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Everything posted by flavum

  1. Jody Reed. Reed turned down a 3 year, $8 million contract with the Dodgers, only to sign with Milwaukee for $300,000 the following year.
  2. QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 08:30 PM) You may be right and that may have been the plan. But you can never have too much pitching and the Sox might be able to pick up someone like Garland, Pedro, or Garcia for what might be a depressed market price. If KW can get a low risk, high reward, formally successful starting pitcher, he may take that opportunity. Marquez can prove himself in the pen like McCarthy/Floyd and step up if one of the vets gets injured. I don't see how Marquez is any higher on the depth chart than Broadway or Egbert. He hasn't even proven himself at the AAA level, so I think it's a little premature to put him on the staff. I'm putting Poreda in the pen at this point, but only because he's a lefty. I think ultimately he'll be starting at AAA to start the season, as will Marquez.
  3. I have the pitching staff as: Buehrle, Floyd, Danks, Colon, Richard Pen: Poreda, Thornton, Carrasco, Russell, Dotel, Linebrink, Jenks
  4. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/9079312...lon-to-rotation
  5. The way I heard it, I wouldn't use the word "probably". They're looking at him as a serious possibility, but I wouldn't say it's probable at this point.
  6. QUOTE (ROC Sox Fan @ Jan 13, 2009 -> 11:38 AM) I've got the games DVD set, is this program what that other DVD is? There's the DVD box set (seven discs), and the one disc World Series DVD. They will be playing this on Friday. They actually played it several times before January 1st.
  7. If you're any kind of Sox fan, you already have the DVD.
  8. Baines is not a HOF player: He led the league in SLG Pct in 1984 and that's the only statistical category he ever led the league. No batting titles. No 30 HR seasons. No Top 5 MVP's (only two top 10's). Statistically he's closest to Tony Perez, who is in the Hall. But Perez had seven 100 RBI seasons and four top 10 MVP's, and played on championship teams. It's arguable that he belongs. Baines is a Hall of Good player, but the Hall of Fame should be reserved for the very best of the best. That said, the Hall of Fame is filled with a lot of players that don't belong, and there are some that are out that DO belong. A lot of it is politics.
  9. Lyon would be a nice pickup..certainly a lot more reliable than Russell, Jimenez, or Wassermann. The chances of Linebrink and Dotel making it through this season without injuries would be low too. I like the idea of another veteran arm. Anyone confirm these rumors?
  10. I'd think of Pedro much like El Duque in 2005. You know you're not going to get 32 starts from him, but if you get a good 15-20 starts, then he's be more valuable than a bunch of young guys.
  11. ESPN isn't going to say anything Sox fans already don't know. It'll probably mention the crazy Ozzie Guillen, the trades of Swisher and Vazquez, and the possibilty of trading Dye, and that'll be it.
  12. I really don't like the idea of him in CF. Either infield position is fine.
  13. Beltre probably doesn't want to go there because he knows they'll be playing outdoors next year.
  14. I would think Carrasco and Wise are non-tender candidates. They aren't exactly the types that go to arbitration.
  15. http://mlbcontracts.blogspot.com/2000/05/2...-eligibles.html
  16. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 07:26 AM) Is that your crazy prediction (because it's not all that crazy) or do you know something the rest of us don't? I guess the crazy part is that it will happen today. The way it was shot down, it will be surprising if the Sox do anything big the next couple days.
  17. Dye is getting traded today...to the Reds.
  18. I don't think Jenks is going anywhere. The Sox would have to be overwhelmed for that to happen. It won't be as simple as Figgins for Jenks, which is a bad trade for the Sox to begin with.
  19. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Dec 8, 2008 -> 08:29 PM) Williams said the Sox don't need to trade Jermaine Dye, but "we'll just wait and see what this week brings us." Translation - Bye JD. From Cowley I'd like to hear all of Kenny's comments before I decide that JD is a goner for sure.
  20. QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Dec 8, 2008 -> 08:01 PM) It's too quiet on the Kenny Williams front. I think the Dye to the Reds thing is dead. I'm thinking the Sox won't do anything this week. Nothing is going to happen until Teixeira and Sabathia sign, and then the dominoes will fall. If Teixeira leaves the Angels, maybe they will get into discussions about Konerko or Dye.
  21. I'm not kidding when I say this--Orlando Cabrera is one of my least favorite Sox players ever. If he accepts, I'll be real disappointed.
  22. It would be very cool if Beckham, Quentin, Allen, Viciedo, and Flowers all panned out.
  23. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Dec 4, 2008 -> 05:27 PM) It's possible, but thats an odd slip by Williams. BTW, the conference call is up on WhiteSox.com. I listented to it about an hour ago, and I swore Williams said they wanted 20 pounds dropped by Viciedo. I think he said ten pounds. There's a good chance Viciedo will play some OF in spring training.
  24. http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/cws/downlo...ng_schedule.pdf
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