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Posts posted by almagest

  1. 3 hours ago, Quin said:

    Also, building on this, Chuck emphatically declared that even he could build a major league roster — based on TWTW — because of his time spent in clubhouses as a reporter.

    Chuck is fun to listen to, but until this season he carried enough water to fill the Grand Canyon.

    I enjoyed that podcast but it turned into a giant meatball fest by the end.

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  2. 1 hour ago, southsideirish71 said:


    This is a depressing depressing interview with Bob Nightengale.  Chris Getz with Dayton Moore reporting to him.  Chris Getz is the single decision maker.  

    That doesn't make any sense. Why would Moore report to Getz? Moore was a GM before and Getz worked for him. These guys all have egos. Why would he leave a much better organization to report to someone that used to report to him in a tenuous situation with a known crappy owner who might be selling soon?

    I could buy it more if Moore comes in as an advisor to Getz, to help him make the transition, but unless Texas doesn't plan to retain him as special advisor themselves I don't know why Moore would leave a better organization and chance at another World Series.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

    That's total bullshit that guys's a fucking idiot.  Kenny and Hahn both wanted Harper badly (maybe the only player they ever agreed on) but Hahn fucked it up when he thought it was a good idea to put his hero Boras and Reinsdorf in a room together to negotiate the deal. It took about 30 seconds for them to start screaming at each other and that was the end of that. They pivoted to Machado after it was obvious Reinsdorf was never going to sign Harper. 

    That's just as stupid as KW & Rick sabotaging each other, so it checks out.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Quin said:

    I mean, it was weird as s%*# that we know there has to be a Harper presentation at the UC and it just...ended? Like suddenly it was full court press for Machado despite Harper making more sense.

    Or am I misremembering?

    That's what I recall, too. Big Harper presentation at the UC (that leaked when it wasn't supposed to IIRC), Harper talked about wanting to play here, and then nothing until they apparently shifted focus to Machado, who was definitely worth going after but was the worse fit based on having Moncada to play third. My assumption at the time was the offer was so awful for Bryce that he said "don't even bother with another one", but that never sat right with me. If there was some internal drama and lack of alignment then that makes more sense why they seemed to shift gears out of nowhere. I'd guess Hahn wanted Harper and Kenny wanted Machado and they sabotaged each other.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

    Best case scenario would be he catches about 80 games and DH/1B another 40-50 but that would require the new FO (God that's fun to say!) to clean up a lot of the dead weight on the roster. 

    Can't have that because it'll interfere with Andrew Vaughn's .730-ish OPS and statue-like fielding performance and, uh, "leadership".

  6. 1 hour ago, Eminor3rd said:

    I just think Jerry, on some level, knows that a proper external hire that knows what he/she is doing is going to immediately suggest that Jerry abandon his spending strategy completely, because it is completely ass-backwards to the point that you almost couldn’t design a better way to get less value for your dollar in today’s mlb talent market — but obviously Jerry doesn’t see it that way, and probably already heard those arguments in a more simpering/diplomatic way from Hahn, and clearly made the decision that he isn’t willing to change. So in his universe, he may actually believe he still knows best and just needs to shuffle the deck to appease the fans, and is looking to put another yes man in place. And if so, why not choose from his current stable?

    If the reports about KW and Hahn sabotaging each other on Harper and Machado are true, then Jerry may be willing to open the checkbook (for hitters, anyway).

  7. 28 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

    It's hard to believe but next year Salvy and Lee are going to be a massive upgrades over the bums they ran out there the last few years.

    Our catching situation is so grim right now that old man Salvy is something I'm almost looking forward to. He'll be mediocre to bad behind the plate, which is at worst a wash and at best a MASSIVE improvement, and he'll hit homers sometimes. Hopefully he can help Lee out (and Quero during spring training).

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