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Posts posted by almagest

  1. 13 minutes ago, kwill said:

    Because patchwork does not work. Maybe 17 years ago their was a chance of that working out. In todays baseball as a franchise you can not be successful buying midlevel free agents and competing. 

    Every baseball teams model should be teardown, build up and then purchase the best free agents possible to extend your run, tear down again. 

    Unless you can be like the Dodgers who purchase players and have an incredible player development program. 

    However, You just need to look around the league. What wins is player development. I would rather fail at player development than lose on the outset by not having the right philosophy. 

    Look at the fucking Angels. Have two of the best players on earth. Try to patch work free agents and consistently a .500 team. You can't win like that- at least not consistently. 

    Tear the mother fucker down. Get A+ and AA players. Try again to win in two years with player development and buying free agents because you have no money on the books. You can probably trade Cease and Robert- get great prospect hauls and be the best minor league system in baseball. 

    They did all of this already and failed hard. Hahn and company can’t do it. It’s 100% futile. I don’t want to go though this again with these idiots.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, kwill said:

    Because although the White Sox failed in their rebuild attempt their have been plenty that have been successful. O’s, Ray, Astros, Mariners, Braves. 


    What doesn’t work is trying to buy mid-level free agents and hope to compete. That never works for anybody. Look at the Yankees and Mets- teams that have a s%*# ton of money but have failed in player development. It’s nearly impossible in this day in age to not when by player development. 

    You're asking them to do something they've proven they can't do. We've only ever seen them have success with a patchwork, hope for the best strategy, so they might as well go back to that until Jerry dies and we hopefully turn into the Dodgers lite with the next owner.

    • Fire 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Rocky said:

    According to Garfiens podcast.  Hahn tried multiple times to make some big acquisitions and was told no.  They made it obvious that JR did not want to spend the money to bring in teh guys Hahn wanted.  While Hahn needs to go, he is not the biggest issue.  

    This is almost certainly true, and it does give Hahn some leeway. But not much. He didn't have to sign garbage with that money, and the minor leagues are AWFUL under him. Some league average replacement pieces would've gone a long way towards stabilizing the team.

  4. No idea why any of you trust this organization to tank again. They definitively proved they can't do it. It sucks, but they're better off keeping their best, long-term controlled players and filling in the blanks with lightning in the bottle attempts and mid level free agents. Their drafting strategy seems to be improving, but they still need to revamp their player development. Luckily that can happen irrespective of how good or bad the MLB team is.

    • Thanks 4
  5. Wolkow is 17 and hit most of these balls over 100 mph, including one at 109.9, with a wood bat. Nice short swing, too. He’s gonna be a monster if he can work out the swing and miss issues.


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