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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 10:35 AM) Because it negates the immediacy of the threat. No, it doesn't I can see your IP address as a mod here - if I PM you and tell you I'm coming to your house and going to kill everyone there does the fact that I did it on Soxtalk mean that I was never serious about it? I mean... it happened. The medium I used is irrelevant. (goes without saying that is purely hypothetical and I'd never do that)
  2. lostfan


    This sounds like an awful lot of bulls***.
  3. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 19, 2013 -> 10:17 PM) I reserved the S4 today. You got a specific reason why? I need something, anything to grab onto to make it seem like I had an actual reason and so I don't feel bad about passing the other one over.
  4. That's where I was leaning before a couple of days ago. My current phone is HTC (it was their flagship phone in 2011, it doesn't seem like that now, lol)
  5. New Phone time... I waited until now specifically. So, the HTC One or Galaxy S4, I really don't know.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 19, 2013 -> 08:48 PM) I was tempted to bump some old threads or choice quotes but...effort. That guys like Wolfowitz are still regarded as Serious People worthy of listening to says a lot. This was a completely avoidable disaster from the start and was painfully obvious at the time, and time and information has made it only more absurd. These people were obsessed with Saddam since the 90's and believed all sorts of conspiracy theories about him. Namely, that he was really behind the original WTC attacks and that AQ was and remained a false-flag, even after 9/11. Pure ideology. Even the most wild conspiracy theories from 2002 don't make any f***ing sense anymore. You see these douchebags on TV and they talk about the next thing (Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc.) like nothing ever happened.
  7. Um, the First Amendment pretty much never protected anybody who made threats or communicated intent to harm someone. The f***? Yes, that's a crime. No, that is no travesty.
  8. It's 10 years later and still to this day, none of the people involved in making the decision can articulate anything we were actually supposed to accomplish via what became the biggest foreign policy disaster in U.S. history. They don't even have the decency to feel shame for what they did nor are they embarrassed by how horribly wrong they were. In fact they feel like we are supposed to show gratitude for their "courage" or "resolve" or something like that. Donald Rumsfeld actually tweeted this today: @RumsfeldOffice 10h 10 yrs ago began the long, difficult work of liberating 25 mil Iraqis. All who played a role in history deserve our respect & appreciation. That is such unmitigated gall that it's almost funny. These people take basically all of what credit there is to be had and none of the blame, and pay phony lip service to those who ACTUALLY made sacrifices and showed courage in spite of them. Oh, they pretend to care, but the concept of actually paying taxes for this war is beneath them. Abhorrent, actually, but I do wonder exactly how many hundreds of billions (or trillions) more we could've spent on the war before they actually acknowledged it was costing money, and a lot of it. So today you can see members of this same tribe hemming and hawing about the budget, so as a result we end up indiscriminately slashing money and benefits and not taking care of the veterans... they'll blame everyone BUT themselves for it even if you go so far as to acknowledge there might be other factors at play. But they swear they care so much. Yeah right. I don't really have the English vocabulary that can accurately convey my disgust and contempt for these people. It's frankly pretty f***ing embarrassing that I share the same nationality with them.
  9. QUOTE (Jake @ Mar 12, 2013 -> 08:52 PM) According to the site, we were at the cap at the beginning of the day. Look at our player salaries, cap numbers and tell me how you'd make room for both of these hefty new contracts. Now, I hear that we were about 7 under the cap which would make things more manageable -- but then I'm unsure where that website is inaccurate. They were already under the cap, so they have until I think July to get under the cap by the beginning of the season.
  10. I like Emery's style. It's almost like he isn't blind and actually watches football. So the need for the Bears to draft a OT isn't going to be SCREAMING for once.
  11. I wish Alexei was still that Silver Slugger guy we had like 3 years ago.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 2, 2013 -> 04:09 PM) They actually show up on every single post for admins. global mods too
  13. Article on conservative navel-gazing in private - interesting read. They're actually not completely oblivious to where they've been f***ing up. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112253/...ervative-bunker
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 09:07 PM) Or the GOP heard voters when they said they were tired of gridlock and will emerge as the party of "getting things done". I see so many polls where voters complain about gridlock in Washington. This could be a nice GOP strategy. They were doing what they were doing because they thought it was going to get them further, and it backfired. I think you are giving far more credit than credit is due to the GOP though. If you put a gun to your head and threaten to shoot yourself and I say "put the gun down you f***ing moron," you don't then get props for putting the gun down and not killing yourself. Since the US has fiat currency and borrows money in its own currency that also happens to be the global reserve currency, there's pretty much only one way the US government can default on its debt (voluntarily) and the GOP is privately saying "yeah that was a pretty bad idea."
  15. Seriously, nobody who isn't a total political hack gives a s*** about that anymore. That was 10 years ago and they've already used that as an excuse dozens of times anyway.
  16. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 26, 2013 -> 11:45 PM) Then follow the rules to make appointments. Yeah he should do what every president before him for 150 years has done and... ...oh wait
  17. Chris Sale was all hips, ribs, and spine... but that ball fires out like it's a cannon somehow.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 26, 2013 -> 03:08 PM) The remarkable thing to me is Butlers rebounding instincts and athleticism. He comes out of nowhere and jumps over the seven footers to get it at its highest point. His development has accelerated incredibly fast. His defense is at an all-NBA level right now. Small sample size I know, but this is something that was always known about him. He's allowing something like .59 points per possession. It's not the defense that surprises me because I expected it, it's how confident and alert he looks on offense. That reminds me of Derrick Rose when he first started (no, I'm not comparing them - Butler is not and will never be Rose)
  19. If Butler could get a consistent jumper going, especially from long range (like the corner three Deng is so money with when he's on) then he could be really f***ing good. That's not something he's going to get with minutes right now though, that takes consistent focus and a lot of hard work in the offseason. Deng did it, and to get a consistent three-pointer Rose would shoot a thousand threes in the gym every day.
  20. Anyone seeing the insane minutes Butler is getting? So Thibs doesn't just do that to Deng, he also does it to Replacement Deng too
  21. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 05:30 PM) you might as well let it go 'soxy' once suspended me for innocently posting "well you know what they say,those that can do. those that can't teach". then i got suspended for telling someone that if they want Barry Bonds on the Sox then should make a trade on their nintendo. lol. I can see all your warns/suspensions (neither of these are on the list FTR)
  22. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 05:46 PM) Stop b****ing...for a while there, Lostfan was having to suspend me every other week. I finally told that dude, NOBODY PUTS Y2HH IN THE CORNER. He unsuspended me and we hardly see him now. Was it you who blocked Soxtalk at my job? Damn you. In any case we won't go out of our way to discuss what happened with an individual poster on the open board, we try to keep that kind of thing to PM.
  23. Yeah part of the reason the Senate is such a self-licking ice cream cone is because it's full of a bunch of self-important blowhards who like it that way. This isn't really on Reid (although he's one of those blowhards too).
  24. Looks like the GOP is going to go ahead and cave on this (because they made themselves look really stupid the last time, and people actually noticed)
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