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Everything posted by flavum

  1. I knew this was going to happen if they invited Beckham to camp. He's going to play his way on to this team out of spring training.
  2. Good Lord, Beckham is the man. Getz? Bye. Lillibridge? See you later.
  3. Holy s***, that was some nice range.
  4. I like this Nunez guy. Looks like he has a plan.
  5. God love Kenny Williams, but that trade and extension of MacDougal is right up there as his worst move as GM.
  6. Richard definitely pitches like a big leaguer. He'll be on the staff one way or the other.
  7. http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?g...chamlb_texmlb_1
  8. On MLB.TV if you have it. Possibly on MLB Network. Clayton Richard vs. Vicente Padilla
  9. QUOTE (Cali @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 06:07 PM) I can only remember one thing from the last season and that was the freak book. And that was only mildly entertaining... Season Five wasn't that much better in terms of quality either. I dont think Larry can ever top the awesome that was season 1-4... I agree 100%. The 4th season with the Producers story arc was a great season. Then the next season with Richard Lewis needing a kidney...I'd say only two episodes were good. Season 6 was a waste.
  10. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 03:50 PM) Too lazy to research it, but he was a pretty high pick, I believe 5th or 6th round. 6th round of 2006. He'll be 25 next month.
  11. Omogrosso is an older guy, but I think he's got a future in the pen someday.
  12. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 03:19 PM) The only reason we have Gordon is the shear stupidity of the Cincy Reds. Absolutely. I don't care what Yonder Alonso does, the Reds blew it there. I was very pleased when that pick came up and Beckham was available at 8.
  13. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 03:09 PM) Oh Becks, how I love thee so. It's funny...they have four more weeks before breaking camp. The Lillibridge/Nix/Getz camp is probably feeling the heat from the kid.
  14. I think Flowers blew it there on the Beckham hit. He should have known that was going to be a hit. Probably didn't know where the outfielders were playing.
  15. QUOTE (tommy @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 02:56 PM) Is this considered an official ST game? Will the stats count with all the other ST games? No and no.
  16. QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 01:18 PM) anyone know if there will be a video or audio feed for this game? i'm guessing not, judging by this page That page won't reflect the webcasts. You have to go to whitesox.com. Webcast on whitesox.com: March 6: Australia March 8: Los Angeles (NL) March 9: Cleveland March 11: Milwaukee March 16: Kansas City March 18: Los Angeles (AL) March 20: San Francisco March 25: Oakland March 31: Colorado April 1: San Diego
  17. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 12:55 PM) I think that's great, get to see some of the guys we don't know as much of yet. Some of those guys are real prospects (others are not). I guess. If anyone watches the webcast, report back how Beckham looks at 2B. He's starting there today.
  18. Not going to start a thread, but the game today against Australia is going to be a minor league game camp game for the pitchers. Whisler starts. Scheduled to pitch: Ely, Lujan, McCulloch, Omogrosso, and Torres. Yawn.
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