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ChiliIrishHammock24 last won the day on February 19 2023

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About ChiliIrishHammock24

  • Birthday 06/26/1990

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    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. Yea, I'm sleep deprived from our sick newborn and totally misunderstood the tweet that I saw. Carry on.
  2. EDIT: Nevermind, I read this half-asleep and thought the tweet said he is committing to his commitment, not that he was just simply choosing a school like every other HS kid. Carry on.
  3. I have no interest in Casas. Abreu would be fine, because at least he's got an extra year of control, but I would still rather get a stronger package of prospects.
  4. I'm just going off the Morosi report saying the Red Sox have softened on the idea of trading Mayer in Crochet talks now.
  5. Interesting wink from noted well connected Mariners fan....
  6. Surprised to see Grant Taylor so low because some publication (I thought it was BA, but maybe BP?) said Taylor would likely be a top 100 on the next update. That makes he think he should be top 5 on the Sox from that pub.
  7. Ok, so he didn't get that one wrong yet. And if he does, at least he didn't say some bullshit "I'm hearing the Dodgers and Teo are close" at least he put his whole chest behind that scoop, so if he's wrong, he's 100% wrong.
  8. No idea how much he's gotten wrong, but according to his timeline he's gotten a few right. Then again, everything he has scooped has been Dodgers related. 3 signings and a trade. All dodgers. We'll see. https://x.com/1MLBinsider/status/1861847923895501195?t=7220NhRfzfU3_xE5ZHAZag&s=19
  9. Alex Bohm has negative value to this team. It would make no sense. I would rather have another couple top 10 prospects instead.
  10. Lol I understand Vargas isn't as exciting as he was 12 months ago, but he was not a DFA candidate, let's be serious here. Colson Montgomery is hitting a wall right now and sliding down top 100 boards too, but you probably aren't ready to say he's worthless now too. I definitely wanted more of a sure thing to heading a Fedde deal, and I'm far from excited about this return, but there is a real chance Vargas ends up being a league average player for us for a few years.
  11. I would love to get Schwellenbach back in a trade.
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