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Posts posted by almagest

  1. 4 hours ago, ScootsMcGoots said:

    JR pretty much said as much in his press conference when he said they were going to start policing players' offseason plans instead of just taking their word for it. To me, that is a not-so-subtle way of saying at least some of these guys aren't doing what they should be doing to prepare themselves for the season. 

    When I heard this I couldn’t believe they weren’t already holding players accountable in the off-season. 

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  2. My stage of copium right now is to hope that Getz was so vague and seemingly unprepared because he didn't want to tip off all of the people he's going to can or speak ill of them in public to prevent their finding roles in other orgs. He's then going to absolutely clean house in the offseason and find good people to surround himself with. He'll also drop players who suck or don't fit with what they're trying to do, while also making some smart trades and free agent signings to get this team back to around .500 to "compete" while he continues to rebuild their scouting, analytics and player development.

    Of course, what will probably happen is they'll sign a bunch of former Royals players and staff and bring Dayton Moore in to "help" Getz. They'll be mediocre at best next year and until Getz gets fired or Jerry dies.

    There's still a whole offseason to go, though, so I'll hold onto my vain hope while I watch other teams play good baseball and only catch White Sox highlights.

  3. 3 minutes ago, fathom said:

    If JR really wants to turn it around, he’s going to have to spend a ton this offseason

    Without Ohtani I don't know what's out there. They basically need an entire starting rotation and half a bullpen, and RF and 2B are still unknowns. Colas has a way to go and Sosa as well.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Vacheron said:

    "Teaching our players how to play baseball." what the f*** was he talking about?

    I would like to be charitable and assume we're going to clean up how poorly this team plays and rarely unlocks all their talent, but it was probably all meaningless platitudes that Jerry likes hearing.

  5. Caught up a little - I would be EMBARRASSED to talk to clients or my company's board like Getz spoke to reporters. No preparation. You need to strategize on what people will likely ask you and be ready for that. It's not like any of these questions were out of left field so far - this is stuff that's been all over the internet.

    • Haha 1
  6. Quote

    With his existing knowledge of the organization, top to bottom, I believe his leadership will provide us with the quickest path forward to our goal, a consistently successful baseball team that competes and plays the game the right way.

    We're absolutely getting The Royals Way™. I can't wait for the s%*# show press conference. I wonder if someone is gonna get shot at it because someone smuggled a gun in between their butt cheeks.

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