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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. The 47% thing is a mythical number anyway, it got that high because of a one-time unique situation where unemployment skyrocketed and people took tax credits/unemployment exemptions. A lot of the whiny people on twitter talking about the "I am the 53%" meme ironically didn't pay any income taxes that year. edit: Ironically, leaving the very poor out of the income tax rolls started with Reagan in the mid 80s.
  2. QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 17, 2012 -> 11:10 PM) you have it now right? I want an honest assessment of their maps app compared to the current google one. I'm pretty excited about this. I don't think anybody beats Google Maps though, they've been the best for years, Apple would have to come up with some totally new s*** to leapfrog them.
  3. Finally done with the Tigers for the rest of the year. Now just one more pain-in-the-ass series left to go.
  4. When I went to Detroit I noticed Prince Fielder's walk-up music was "Down For My N****s." I lol'd. Not sure the stadium full of white people knew what that meant.
  5. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Sep 16, 2012 -> 07:38 AM) Nah, he flew out to Afghanistan and had lunch with them while wiping his ass with an American flag he burned earlier in the day. Then he snorted crack off of a fully clothed hookers ass before laughing about how Osama was never really killed, nor Saddam, and then they watched The Dark Knight Rises while taking notes on total destruction before finally saying their five-times-a-day prayer to Satan/Stalin/Hitler/Egyptian Pharaohs then Biden texted Obama "D00d u need to get back to the House. Liberal media need something to eat up." Then Obama flew across the Atlantic in a plane that had the communist flag emblazoned on the side before switching into Air Force One in the middle of the ocean on the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. spit-take
  6. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 10:20 AM) 1) I said it's apparently what your saying...as if he had nothing else to do that 8 months BUT concentrate on reports from a previous administration. 2) This may or may not be accurate, and to what degree. Again, it was just 8 months of time. 3) You once again show your agenda. Thanks. You make this easy. You're aware that SS has gone on in the past couple of years for dozens of pages (many in this thread) about how he doesn't like Obama and feels justified in not voting for him?
  7. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 10:08 AM) Wow, 8 months! For a new president, it takes about a year to even settle into the job, let alone sift through wads of information like this. You're being purposefully dishonest in order to further your anti-Bush agenda...that's pretty damn apparent. And it's still weak minded. You're smarter than this/better than this IMO. That's not the administration... career intelligence officers do this stuff.
  8. I came here to post that Mother Jones article but I see it's already being talked about. That's kind of a bombshell, IMO. Like "god damn."
  9. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 09:57 AM) I disagree, and for the reasons I've already stated. This is entirely weak minded reasoning in hindsight. IE, it's easy to blame them now, but this happened so early on into his administration, it's as if you're pretending they ignored threats from AQ for YEARS because they were focused on Iraq...it's just twisting reality to suit your agenda. GW was hardly in office when 9/11 hit...you make it sound the exact opposite. It's fabrication and stretching of truth, and like I said, weak. I get kind of pissy when politicians f*** up and then call it an "intelligence failure" No, you f***ed up. Own it.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 09:34 PM) It is if you google that specific functionality. When I started at my current company I moved form outlook to gmail and I needed some help to do this, and I found a video we had in our portal for it but really it was on youtube. When I think about Apple products I don't think "you have to Google this to learn how to use it." I had always been under the impression that everything done on any Apple product was something any dummy could do intuitively, that was the whole selling point of the original iPhone. My point was that I didn't find this to be true like I thought it was. Using that standard, I think the high-end Android phones are actually easier. JMO.
  12. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 09:36 PM) I read it, doesn't seem very plagiarized to me. It was in the comments. "Use the device that does what you want it to do" or to that effect.
  13. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 01:43 AM) To anyone that actually is "upset" by Cutler telling the fans to please be quiet while in the red zone...you're a complete f***ing idiot, and stop going to games. I said as much on my Twitter the other day. Like 30% of people gave this answer on the Tribune poll. Arrrrghhhh can we get some drone strikes cracking in Chicago? Please?
  14. Y2HH I just blatantly plagiarized one of your posts on my Facebook status, lol
  15. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 09:26 PM) Mine works just fine with gmail if you use your native email client and do a sync. I add and delete contacts real time constantly and the native email client on my iphone works perfectly with gmail. You have to make sure you use the exchange function and not the gmail function. I dont think the iphone client sucks at all, I would rather use that than the web-based gmail client on my mac or PC. When I originally tried to do this I thought it was going to be self-explanatory.
  16. And also I use Google everything so I'm inclined to use an Android to begin with
  17. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 09:07 PM) Yea, it's functional, but not for contact synching, and I don't really understand why. Android has it's benefits and flaws, just as iOS and WM8 have. It comes down to personal choice and function. If Apple devices cannot do what a person wants to do...don't get one. I don't really understand why people force themselves to use technology that isn't useful for what they need. This is like using a wrench to hammer in a nail...when you could have used a hammer. Since I have an iPad I feel like having an iPhone would be redundant. But I've had Android phones since the G1 and I keep using them just because it's what I know. An iPhone pretty much does all the same things. At time the fanboy arguments get funny to me. For me, I'm cool with this heated competition because it means better phones for me when I go to the store.
  18. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 09:01 PM) I use it all the time and have no issues with it... You are comparing Apples to Oranges here, however. Google owns Gmail...so of course their native Gmail app is better on their OWN operating system versus what is available via iOS. The reason is the iOS functions are still in "beta" according to Google, and have been for over a year. The known workaround to this is to install your gmail as an "exchange" account on iOS. Don't ask why...but people have found it works. This isn't necessarily an Apple problem, Apple has to work with what Google allows them to work with. Note that Google Calendars works fine with iOS, but their Contacts don't...why? Who knows. Detailed Instructions: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_t...one_or_ipad.php Where I was going with this is to say that Google and Apple don't play well together. For obvious reasons. I wasn't referring to the native vs. the iOS version, I mean the actual gmail app vs. the account within the settings menu that you have to add. That thing sucks ass, I couldn't ditch it fast enough. It's like using Gmail on MS Outlook, it just feels... wrong
  19. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 11, 2012 -> 09:48 AM) To be fair, the US government gets about 500 threats like these a day, if you and these people are actually inferring they "should have known" that these were actually going to happen... I'll just shake my head and leave it at that. No sir, not really. Not at that level and not anything that developed and finished.
  20. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 08:47 PM) I do all of these things without a problem... Seriously. What is the issue you are having exactly? Every one of the things you requested I do worked fine. Apple's stock email program sucks. But when I installed the gmail app it's flawless just like the Android app or using gmail on the computer (it's hard to convince me there is a better web-based email than gmail) So let's say I go to gmail and I add Y2HH's phone number to my contacts. On my HTC Sensation, within a few seconds it will load your name and phone number to my phone (because I have that as my default contacts list, in Google's cloud). How do I get this to show on my iPad's contacts list WITHOUT hooking the f***ing thing up to iTunes? The less I have to use iTunes (for anything), the better.
  21. Everything Donald Trump says is stupider than the last thing he said. Which means when you hear him talking, he is in the process of saying the stupidest thing he's ever said. That's impressive.
  22. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 04:46 PM) Uh, no, it's not dead on. It's a joke. But dead on? How about no. Well I'm convinced now that Apple's marketing team could slap an Apple logo on the back of an Android phone and there would still be long midnight lines to buy it.
  23. Not everything on iOS is "seamless" or "easy to use" Try searching for an email you got in 2008 using the built-in email program without using the exact phrase you're searching for Try syncing Google contacts with your Apple device... Try updating those contacts in real-time
  24. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 03:37 PM) There won't really be any such things until the next quantum leap in cellular/battery technology comes around...which won't be for a while. They're just computers at this point, and will be incremental upgrades across the board, regardless of it being Apple, Samsung, etc...there isn't much more to do at the moment. This was anticlimactic after all the hype. It was basically just a hardware upgrade (and it didn't even upgrade all the way to the Galaxy S III really). I was expecting Apple to come out with some brain wave-reading technology or teleporters or some s***.
  25. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 12, 2012 -> 06:42 PM) Obama ordered the US embassy to apologize for a youtube video that hurt Muslims feelings. http://egypt.usembassy.gov/pr091112.html "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims" lol You think the administration vets all communications sent by the State Department.
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