE (juddling @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:58 PM) I think the ump at third got that call right. Then again...i was able to see instant replay and at full speed it could have gone either way. I'm not too upset about that one but Hawk did bring up a good point about the play at second. When Ozzie came out to argue the call...all the 2B umpire had to do was ask if any of the other umps saw OC make the tag. If none of them saw it then Oz didn't have too much to bi*ch about and he would go away but just for the fact that when Oz went out there and the ump turned and walked away from them without asking the other umpires (Hawk's point) that would have set me off too. Then again...I guess it's too much for the home plate umpire (who HAD to have seen the tag) to tell the crew chief at 2B that the tag was made. I couldn't tell what they were saying obviously, but when Ozzie went out there and the ump was explaining the call to him it looked like he was saying Cabrera's arm/elbow hit the runner and there was no tag made. And from where the ump was standing he was right because Cabrera and the runner's bodies both completely obstructed his view of the tag. As far as not consulting with the home plate umpire that's another story.
  14. QUOTE (the People's Champ @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:49 PM) Farmer was complaining about the call at third, in the same inning as well. Said that on the lineout Crede got back to the bag before the runner but the ump still called the runner safe. Anyone see that play? I was surprised that Hawk wasn't saying anything about that play if Farmer was saying it was a blown call. It looked to me like the runner got back to the base first before Crede's glove made it back to the bag on his dive, or at the very least got there at the same moment as Crede. In any case if it was the incorrect call (I think it was correct) it wasn't so blatant so as to blame the ump for ruining it.
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:39 PM) Whoa, hold on. When you play these games, you are on audio with other people? Wow, I didn't even know you could do that. And I watched some of that video. To say that's graphic is an understatement. In a multiplayer-enabled game, yeah. GTA has a multiplayer mode but it's not like the main story mode which would be where all of the controversial stuff happens. In multiplayer (at least from what I played) most of it is running around on a map and killing the other players for various goals. In other words, like any other shooting game out there.
  16. I hate the 12 year old kids on XBL a lot. I usually end up muting them and sending them negative feedback.
  17. Best post on this I saw earlier today. "Not quite sure if the pepper spray was necessary..even if he did run..he only would have gone about 2.7 yards before falling down on his own account."
  18. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:06 PM) So where do you draw the line? Probably pretty far before the types of (hypothetical) games in the post you quoted that was in response to you saying such a game can't be made.
  19. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 5, 2008 -> 12:59 PM) No ones made those games. No, and with good reason. That wasn't what was asked though.
  20. QUOTE (Shadows @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) Nope, thats not what im saying.. but this poll is comparing the hardest position to play against the easiest position to play.. and im not saying that McNown isn't a failure either but any of those three running backs should be considered a bust before McNown.. I could see Salaam before McNown, and maybe Enis, but not Benson. Benson has at least done something in the NFL. So did Salaam actually.
  21. QUOTE (rangercal @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:43 PM) c'mon though. You're saying that there is not a difference in players based on the # they are picked? I just can't compare a #4 pick with a #12 pick. Regardless of where they are drafted the expectation of them is the same. McNown was so terrible he hurt the franchise. Enis was at least a good runner, if hard to coach, before he tore his ACL and became worthless (I don't call Ki-Jana Carter the biggest bust of all time for that same reason). Also I believe Enis was the 5th pick not the 4th. Still, the way I remember it is they should've traded out of that pick.
  22. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 5, 2008 -> 12:44 PM) there's no actual shots of people doing drugs. Not that this changes your point but there are actually a few.
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 5, 2008 -> 12:38 PM) No, it's not. Child porn involves the video taping of sexual acts with a minor. GTA IV involves pushing buttons and watching a television. The comparison could not be further off and is ridiculous. Using child porn as an argument in any way against GTA IV is a goddamned joke. k You basically said child porn =/= GTA and therefore GTA is acceptable while child porn is not. You made a comparison. Not an argument against but a comparison. Said comparison is a valid one and IMO you are absolutely correct. Were it not correct I would be among those leading the charge to ban GTA. But because when compared to child porn, GTA and GTA-esque games fall far short of that threshhold, I'm not. This is getting very close to meaningless semantics, however.
  24. QUOTE (Shadows @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:31 PM) Uh wrong.. No one should be voting for McNown.. Quarterback is the hardest position to play in football and the likely hood that the person you draft no matter where it is will succeed is much less than a runningback.. Out of everyone in this poll, Curtis Enis is the biggest bust relative to where they were drafted and what they have done.. At least Benson is still in the league and still has a chance to be better What you are basically saying is "if a quarterback sucks really bad, it's ok, because he's a quarterback and it's hard so we can't put that stigma on him" And yes, the general rule of thumb is that a first-round pick is expected to be a starter at some point, and if he's not, it's considered a failure.
  25. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 5, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) Well, let's bring up movies like "Saw II" and books such as "Choke" while we're at it. Let's bring up any CD that has a Parental Advisory on it. His singling out of a video game is stupid. DISCLAIMER: I only intend to call Thompson stupid, not his Christian moral code. I'm obviously not in favor of censorship, but the question was posed so as to make a comparison between video games and child porn absurd, but in a conversation about censorship we are basically talking about the holy grail and standard of violent video games. So when you are asking "where is the line" a comparison to something as obviously objectionable as child porn is valid.
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