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  1. Has there been any talk of the Curt Schilling/State of Rhode Island fiasco here? http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/21/us/curt-...ode-island.html A $75 million loan guarantee for an upstart video game company seems like a fantastically bad idea. But I'm sure the man's an advocate of small government.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 15, 2012 -> 10:08 PM) He stinks but there are a lot of similar pitchers in baseball. Look at Dotel. He stinks. Every team has some guys who suck in the pen. Um, what?
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 9, 2012 -> 10:39 AM) WHAT QUOTES? No one has posted a quote from the SOX (not a writer's tweeted interperetation) that says its permanent. If someone finds one, great. Show me. All I've said from the beginning is, I have yet to see that. The ONE QUOTE that talks about permanence or not, from the Sox, is the Cooper one saying "never say never" and "for now", which clearly say nothing of permanent. I haven't found a direct quote, but Van Schouwen wrote that Ventura said exactly that http://www.suntimes.com/sports/12406447-57...s-to-start.html
  4. There's probably a reason for every beat writer having a hard time keeping the story straight.
  5. He seems to have said that he might return to the rotation in the future (never say never), but that he would be the closer for the remainder of the year at minimum.
  6. Here was a tweet from Scott Merkin with both sentiments: https://twitter.com/#!/scottmerkin/stat...531550332207104 Sox brass have been all over the place with this stuff.
  7. QUOTE (flavum @ May 6, 2012 -> 03:57 PM) They probably want as many fresh arms as possible tomorrow. In addition to Stults. Maybe Heath? Bruney? Shirek? Whatever the case, I hope Stults earns his way to more starts after tomorrow. Stults for the start, Quintana for the pen: http://www.southsidesox.com/2012/5/6/30035...ck-to-charlotte
  8. Any significance to Mitchell not playing?
  9. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 6, 2012 -> 10:14 AM) Solid point except for the small fact that Garcia was the only one that panned out. Edwin Jackson was a good pitcher for the Sox. The problem was the price paid (6 cost controlled years of Hudson).
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 6, 2012 -> 09:20 AM) And yeah, you could put Brandon McCarthy in "lost/missing" and John Danks' now seemingly bad contract on the other side of the ledger (if we're going to now count Dunn as a good or positive contract to have on the books, then Danks has to be put in the "bad" column based on April, right?) John Danks has years of service with the White Sox and has racked up 16 fWAR. You can't compare the two at all. Again, you're going to have more players lost than added over time if the only players you count as added are the ones on the current roster.
  11. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 5, 2012 -> 07:13 AM) I'll take knightni's list and expand upon it (in another irony, Richard and Buehrle faced each other last night while our future Randy Johnson's career prospects careened rapidly downhill) KW lost/traded: Chris Young Gio Gonzalez Clayton Richard Daniel Hudson Edwin Jackson David Holmberg (#7 prospect in DBacks system) Brian Goodwin, OF (#5 prospect in a deep Nationals system) compensation for Dunn Alex Meyer, RHP (#6 prospect in a deep Nationals system) compensation for Dunn Mark Buehrle Sergio Santos Nick Swisher Ryan Sweeney Fautino DeLosSantos Javy Vazquez Jason Frasor Jim Thome They got Zach Stewart, Mark Kotsay, Andruw Jones, Manny Ramirez, Nestor Molina, Tyler Flowers, Brent Lillibridge, LHP Santos Rodriguez, waiver/release candidate Jon Gilmore, Jaye/Webb (Blue Jays) and three albatross contracts (check that, POSSIBLY FOUR, if you add John Danks to the list). You'd have to actually have an accurate list of players lost or added for this list to make any sense at all. If you're going to include free agents not re-signed, then you need to include all free agents signed. Including Chris Young in this list suggests that you're going back to the pre-2006 off-season unless you're just cherry-picking. So you're missing acquisitions like Floyd, Danks, A. Ramirez, Humber, Sale, De Aza, etc. It also doesn't make sense to make a list of ALL players lost during that time as if they never gained them to begin with. Acquire Thome in 2006 and then lose him in 2009? Put him in the loss category. You're going to have more players lost than kept over time, as you can only have so many players on a single roster. If you pick any team and count their players lost since 2006, there are going to be more than players on their current roster/in their current system. And you could then cherry pick the good players from the "lost" list.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 4, 2012 -> 11:43 PM) Floyd wildly erratic and maddeningly inconsistent Floyd is no more erratic or inconsistent than virtually any other starting pitcher. You can pretty much pencil him in for ~190 innings and an fWAR between 3.5 and 4.5.
  13. Arencibia bunted with one strike. He has zero sacrifice bunts in his pro career. He had 55 homeruns across two levels during the previous two years. Do you think they called the bunt or he did it on his own?
  14. http://www.npr.org/2012/04/02/149829297/ty...league-baseball
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