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Posts posted by justBLAZE

  1. 8 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    This is exactly what I was concerned about.  Boras convinces some owner that Harper is worth well beyond his on-field contributions and now we have a last minute entry to the Harper sweepstakes.  Hopefully the Padres have financial restrictions and aren’t a real threat here.

    Harper is a huge marketing opportunity and I don't think Padres needed Boras to convince them of that.  

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  2. 1 minute ago, Jack Parkman said:

    It's a shame that after the Jay signing, this thread wasn't named "Mucho Dinero for Machado's Muchachos" 

    Anyway Incarcerated Bob is just putting 2+2 together. Padres as the mystery team makes  way too much sense. Purely an educated guess. 

    yup, doesn't mean its true however.

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