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Everything posted by flavum

  1. Tongue was firmly planted in cheek. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 12:15 AM) Blind squirrel, nut. Meanwhile, Ozzie Lewis and Kyle Shelton ride the bench.
  2. ^ Give me a break. Like Ozney is entitled to the same round as KW's kid? What world are you living in? Yes, KW Jr had no business going in the 6th round, but two wrongs don't make a right.
  3. I don't think Reinsdorf has to make a decision. I think Kenny needs to be given a new title (a la Paxson), and let Hahn take over. And with Ozzie, hopefully the Marlins, along with the Braves, will have a managerial opening and he is given the option to interview--and he gets one of the jobs. That's best case scenario next offseason.
  4. 68-94 QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 10:17 PM) Is it true we're on pace to win around 65 games?
  5. Ugh. Nevermind. This season is trainwreck. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 09:42 PM) Really? You base your ability to win entirely off of the backups? If Quentin had 25 home runs right now, Beckham was hitting .300, Jenks had a 1.03 WHIP, and the big 4 pitchers all had ERA's under 3.5, this team would be in 4th place because of Kotsay and Vizquel?
  6. I could sit here and write a laundry list of reasons why the Sox are bad. Kotsay and Vizquel are just names you cannot win with no matter what else is going on with this team. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 09:37 PM) Omar Vizquel and Mark Kotsay continue to not be the problem.
  7. It really is an indictment on Kenny Williams that they have nobody better to replace Teahen. We have Omar Vizquel and Mark Kotsay in our everyday lineup....in 2010!! What a bad organization this is right now. It's embarrassingly bad.
  8. If he eventually becomes a bust on the level of Brian Anderson, I'll agree with your statement. I'm not ready to rule him out as a very good player -someday. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 08:39 PM) GB has taught me for the final time to never get too hype over a White Sox prospect.
  9. Kenny Williams, Jr with a single. Take that, Oney.
  10. Round 23- Austin Evans, RHP http://www.tampaspartans.com/profile.asp?playerID=765
  11. Doug Murray, RHP http://www.usfdons.com/sports/m-basebl/mtt...ray_doug00.html
  12. Ozney in Round 13? That would be fitting.
  13. Ross Wilson. http://www.rolltide.com/sports/m-basebl/mt...son_ross00.html
  14. Kevin Moran http://bceagles.cstv.com/sports/m-basebl/m...an_kevin00.html Nice ERA. Hmmm.
  15. Joe Terry http://www.cerritos.edu/hpea/athletics/spo...ers/terry_j.asp
  16. Starting now with Round 6, the picks are one right after the other. I thought they'd be there until midnight at the rate they were going.
  17. Isn't Austin Wilson basically Brian Goodwin now? The guy the Sox took last year in like the 17th round, but he went to UNC.
  18. Grimes--this year's Justin jones?
  19. Wow, these mlb.com guys need to just step out. The picks are too fast to analyze between picks.
  20. I hope the Sox get a bat at 63. Take a chance on somebody. Then go heavy on arms the rest of the first 10 rounds.
  21. Has there ever been a Sox/Cubs series with less anticipation? I mean, I really don't buy into it myself anyway, but this year...I have no interest.
  22. They might trade AJ before next Monday, but I don't think his 10/5 date is that important. No matter who wants him, they're going to be a contending team because who else would want him for the rest of the year? I think he'll still approve a trade after June 14 because it will give him a chance to win this year. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 08:48 AM) Steve Stone was on CSN last night and made it very clear that he believes A.J. will be moved before Monday when he earns his 10/5 rights. He also said that he doesn't think Konerko is part of KW's future plans (not too surprising), so he'll be moved if the team doesn't improve in the near future.
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