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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. he's not a bot, over the course of about 8 years I've seen him pretty much hold every political position there is to have though
  2. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 09:23 PM) Right, but doesn't it anger you just a little bit when people see your success, and assume it was handed to you? I experience this all the time. I'm not going to pretend it I did it all on my own...people helped me, my family made it all possible, there was some luck involved, and I -- with all of that help -- did it. So when someone undermines all that went into getting to where I am, it annoys the f*** out of me. I can tell you this, I didn't go to parties all the time, hang out with the girls (despite wanting too), and kick back all summer and hang out with the boys. I had to give some of that up...a lot of it. Sometimes, I felt like I was missing out...I often felt like, WTF am I doing this for?! Ten years later I know the answer to that question. So when people tell me s*** is unfair, it infuriates me. Because it sure as hell is. I missed out on a ton of fun when I was 16-21 or so...fun THEY got to have. So now when I look back and I'm the one having fun, it's hard to have sympathy at times. I suppose I'd roll my eyes if someone thought I got where I got because of affirmative action, but that had nothing to do with it. Being a veteran >>> being a minority Well ok I guess there's being a minority veteran even better but still, lol
  3. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 09:18 PM) Yes. Prior to our generation, I feel like most people tended to do better than their parents and their grandparents, etc. I'm sure SS or Balta will quickly post some study which shows that to be a myth, however. Combination of disappearing manufacturing jobs, s***ty economy overall, and skyrocketing college tuition.
  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 09:14 PM) Isn't this just a more recent phenomenon though? How recent is recent? If you mean the last 10-15 years or so then yeah. Globalization didn't really help matters much here and of course the 2008 crash took a s*** on everything.
  5. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 09:05 PM) I'm not saying it's easy, but to say it's not possible, I just cannot agree. I don't consider myself especially intelligent, or privileged, as a matter of fact, I can go out of my way in saying I wasn't privileged in many regards, but I can say I was given a chance, and didn't blow it. I was fed, I had a roof to sleep under, two parents that gave a s***, and while I didn't have all the awesome stuff most kids had (never had a Nintendo, Cable, or a VCR growing up), I think I came out fine. Aside from that superficial crap, my parents never denied me of much of importance. Took a while to understand that, but I understand it now. But it CAN be done. Hence, "I'm not saying it's not possible" I'm not bitter at all about growing up poor. Maybe my dad is (lost all his pensions for 30 years) but my adult life is on me. There's a whole range of factors that go into that though.
  6. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 09:04 PM) White upward mobility doesn't count. My point had nothing to do with race
  7. Has someone kidnapped Y2HH in the past few months and replaced him with someone who behaves and doesn't have to get called to the principal's office all the time? Like 2 years ago he'd have gotten himself banned on purpose, lol
  8. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:49 PM) I don't agree. I progressed "class wise", so did you, did you not? How did WE manage to do it if it's so impossible? Me + You ≠ America. I'm not saying it's not possible, but statistically, if your parents were poor or lower middle class, you'll probably die poor or lower middle class. People just talk about the "land of opportunity" feel-good warm and fuzzy talk like America is the only country where this is possible when it's actually more likely to happen elsewhere. Mainly just because we like to believe it I guess. What's more likely is that wealth will funnel upwards and concentrate and become more theoretical zeros in a bank account somewhere but if you say too much about this, you get accused of "class warfare" which is a nice Orwellian phrase if I ever saw one.
  9. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:44 PM) Wow, more QQ about inequality from you, how surprising. Like I said in another thread, when this continues being spouted by you, it becomes nothing but noise. You've been saying this same s*** for eons now, come up with some new material. Boo hoo, life is unfair, I'm underpaid, the rich people suck. Enough. He's right though. Class mobility in the US is mostly a myth that people only believe because they say it over and over again. It used to be a thing but we pretty much pissed that away. It actually exists in Europe and Canada though.
  10. QUOTE (Swingandalongonetoleft @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 01:28 PM) I would be surprised if the percentage of NFLers on PEDs wasn't somewhere in the neighborhood of 100%. Does anyone REALLY believe Ray Lewis made a miraculous recovery from that torn triceps? Difference is in baseball we can throw around these accusations with impunity b/c everyone got caught, but with NFL athletes people clutch their pearls when you say that.
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 01:46 PM) Exactly. Granted, I knew this the whole time, but I don't think I actually wanted to know the truth now that I think of it. Now it's gonna come out that Derrick shares his baby's mama with Reggie too.
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 01:49 PM) He is?!? *ignore* Well like to the extent Carlton Banks is black yeah. lol
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 01:48 PM) I'm just judging you because you are black. That means I'm cool
  14. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 01:07 PM) Facebook feeds can give you an actual glimpse into someones life. Just look at their timeline...pictures of their 7$ Starbucks, their steak at Cap Grille, and an endless stream of bars, where beers are 5$ each, when a 12 pack at the store is 9$. Those feeds can show you why they're broke, and it sure as hell isn't the "man" keeping them down. If you guys judged me off my Facebook posts you'd think I was a crazy person who wanted to kill everyone but really liked posting about funny s*** his son does.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 12:50 PM) http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-07...rose-brian-cole "We couldn't base his whole career on one year," Reggie Rose said. "We look at the longevity of it. Derrick is going into his fifth year. I think Derrick should probably be able to play 15 to 18 years. So it was like why take a gamble on one year when we can make sure that he's all right and have him for the next 10 years? That was ultimately the decision we made as a team after he tried to get back. And we just stuck with it." Probably not on purpose, but he basically admitted he made that decision for Derrick and that was the plan the whole time.
  16. So my computer wasn't booting. Gave me an error. I used my windows 7 recovery disc and the s***ty repair utility that comes with Windows. It fixed in 5 minutes. That's never happened. Ever.
  17. QUOTE (Nixon @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 06:57 PM) What, like addressing education, poverty, and recidivism? Those causes are so far left you may as well move to Scandinavia. You pinko f**ot. Touche, touche.
  18. QUOTE (Nixon @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 06:12 PM) I wish I lived in this fantasy world where most workers are competent and people are rewarded on merit. As someone who has suffered through HR duties for extended periods of my life I can tell you that a good 80% of people you encounter in life are f***ing morons. Trust in the bell curve. Christ, I forgot you downy soft baseball fans had a language filter. Keith, what the devil is this? Lol, people like me give the filter a lot of work to do.
  19. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 05:55 PM) Not to diminish your experience, but I got that living in Sauk Village in the early 80's. Although not always up against the car, maybe half the time we were just stopped and hassled for a bit. I'm sure this happens to white people too. Not trying to be a drama queen or anything I'm just always surprised that people react with disbelief when black people say they really do have a harder time from the cops. Chappelle did a stand up skit about this back in 2000 that was pretty funny.
  20. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 05:12 PM) Well, I don't think it is that bad...maybe I am wrong (newsflash, I am not black)...but while I think being black or hispanic or just poor in general is a factor in whether a police officer will become suspicious, I don't think it is the main one. I think if you are going about your business and don't act like a goof, the cops will leave you alone. There are obviously some instances where a cop is a rogue racist cocksucker and looks to hassle minorities just for s***s, but I think those are extremely rare these days. Usually where it gets messy is if someone is in a place and a time where criminal activity tends to occur frequently, and you fit the profile of someone who might be involved. Is that wrong? Yes. Is it easy to fix and yet still maintain order and provide a police officer with a chance to protect himself? I'm not sure that one is so easy... It doesn't happen as often now but when I was younger, being outside at night wearing dark clothes and a Sox hat, talking to my friend on the corner at night was reason enough to be spread eagled on the hood of a cop car.
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 04:59 PM) All sarcasm aside, do you really believe that? Yes. Based off both my the experiences of several people I know, and my own life experience to a lesser degree. I know that all police aren't the same too. Why?
  22. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 04:53 PM) Except that, again, you can prove the lack of reasonable suspicion. When your s*** is being taped without your knowledge, you don't really have a say in the matter. Theoretically. That's if you're one of those unarmed who doesn't get shot while they're handcuffed and the officers' story is taken at face value and they're acquitted, and so on. I'm not anti-cop but all authority from the lowest level up to the federal government needs a check on it or else it becomes a self-serving militarized police state unaccountable to the public. Like the CIA in the 1960s.
  23. QUOTE (farmteam @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 04:49 PM) For stop and frisks, the cop still has to have a "reasonable articulable suspicion" that a crime has been/is being/or will be committed. That is nice but it's just a fig leaf very often. (Someone criticizing the Patriot Act would say the same thing)
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 04:45 PM) I read this and thought "I can't tell which one is supposed to have the reasonable suspicion and which one is supposed to have nothing at all". Is that defending the patriot act or stop and frisk? I literally cannot tell. Me either. Um I'm going to go ahead and try anyway 1. Reasonable suspicion is being black. Not officially, but in practice 2. Reasonable suspicion is communicating with known or suspected foreign terrorists
  25. btw since I made that post I'll point out that despite my intense dislike for him, Rand Paul is pretty consistent about this and actually talks about the skewed targeting of blacks from a civil liberties standpoint. Which is more than I can say for... f*** it insert any random Republican's name in here and they'll be just fine.
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