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Everything posted by flavum

  1. I can't imagine Anderson being with the Sox when position players report on the 21st. I think he gets traded before then.
  2. Could still be Coco Crisp. vs. Right Crisp-CF Cabrera-SS Thome-DH Konerko-1B Dye-RF Swisher-LF Fields-3B Pierzynski-C Richar-2B Bench--Quentin, Hall, Owens, Ramirez Ozuna? Why do they need him if Ramirez is the same player only younger and better? That could be interesting in spring training. Uribe and Crede will be traded. vs. Left Crisp-CF Cabrera-SS Swisher-LF Konerko-1B Dye-DH Fields-3B Quentin-RF Pierzynski-C Ramirez-2B Bench-Thome, Hall, Richar, Owens Thome has been awful against lefties. These are good games to sit him 80% of the time.
  3. Mets, Cubs, Diamondbacks Well it should be a good race for the wildcard at least.
  4. flavum

    The Bench

    The Opening Day bench: Owens, Ozuna, Ramirez, Hall
  5. Couple number changes: Fields will wear 22 Quentin will wear 20
  6. I think it's all talk. I firmly believe both Uribe and Crede will be traded before opening day.
  7. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jan 22, 2008 -> 02:18 AM) I agree. But I also think that Adam Russell breaks camp with the sox. he performed well last year and I look for him to impress again this year. Adam Russell has very little chance of making the Sox out of spring training. He only pitched at AA last year, and had his struggles there. He'll go to Charlotte and hopefully have a nice season there. The bullpen seems set to me: Wassermann, Thornton, Logan, MacDougal, Dotel, Linebrink, Jenks
  8. I'm assuming Crede and Uribe gone vs. Sabathia Cabrera- SS Swisher- CF Thome- DH Konerko- 1B Dye- RF Pierzynski- C Fields- 3B Quentin- LF Richar- 2B Vazquez on the mound. Buehrle set up to pitch the home opener.
  9. I think we've seen the last of Masset, Sisco, and Aardsma, regardless of their option situations. If they end up signing Dotel, I'd go with a 7-man pen: Wassermann Logan MacDougal Dotel Thornton Linebrink Jenks
  10. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 05:10 PM) This is starting to become embarressing. Reports that we sign a player than he signs elsewhere. I hope for the Sox sake this isn't the case and that he does sign. But i wouldn't be suprised if now goes elsewhere. BFD. The guy has pitched 56 innings over the last 3 years. If he signs with another team, no big deal. $11 million for 2 years seemed farfetched. If he gets more than that, more power to him.
  11. I think 2008 will be Floyd's breakout season. Assuming about 32 starts, 13-15 wins and 190 innings would be a very good year. To me, Danks is the 5th starter. He has to throw more strikes, and get guys out faster. Pitches way too deep into counts. If that continues into this season, I can see a Jack Egbert or Lance Broadway replace him fairly quickly.
  12. 1 Danny Richar 3 Harold Baines 5 Juan Uribe 7 Jerry Owens 8 Jeff Cox 12 AJ Pierzynski 13 Ozzie Guillen 14 Paul Konerko 17 Carlos Quentin 18 Orlando Cabrera 21 Don Cooper 23 Jermaine Dye 24 Joe Crede 25 Jim Thome 26 Paul Phillips 27 Josh Fields 28 Joey Cora 29 Greg Walker 30 Nick Swisher 32 Brian Anderson 33 Javier Vazquez 34 Gavin Floyd 36 Juan Nieves 37 Matt Thornton 38 Pablo Ozuna 39 Jeff Liefer 40 Charlie Haeger 41 Lance Broadway 43 Ehren Wassermann 44 Toby Hall 45 Bobby Jenks 46 Nick Masset 47 Mike MacDougal 48 Scott Linebrink 49 Carlos Vasquez 50 John Danks 51 Andrew Sisco 52 Jose Contreras 53 DJ Carrasco 54 David Aardsma 55 Donny Lucy 56 Mark Buehrle 57 Boone Logan 58 Oneli Perez 59 Mark Salas 60 Dewon Day 61 Adam Russell 62 Jack Egbert 63 Cole Armstrong 64 Lucas Harrell 66 Brad Eldred 67 Mike Rouse 68 Jason Bourgeois 70 Royce Huffman 71 Miguel Negron 74 Chris Getz 75 Ryan Smith
  13. Barring a trade or injury, the Sox order will be Vazquez, Buehrle, Contreras, Floyd, Danks.
  14. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 02:31 PM) Why can't we just give those two a chance? Danks is a bulldog, he showed me a lot last year. He doesn't hang his head, he just goes back out there and pitches. Now he has a year under his belt and one of the better lefties to learn from in Buerhle. Floyd is definitely more of a question mark, but he has the stuff, and he's the 5th starter and someone that can be replaced or skipped easily, especially at the beginning of the year. If all SPs can pitch to their potential, you have a very good rotation. I agree with you, and I don't agree with you. I agree with you about giving thes guys a chance, but I think Danks is more of a question mark. He had a really BAD second half last year. He had 8 quality starts out of 26. Floyd had 6 out of 10 quality starts, and I really liked his mound presence late in the year. I hope I see that in spring training, and for about 32 starts this season. As for the overall team, they have a lot of question marks, but they have a lot of talent on this. A lot of things have to come together, but I think they can contend. I'm looking forward to seeing Richar, Quentin, and Fields play a full season with the Sox. Those three may play a huge role in whether the Sox are poised for a championship in the next few years.
  15. QUOTE(buckweaver @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 01:40 PM) I agree. And even though Congress screws a lot of things up, I say let them have at it. To those who say they don't care...I really do. If the number is 85% or so, it shows that to make it to the majors, you must be willing to do drugs that harm your body and are against the rules of the game. It's really the microcosmic equivalent of societal anarchy--to succeed, you are forced to break the rules. And this is our National Pastime? What are we teaching the next generation? Why is it good or honorable to win the World Series if the only way to do so is to pay mulitmillions of dollars to the biggest cheaters? Yes, it's baseball...but more importantly, it is telltale about the fabric of our society. Sanity needs to win out. And if the MLBPA is the group holding out on some sane resolution, it's time to break up this farce of a union which has helped (along with management) to create this mess. I'd like to see MLB acknowledge the past, and how they were just as guilty as the players taking the drugs, and move on. The way they can move on with integrity is to have a ZERO tolerance policy. If you're caught with HGH or steroids in your system, or purchasing them, you're gone--forever. I want to see this rule be equal to gambling on the game. You think we'd see a huge dropoff in use? You're damn right. I know the player's association would never go for this, but I don't care if the government makes the decision for them. Hold the antitrust exemption over the heads, for all I care. Time to clean up the game for good.
  16. He had his Hall of Fame press conference today (mlb.com), and he was really a class guy. I'm sure during his his induction speech, Chuck Tanner and Dick Allen will get major mentions. I didn't see him pitch for the Sox, but it's cool he's been vocal about his time with the Sox, and not just focusing on the Yankees years.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 9, 2008 -> 11:46 AM) Ramirez was supposed to have a physical shortly after New Year's, before the deal was finalized. Anyone heard if that went through OK? I've heard he's having trouble getting out of the Dominican, with Visa issues or whatever. I would assume it'll be finalized in the next two weeks.
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