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Posts posted by almagest

  1. 10 minutes ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    At least Jake can get some home runs with those swings, which most of the other slugs on this team can't do. 

    Let's face it you are one of the peeps in here that are in the camp, I can't stand Jake having any success and I will always criticize him because any success he had is a fluke.

    Trust me, Jake Burger is not the reason this team is about to go 12 games under 500. But that's fine, keep pointing out Jake as the main reason for this horrible team's record. 

    His power is not a fluke. He’s a dangerous hitter. He can’t be dangerous if he swings at everything. Put your bias aside and look at what he’s doing objectively. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I'll take everyone on the team making the same type of bad decisions if they produced like Burger. Oh wait they all do make the same bad decisions as Burger and don't produce like him.

    The guy has 375 MLB AB's and 25 HR . Give him a chance.  The way people were talking about him before he even was in the lineup on a permanent basis  you'd think he wouldn't be able to produce positive WAR at all like Vaughn has struggled with.

    I’m absolutely giving him a chance. He’s been making very poor swing decisions, even for this lineup, and he needs to stop doing that. His power is scary good and pitchers are going to work around him. If he gets himself out like this he’s got no chance. If he doesn’t get himself out then he’s a potent weapon.

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  3. Just now, The Kids Can Play said:

    Yeah like Robert, Eloy and TA don't have the same swings!

    Robert is at 2.9 WAR and a 128 OPS+. He makes bad decisions but he is the least of their issues.  TA's stat line is what Jake would be if he stops hitting homers.

  4. Just now, The Kids Can Play said:

    Wow, you can barely take watch Jake's at bats, but you are ok watching the other losers on this team swinging at pitches outside the zone.

    We are 30th in swing% outside the zone. We are 30th in least amount of pitches taken per AB. We are 30th in walks taken. Yeah you're right, I guess that's all Jake's fault we are 30th in most plate discipline stats.

    No, I’d say that I can barely stand watching this team, period. Jake just stands out because his swing decisions are so dramatically poor, even compared to the rest of these idiots.

    • Fire 1
  5. Just now, The Kids Can Play said:

    Yeah it is Grifol's fault. Hence why the good HR hitters in baseball bat 4th or 5th.

    I guess maybe you haven't seen the lineup cards of the successful winning teams with smart managers. Batting at 4th or 5th allows a hitter to see better pitches. It's called basic 101 baseball lineup logic.

    Nobody is going to throw him a strike if he swings at everything. It doesn't matter where he hits in the lineup. He could hit in front of Ohtani and Trout and they'd still throw him sliders outside and fastballs up and in off the plate.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Just now, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    It is a sads state of affairs butnot because anyone defends Burger.

    He's amomng <LB leaders in HR

    s per AB. He belongs in the lineup and when you have a .250ish hitter who mases a lot of HR's but K's often would find AB's for the guy.

    That means even more on the Sox whohave been playing very competitive baseball even on the current swing against .500+ teams.

    The pitching staff has been a lot better but the offense doesn't get a lot of runs or walks.

    He's still got a 135wRC+ and 1.2 fWAR is which is only behind Robert on the team among position players. Criticizing him because of a 2 week bad batting average is not nor has it ever been among the Sox most pressing problems.

    Sad state of affairs indeed but when a guy fights back through major injuries and contributes more than all the guys that were traded for to be the catalysts to an extended run of playoff years and is always smiling and hustling people are going to defend him because he's one of the few bright spots.

    I don't know how much more I can spell this out for you. He's swinging at everything. That won't work long term. It hasn't really been working for a month. Only his power is keeping him in the majors right now.

    I like Jake a lot, but I can barely watch his at-bats because of the poor swing decisions he makes. He needs to be much more selective or that WAR is going to take a nosedive.

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  7. 1 minute ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    Yeah probably best to just trade him right now! Totally worthless player! LOL!

    Since we have a horrible manager and hitting coach that will never work with him to correct these plate discipline mistakes, which can be corrected...then we might as well trade him.

    Then Jake will get the last laugh when he goes to a winning org where they actually have knowledge to coach and make adjustments for their players and make Jake an all-star.

    Even as incompetent as the White Sox are I'm sure they're not telling him to swing at almost every pitch. He needs to work this out or he won't be in the majors for long.

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  8. Just now, The Kids Can Play said:

    Sad state of affairs when some people don't realize when the loser manager bats Burger 7th most of the season and doesn't use him effectively to hit higher in the order and take full advantage of his power. This would also greatly enhance him being able to see better pitches. 

    Yeah, ok. His struggles are Grifol's fault for batting him 7th, not his own for swinging at 90% of the pitches that come his way.

  9. Just now, hankchifan said:

    Once again Burger needs to get the take sign with a slider pitcher until he gets the first strike.  He would have walked or not get a slider later in the count.

    He's swinging at everything. You can't be successful in the majors that way, even as strong as he is.

  10. 15 minutes ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    In the last two weeks Jake has 5 HR's and 11 RBI's  

    You need some players to run into one occasionally, as we are are very poor hitting team.

    It's a sad state of affairs when so many people rush to defend a guy hitting so poorly over the past month because sometimes he's the only offense the team can muster.

    • Fire 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Pale Sox said:

    Occasionally running into one with a slug over .500 is a good hitter. 

    No, it is not. It's the only thing preventing him from being absolutely atrocious. He needs to start being more selective or as soon as he's not hitting for power he'll be sent down.

  12. 3 minutes ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    Seriously? Not too harsh! LOL

    3 HR's in last three games and leads the team in SLG and OPS %. 

    I wish this team had more players like Burger with so called magic being over.


    See my other post. He's not doing anything else well.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Pale Sox said:

    If he didn’t homer all the time he wouldn’t be good. 

    great argument bud. 

    He's hitting .160 in the last two weeks lol he doesn't homer all the time. That's all he does - occasionally run into one.

  14. 6 minutes ago, FourEyesShottenhoffer said:

    He had three homeruns in his last three games

    .205/.230/.470 over the last 28 days,  .167/.222/.571 last 14, .160/.192/.560 last 7. The homers are disguising a bad ballplayer.

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