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Everything posted by flavum

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 12:55 PM) I think that's great, get to see some of the guys we don't know as much of yet. Some of those guys are real prospects (others are not). I guess. If anyone watches the webcast, report back how Beckham looks at 2B. He's starting there today.
  2. Not going to start a thread, but the game today against Australia is going to be a minor league game camp game for the pitchers. Whisler starts. Scheduled to pitch: Ely, Lujan, McCulloch, Omogrosso, and Torres. Yawn.
  3. QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 03:08 PM) how did you see the play? http://mlb.mlb.com/media/player/mp_tpl_3_1...8&id=911777
  4. Homer for Corky Miller. Definitely in the lead for backup catcher.
  5. Russell..oh the horror. I'm telling you, Franklyn German may make this team.
  6. QUOTE (ChesterCopperpot @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 02:21 PM) No Melton? That's a good thing. I'll take Lyons over Melton every time.
  7. Ha...there's Manny posing for pictures..
  8. Ok, it's up... http://mlb.mlb.com/media/player/mp_tpl_3_1...8&id=911777
  9. And the Dodgers website says "watch live", and you can't get to it. WTF is that?
  10. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 01:56 PM) Are we sure this is a web cast game? I can't find it...So if it is, can someone link me up please. Thanks. It's not. Tomorrow vs. the Australian team.
  11. This will be a good test for Egbert.
  12. http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?g...chamlb_lanmlb_1
  13. Owens, Pierzynski, Dye, Konerko, Betemit, Fields, Flowers DH, Restovich, Nix Danks on the mound.
  14. His son's name is Braden.
  15. QUOTE (tommy @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 04:41 PM) Game over. Sox loose 2-7 on a two-run shot by Deyan Viciedo. There's just so much wrong with this post.
  16. QUOTE (FranktheTank35 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 01:00 PM) I definitely do not want to see him switch positions. I want him to be a solid, productive shortstop for the next 5-6 years, so I guess that means letting Alexi play a year of short and go back to 2B or CF. How long do we have Alexi under contract for anyways? I can't remember. Alexei is under contract thru 2011, but I think he'd be arb eligible after the 2011 and 2012 seasons if they don't extend him before then.
  17. If Beckham can play a solid SS, I hope he sticks there. This guy has a chance to be the complete package--productive hitter, team leader, good with the media and fans, and marketable. I don't want to see the Sox jack this guy around trying to find another position. They drafted him as a shortstop, and they should give him every opportunity to become the shortstop of the White Sox. Just my $0.02.
  18. QUOTE (ChesterCopperpot @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 02:26 PM) Melton's breathing really loudly. Yes. He's horrible. I don't even like him on CSN pre/postgame. You can tell he doesn't do his homework.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 02:20 PM) Anyone know how to find the MLB Gameday for the game? I saw in previous games, people said it was there, but not linked from the scoreboard. http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?g...seamlb_chamlb_1
  20. Um Bill, His last name is Richard, not Richards.
  21. QUOTE (ChesterCopperpot @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 02:03 PM) Wow, any ideas why most of the starters are playing today? And who's pitching? First 'home" game at Camelback Ranch.
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