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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Wow, knee landed on the Duck player, never touched the ground.
  2. Auburn had so many chances to put this game away, now its tied. It hasn't been a well played game, but at least the end will be entertaining.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 10, 2011 -> 10:44 PM) Yeah he is hurting, he just went down on the next play instead of getting contact, and you could tell on the zone read he never even considered taking the ball. Does he always dive so much when he runs with the ball? It definitely looks like he is hurting.
  4. Why isn't Big Frank an honorary captain? He played football.
  5. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jan 10, 2011 -> 07:25 PM) He would be. Minor league seasons end in August, so Sale would then be called up for the final month, aka, crunch time. Good point. I didnt think about that. I guess I would have to see the state of the rotation/bullpen when Peavy comes back. If the team really needs him in the bullpen in June/July, then definitely throw him in there. However, if they seem to be doing fine, then let him start in Charlotte for a while, just as long as his arm will still be available in September/October.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2011 -> 09:44 AM) Great post. Maddux is in first ballot period, and I think Glavine and Thomas will battle just below that level. And with the general questions out there about big hitters in that era, I think that's enough to get Glavine in but Thomas out in their first ballots. Then Thomas goes in 2nd year. I don't know if I see Glavine as a definite first ballot HOF, I view him as borderline 1st ballot as it is. Being up for election at the same time as Maddux can either hurt him or help him. Some voters could vote him in because the two were teammates, some could choose to wait a year because they think Maddux deserves to go in alone, cause he was so good. (Who knows how those dumb voters think). I agree that it will probably be one of the two though, hopefully it is Frank.
  7. I voted keep him as a starter, then move him to the pen if/when Peavy comes back. All I know is that if we are fighting for a playoff spot or in the playoffs, Sale needs to be on the roster. He's too valuable of a weapon to not have on the team come crunch time. With the starters they have, I don't know if that spot is in the rotation come September/October, so I want him in the bullpen then. If he starts at the beginning of the year, it could also help him build up some innings in his arm for the future.
  8. Cam Newton wins this one with Vince Young-like performance. Then he goes on to have a Young-like pro career at best.
  9. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 04:25 PM) I'm sure he will, but he already stated that Janish and Renteria are going to pretty much split time. One of them could get hurt too. I'll believe it when I see it!!! If he does stick to it though, then Renteria in that role is not the worst idea for the Reds.
  10. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 10, 2011 -> 05:56 PM) They have the depth to make up for possible injuries. Young could slot in for Kinsler. David Murphy can play a corner OF spot. Murphy did a damn good job last year when Hamilton went down late in the year. .920 & .944 OPS in August & September. I don't know if he can keep it up the whole season, but I don't think they really need him to.
  11. QUOTE (kev211 @ Jan 10, 2011 -> 12:33 PM) I also believe the Pack at home would be easier then Atlanta in Atlanta, but that's enough looking ahead for me. I'm not completely sold on that thought, with the way the Packers have been playing, and with the turf helping the Bears defensive speed. That being said, it only matters if they beat the Sea Chickens. I think it could be a tough game, the Bears were playing like s*** in October, but they were still manhandled at home by them.
  12. Seahawks 12th Man Creates Measurable Seismic Tremor?
  13. I miss Boardwalk Empire
  14. Bobby Hull & Stan Mikita to get bronze statues outside the UC.
  15. So if you are a Packers fan and you beat the Falcons, don't you have to root for the Bears on Sunday? Do you really want to have to win in Qwest Field to get to the Super Bowl? I think I'd much rather play at the nearby divisional rival, where I may be more comfortable playing, then at that madhouse in the Pacific Northwest.
  16. The 9 year old has a name, born on 9/11/01, Christina Taylor Greene
  17. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 10:05 PM) Not a bad couple of games to get this playoff party started. Definitely. Knowing that, I bet the games tommorrow end up as blowouts, especially the Eagles/Packers that has been hyped as Game of the Century.
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 10:06 PM) Yay I got 1 right today! These were the two games I wavered on this weekend, but I ended up sticking with Saints & Colts. Didn't think the Seahawks could score more than 30 or that Sanchez would score more than Manning. Oops.
  19. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 07:52 PM) Now let me ask you this...say we didn't sign Dunn and maybe ended up with a much lesser player like Lee or Laroche or worse even nobody, what grade would you give the Sox offseason? I'd be shocked if it was higher than a C -. If they did sign Lee or LaRoche or nobody, that would have given them a few extra million to play with. What would they have done with? That would affect the grade too.
  20. Penn State upsets the Spartans. Hopefully they are content with that win and don't play as hard on Tuesday. They seem to usually give the Illini trouble.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 07:58 PM) There will plenty of time to assign blame, trust me. It just is disgusting to see both sides already trying to label the guy as right and left wing, and finding specific people and outlets to blame. As of today, who cares? If you want to do something, pray for the dead and the families. They need that more than anything right now. Exactly. Now there are rumors the gunman may not have acted alone, lets find those bastards. He's not saying anything, invoking his 5th amendment right.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 07:28 PM) The sadder thing is that bodies aren't even cold yet, and people are already trying to spin this for political gain. Thank you. There is a 9-year old girl, who was probably walking with one of her parents at the grocery store, dead because of this wacko, and everyone just seems to care whose fault is.
  23. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 8, 2011 -> 07:24 PM) Team looks set to me. I'd give the offseason a solid B -. That's mostly because of the massive upgrade at DH. What else should they have done? I think for what they had and what they needed, they did a great job. At least an A-, its not like they could go sign Lee & Crawford. (The Hudson deal doesnt count in this offseason grade either)
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