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Everything posted by Metz

  1. cant wait to see the game tonight just cuz i love to see how the new players mesh with the rest. If I see them having a good time on a bench it will be a fun team to watch, they are so young and I hope to see a lot of Hinrich-Gooden connections tonight .. Hughes can throw up 35 too hah
  2. -Sopel might be out a couple weeks with a slight break by the wrist, which is very bad news. -Lalime is expected to be in net tomorrow, Crawford has been traveling alot and is more then likely not ready. I thought the worst line in tonights game was the line of Burish-Ruutu-Adams. I just dont like that line, partly because I am starting to think Burish might be the Ruutu of this team if he gets traded. Burish is always looking for the hit and the fight and is just a tough guy. Someone like Staal could man that line
  3. I almost didnt make it through the OT ... I thought i was going to die from holding my breath in anxiousness
  4. yeah hes out but we did not call up any goalie cuz crawford couldnt get to LA in time. Great first half in my mind. The Kings definitely had the edge at the beginning and I knew they would score first. Beautiful powerplay by the hawks -- 28th goal by Sharp. Good to see we outshot the Kings 9-1 in the last 9 minutes or so. Bolland is doing good, as is the 4th line he is on. Kane messed up the coverage on Harold. Hopefully we have a 2 goal lead going into the 3rd, but thats just my hopes.
  5. So has anyone heard anymore on this .. I would hate to see all that excitement fizzle
  6. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 10:05 PM) The Bulls traded for him on July 13th, 2006 and then traded him away July 19th........hard to be an asshole and make people believe you don't want to be somewhere in under a week. --He was carrying a track record .. and its not that hard to make the wrong impression in 6 days whitesoxfan101-- we werent talking about them playing
  7. Im pretty sure J.R. Smith didnt want to be here which is why I just never chose to hate Pax for the trade. If I remember correctly he was just an asshole when he was here. Anyways yes that game was so fun to watch it looked like Noah and TT just could do their own thing .. and then their was this one play where it started at the top with gordon .. pass to the side and down to Luol for a dunk, at that point I was set on this team without BWallace. I also liked that all four new players were on the bench and they got in the game with the rest. I just thought that was a fun thing to see contrary to when i was on espn watching the CLE game and seeing BWallace and the other 3 sitting in Danny Ferry's box eating their chicken tenders
  8. I feel like I am watching a different kind of Bull team
  9. QUOTE(JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 02:56 PM) I liked the number 27 better. My favorite number is 24, so maybe Crede can be traded soon, and Josh can switch to 24 then! I liked 27 better too .. and its my favorite number
  10. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 08:41 AM) Why the love for Flacco?He seems like he is the next Kyle Boller.What besides the strong arm has impressed you? idk I always love the underrated QB's in the draft (EX: Roethlisberger was one of my favorites cuz they devoted so much damn time to Eli and Rivers -- Jay Cutler is my favorite QB but yeah I think(and stll do) hes the best QB coming out of the Leinart-Young draft) As for Flacco, yes he has that great arm, but his size is what we need here. 6'6'' and at 230 pounds, not much more to say after that. He threw 23 touchdowns and 5 interceptions, over 4000 yards this past season. He is very accurate in the low to mid passes and has the arm to get it down field. He was able to handle taking the Pittsburgh offense and then transfer and handle the Delaware one. That is also the knock on him though that he couldnt beat out Ty Planko at Pitt which made him transfer. But two seasons can change that and I think he can develop very good. Playing wise he played at a school that didnt get much of the top competition so its a questionable pick, but I say in our situation and debating how our WR's pan out using a 2nd rounder on him would be a great pick.
  11. Looking at the league I am interested .. but i just dont know if I want to get into another one
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 08:11 AM) http://www.baseball-reference.com/r/roberbr01.shtml 30, looks like he's still on his original contract possibly? Some of the posters on the board are far more familiar with that process/rights than I am, hopefully one can fill in that info Last year he made roughly 300k less then what we gave Jaun Uribe this season just to put that in perspective, He made 4.2 last season and he was eligible for arby this season idk what that number came out to or if they agreed on something to keep it at 4.2 Hes a Free Agent in 09
  13. Blues lost 5-1 to LA tonight so they stay put at 65 points -- They play the Ducks tomorrow Bhawks definitely need to keep on winning hopefully they can do to LA what LA did to STL tonight Columbus won tonight in OT .. so they are tied with STL at 65
  14. So do we have any other links of this rumor or just that one ...
  15. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 11:23 PM) According to another site the proposed trade is Jordan Stall and Ryan Lannon (D) for Ruutu/Havlat. If thats the proposed deal from the Penguins then I have no clue what they are waiting for. You can not wait much longer on this one just pull the trigger and do it. A 19 year old C and a 25 year old Dman These would be my top 3 "do it now" deals: 1. Staal/Lannon 2. Staal/2nd 3. Staal/Christensen done.done.done. --- So this is really starting to sound like its going to happen, DT said the only trades that he would make would be to "build" what we have already. Well this sounds like that since you cant build on someone that will leave at the end of the season(more then likely) and someone who you cant count on to play a whole majority of a season. Let's do it DT
  16. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 06:50 PM) I'd like to see the Bears trade down, get a couple more picks and get Flacco in the early second round. I used to like Woodson, but I think he's going to be Leftwich in the pros...good, but won't lead the Bears anywhere. Trading down would be good for the fact its more then likely we get an OL in the draft ... teams are also willing to give up a lot for just a couple spots in a draft .. I say if we moved from like 14 to 25-30 .. we could get easily a 2nd along with the 1st coming back .. but if we get Flacco a lot is going to have to happen for me to believe we had a bad draft cuz its not possible
  17. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 05:01 PM) According to the Score (Terry Boers and his sources), it seems as if ONE of the options this off-season is to Re-sign Rex, bring back Orton, trade Greise, and draft a QB somewhere in the draft... probably mid to late rounds. thats a bad plan unless its drafting Joe Flacco .. no one else .. the only QB i will accept is Flacco(projected 2nd round--could fall to 3 but not likely)
  18. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 06:24 PM) The video was from earlier today. The 11 player deal is the one, we keep Du but send Griff, and still get Brown. I thought it was from the 5 oclock sportscenter ...
  19. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 05:56 PM) Sign and Trade Ben and for Jermaine O'Neal in the offseason... maybe the bulls can compete then. Indiana would want Deng no doubt in the deal
  20. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 05:49 PM) I completely agree with everything you said, especially the bad influence part - he wants to be THE GUY, but pouts too much and isn't a strong enough leader to be THE GUY. If Dale can get that deal sweetened just a little bit.... i think you have to make it. how about to sweeten it we give them Habby and we get back 23 year old Marc-Andre Fleury .. lol (kidding of course)
  21. Whats up with the Conflicting reports? looking at this link again http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3257159 look at the print which has the deal Cavaliers get: Bulls F/C Ben Wallace Bulls F Joe Smith Bulls 2009 2nd-round pick Sonics F Wally Szczerbiak Sonics G Delonte West Bulls get: Cavaliers F Drew Gooden Cavaliers G Larry Hughes Cavaliers F Cedric Simmons Cavaliers G Shannon Brown Sonics get: Cavaliers F Ira Newble Cavaliers F Donyell Marshall Bulls F Adrian Griffin then watch the video thats in it -- It has no Griffin to Seattle, instead Duhon(who would be a great player in seattle in my mind) and no Brown going to us.
  22. Getting Staal would be absolutely sick .. I would be well over excited to get him .. now I read somewhere that the Penguins were not too high on Erik Christensen(http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/players/3470) .. granted he's a center just like Staal it would be something to get back with him for Ruutu and Havlet. It would still seem sorta strange giving up LW & RW for 2 C Away from that are we set on Ruutu leaving after this season? Also I think Havlet is finally playing the way we want him to so DT will have to pull the trigger. Still the sights of having Staal man a 2nd line right after Toews-Kane-Sharp come off the ice would be excellent to see I would love the acquisition
  23. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 04:53 PM) Why is Gooden not in any of this? cuz he slipped my mind
  24. Good Trade. We had to get Wallace out of here, in fact Paxson had to get him out of here or thats where his job was heading too. Along with Tyrus and Noah, this opens a lot of playing time for Aaron Gray who is pretty much our only real big guy. When all healthy this gives us a backcourt of Thabo-Hinrich-Hughes-Duhon-Gordon-Brown, hey that should be our starting lineup one game Thabo playing C, back on topic -- Small Forwards Deng, Nocioni, -- Power Forwards Gooden, Noah, TT, Simmons(who I think makes this deal overall) and Gray downlow Potential Player I see that could leave next off-season would be Duhon and/or Gordon ... idk if I am by myself here but since the JimBo took over I think Thabo has been playing pretty damn good. Thabo is a suitable sub for either Hinrich or Hughes after this deal. Once again we are back to the days before Wallace where we complained about having no C, and are rich in the guard section. I think these will be the first Three lineups we see with the deal Gray-Noah-Nocioni-Hughes-Hinrich & Noah-Thomas-Nocioni-Hughes-Hinrich & Gray-Gooden-Nocioni-Hughes-Hinrich When Gordon comes back he better be a-ok holding down that bench position cause he wont be seeing any starting time for a while and when Deng gets back then Nocioni becomes a great guy to come in for the 3 or 4 position. Funny how we have so many guards but its easy to come up with Download combinations
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