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About justBLAZE

  • Birthday 10/07/1984

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. I saw someone else allude something on twitter, what's going on with TA personal life?
  2. Another blood bath today.
  3. I'm not a casual fan but I live out of state, I make trips to Chicago to watch Sox in person, have MLB.TV subscription and went to Houston to watch them lose to Astros in the playoffs. I've watched one game this year, I just can't get excited for it. I hate to be Debbie Downer but I don't think Sox win anything with TLR at the helm. He was such a terrible choice for a manager, it might have worked for a bit last year but this team is just a drag ever since ASB last year.
  4. The schedule goes to 7PM in May and after, has this been announced somewhere?
  5. Would be nice to have a decent backup catcher then.
  6. It's Aloha Mr Hand and KFidds from Sox twittersphere.
  7. I feel the same especially that I won't be able to make "new" OD. Damn lockout.
  8. I probably make this trade TBH and probably regret it later.
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