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Everything posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Aug 22, 2012 -> 01:04 AM) Thats great man, great read. I like how 80% of the questions have to do with sex or sexuality, really tells you where most peoples minds are. I also like how he calls Lebron a douche and says he likes Jay Cutler. Awesome. I don't really see how this is contradictory or anything. The gap between perception and reality on Cutler is pretty wide. He's supposedly a "douche," a "prima donna," a "crybaby," all those things but he hasn't done any of that once since coming to Chicago.
  2. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 08:43 PM) That is absolutely a false premise and you know it, but then, you're cherry picking because you don't want to admit that there were other reasons for taking actions against Iraq. No one wants to, because it's not the politically expedient thing to do. It's not a false premise at all. Reverse this and let's replace the United States with China and Iraq with, say, Sudan. China makes an extremely weak case that Sudan threatens its national security, citing support to Tibetan rebels or some made-up dumb s*** that nobody really believes, and they go ahead and invade Sudan "defensively." Then they get rid of Sudan's government and install a puppet government and start trying to remake their society from the top down to look and act just like China (it fails) and they eventually withdraw and leave the sort-of puppet government in place except now that they're gone, they move diplomatically closer to the United States, and China ends up not accomplishing s*** but wasting a bunch of money, time, and blood. Dumb. Years later we found out definitively that all of China's reasons for invading Sudan were inflated, or basically fabricated. How would we react to something like that, though? We would be screaming bloody murder about it and we would be trying to have their leaders somehow tried as war criminals. Like I said, Bush should be happy that all he gets is some bad press over his f***up. Actually now that I think of it there was another real-world example of this happening and it's pretty obvious... the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Just a f***ing horses*** decision all around that did nobody any good anywhere.
  3. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 08:26 PM) I plan on going to see the Sox in the following games: @BAL 28 AUG @BAL 29 AUG @DET 1 SEP MIN 4 SEP Can someone do me a favor and help me project who I'll see pitching for the Sox in those games? I have time to sit down at the computer now so if I counted the calendar days right, it looks like... @BAL 28 AUG - Sale @BAL 29 AUG - Peavy @DET 1 SEP - Liriano MIN 4 SEP - Quintana
  4. I plan on going to see the Sox in the following games: @BAL 28 AUG @BAL 29 AUG @DET 1 SEP MIN 4 SEP Can someone do me a favor and help me project who I'll see pitching for the Sox in those games?
  5. Dear White Sox: When Detroit loses you are supposed to win. That's how that works.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 11:45 AM) Not to mention a smaller scale operation to see if everything works OK. KC is actually a pretty decently-sized city.
  7. lostfan

    THE Rockraines

  8. If you consider the scale of the f***up that Bush was directly responsible for, Bush gets off pretty easy on the offensive invasion of another country that never attacked the United States and wasn't plotting any. I mean, that could go many, many other places, so he should be happy that all that happened is the media was tracking the soldiers that died while he preferred nobody talk about it. If he could have done that I'm sure he would've, but instead he had to settle for ordering no pictures be taken of coffins at Dover. At least SOMEONE was trying to remind people there was a tradeoff and more than one type of cost and it wasn't just a movie or a video game.
  9. ...basically what I just said, right? But with a pretty graph.
  10. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:18 PM) This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich. Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why? Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world. "The media" wasn't really saying jack s*** about Iraq or Afghanistan after about 4 or 5 years. Especially Afghanistan. Once Iraq happened you'd have thought that war was over and nobody was talking about it until Obama made an issue of it (mainly to score points against Republicans while he was campaigning). People got war fatigue especially since the news was all bad all the time and, well, it wasn't their kids getting sent off to die so who gives a f***.
  11. Obama never said anything about withdrawing from Afghanistan when he was campaigning and he said he was going to do more there because that's where the actual threat is. I don't personally agree and he is accomplishing nothing, but that's what he campaigned on, and that's what he's doing. I don't really get why people bring that up now out of any context besides "he needs to withdraw now." Especially conservatives because the vast majority of them didn't want to withdraw from Iraq (well, some of them were relieved that the clusterf*** was over) and were full of phony indignation when Obama said a withdrawal date out loud for Afghanistan (exit strategy is something Bush never did or even attempted to do and they never challenged him on that so I guess you can say they're being consistent).
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 03:36 PM) Russia lost the most in WW2. By far
  13. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 12:07 PM) They're inconsistent, thats the thing. Some plays they block great. Other plays they get blown up. There was a lot to work on. This time, Carimi was getting beat left and right. Spencer kept getting pushed back. I also saw Jonathan Wilhite getting abused all night long, but obviously he's not on the O line... in other words they call plays like a modern NFL offense does I saw Jay do a 7-step drop (they're not being eliminated) and they weren't just using 5 guys to protect... go figure. Webb and Williams actually looked pretty good.
  14. I get why it's kind of annoying that the Bears don't tell you everything about injuries (as if you had some Constitutional right to know or something) but I don't get why people are ANGRY about it. Why? What if they had told you up front, assuming they knew he wouldn't be healed by now? Then what? Would you feel better? Could you do anything about it? No. Just get over it. No point in s***ting your f***in pants about it.
  15. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 18, 2012 -> 06:27 PM) I have some very bad news for you. The Democrat party is as corporatist as the GOP. But that is a discussion for another day. Although everything I think you said prior to this post is bulls*** that amounts to argument by assertion because you want it to be true, this much is true. There's many reasons for it and contrary to popular belief, Obama is not the Alpha and Omega of Democratic corporatism and replacing him with another generic Democrat would not solve anything. It's all about campaign financing. Democrats have to play by these Citizens United rules so they whore themselves out to keep pace (Republicans prefer it this way, there is no downside to their agenda at all)
  16. The rest of the non-existent liberal media should be more like Soledad O'Brien. Call them on their bulls*** to their face and make them defend it and force them to stick to facts while they squirm and shout what you're saying is somehow pro-Obama. Go take a Sean Hannity interview if you want softballs where you can pedal your candidate's talking points unquestioned or they attack your opponent for you.
  17. Haven't we pretty much called up the entire Knights roster this season at different points?
  18. I remember when we used to go to Toronto and fold like cheap lawn chairs.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 10, 2012 -> 11:46 PM) How could the good people of the state of Illinois elect this guy? I'd think his hairdo would have made most people think he was a dweeb to begin with. He turned out to be a cartoonish imbecile. He didn't really seem like such a horrible crook at first. The second time he was running against a really weak candidate.
  20. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Aug 1, 2012 -> 09:42 AM) Have not been to Nationals Park but I know that it's right on a Metro line so take the Metro. If you need any further help, let me know where your hotel is and I'll recommend a route. Sorta, the Green Line goes by it. It depends on what part of the city you're coming from. But it's definitely easier to walk than it is to park because parking sucks ass by Nationals Park (kinda like Wrigley). Conversely, Camden Yards has ridiculously easy parking. I generally don't park by the stadium though, I park in one of the garages off Pratt St. and walk (it's not far)
  21. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 06:31 PM) How devoid of any sort of morals or sense of country can you be? Banks do have morals. Just not our morals.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 02:39 PM) (In case you're interested, it seems like there's actually a trend of increasing turnout over the past decade or so, with higher turnout in 2008 than any year since 68). We vote for the same old s***. I vote Democratic because it's like "at least they're not Republicans and even if they don't move us forward, they won't move us back to the Gilded Age, or the Salem Witch Trials"
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:55 PM) I think he was just saying that random interracial crimes aren't considered hate crimes, there has to be some clear hate-based motive. yeah basically.
  24. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 8, 2012 -> 05:45 PM) Wait, what? You're saying if a black person committed a crime against a white person solely because he's white, that wouldn't be a hate crime? That he'd have to be part of some bigger group? I'm not aware of any requirement that you have to belong to an "organized element" to be guilty of a hate crime. The only requirement is that you commit a crime motivated by race. Remove "solely because he's white" because you added the entire thing. If Random Black Dude is robbing a liquor store and he kills the white cashier in the process that's not a hate crime.
  25. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 11:23 PM) No, the trillion dollar ones occurred after BO was enshrined. I believe the lame one said we would be somewhere in the area of a couple hundred billion by now. I will cut the deficit in half.....blah blah blah. ...the deficit hit the trillion mark after he took office while the economy was circling the drain. Revenue lost to the recession was probably half of that or close to it (only talking about the annual deficit and not the stimulus because that's over). Point being that the deficit is a structural thing that takes years to become the shape it is and is affected by many things, none of which Obama had any direct control over at that early point in his presidency. However, people are all too happy to pretend he did it all by himself and there were NO other factors leading up to it (and certainly not anything THEY had anything to do with! Never!).
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