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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 7, 2011 -> 07:46 AM) Hunter was great at some things (diving catches, clearing the wall) but I recall hearing Twins fans say that he was overrated; he didn't set up the position well or get good jumps. He made up for the lack of good jumps with spectacular finishes. That sounds like Jim Edmonds to me too. He obviously didnt make the athletic plays Hunter did, but I have heard Cards fans say that part of the reason he was constantly diving for balls was that he would make bad reads or get a bad jump.
  2. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 7, 2011 -> 01:51 AM) A $10 to $12 million dollar a year set-up man when you already have a closer making $15 million. So that's almost $30 million dedicated to two relievers. That would be fiscally irresponsible even for the Yankees and clearly a panic move to counter what the Red Sox have done. I agree with your point, but I still think the Yankees are on such a different level financially, that the move wouldn't be irresponsible. Yeah its a panic move, but with their rotation and must-win mentality, it's what they might need to do. Having the best 8th & 9th inning combo in baseball isn't a bad thing.
  3. Wow, that was the highest single game FG % in Illini history. Way to play D Wildcats.
  4. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 09:32 PM) My bad, I didn't read your post very well. I'm not sure who it is right now, though I believe Bardo has done it in the past. No problem, I just discovered this amazing thing called Google and I found the answer. It's Jerry Hester.
  5. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 09:23 PM) They said it's Bardo's first time broadcasting at Assembly Hall. I feel like that is not true at all. I could swear I remember seeing him too. Has Kendall Gill ever broadcast a game for ESPN?
  6. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 09:21 PM) Stephen Bardo. Oh, no wonder he sounds so familiar. He does all the ESPN games on TV, so I didn't think it was him on the radio too. Thanks.
  7. Anyone know who the color guy is on the Illini radio broadcasts? I'm pretty sure its an ex player but I never catch his name.
  8. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 08:19 PM) Wow. Illinois putting on a shooting clinic so far in this game. Kinda like the Gonzaga 2nd half, its not too hard to be on fire when nobody guards you.
  9. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 07:01 PM) Fixed A+ Cullimore sent to Rockford
  10. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 10:21 AM) Oh jeez. I think I'll pass. I'd hate to think that by watching that crap I am contributing to making those douches even richer. Whatever. Those douches are already rich enough from the people who actually like them and think they are cool, you watching it won't change much. Enjoy it for the pure idiocy it is.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 09:59 AM) Tim Raines gets no love and it makes me angry. This. I dont get it either.
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 6, 2011 -> 08:55 AM) A little late on the Vince Young discussion but Oakland and their reputation for taking castoffs from other teams seems like a somewhat logical fit. I hope they don't try to acquire him though. Vince Young may be a little better than Jamarcus was, but they seem to have the exact same attitude. I would hope they would realize that and avoid him, but then again who knows with the Raiders.
  13. QUOTE (zenryan @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 08:51 PM) lol, Canada just blew a 3-0 third period lead in the juniors world championship to Russia. 5-3 Russia with a minute left. LOL, the whole Russian team got kicked off their flight for being too unruly (read: drunk). Way to live up the stereotype guys! Epic collpase by Canada though, and they take the Juniors pretty seriously.
  14. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 04:38 PM) Roberto Alomar was one of the 5 best players I've ever seen. And Bagwell not getting in pretty much confirms that there's no way Frank is getting in on the first ballot. I know he's got the 500 HRs. But they'll definitely use the fact he was a DH for most of those against him. Frank & Bagwell are a bit different because of the PED issue. IMO, I think people aren't sure about Bagwell because they think he may have juiced. I know he was never connected a single steroid allegation, but due to his size, power, and the era he played in, I think voters may have questioned him. Frank obviously was the loudest speaker against steroids the whole time, so if there is anyone who can be assumed close to 100% clean, it is him.
  15. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 04:31 PM) If Scherzer puts it together for a whole season like he did when he came back from the minors last year that could be an extra 3-4 wins right there. Thats a scary thought for the rest of the division
  16. If you can keep the players for more than one year, then you absolutely have to keep Bryant. If it's a one-year thing, then I might stand pat. You have no idea how the Carolina RB situation will play out or how bad they will be. Romo or Freeman could be a solid backup QB, but Rivers is a stud, and maybe he will have some healthy WRs & Gates all year.
  17. I thought you needed 75% to be elected? Where the f*** is the love for Tim Raines???
  18. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 01:07 PM) This is now, without a doubt, my most hated subject on Soxtalk that just won't go away. Thankfully, the Sox will win the WS in 2011, & EJax will be a big contributor so then it will finally all go away.
  19. QUOTE (joeynach @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 12:37 PM) Dont you remember that episode of the club. KW came to his people sitting in the War Room and discussed the trade. He said we have a strong chance of being able to land Jackson for Hudson. They then started discussing are they a better team going forward with Jackson in the rotation instead of Hudson. That was it, there was no talk of flipping Jackson or only acquiring Jackson to get Dunn. Im sure there was some discussion, but I still think the KW and his team came to a consensus that even if Jackson wasn't flipped over to the Nats the sox were still an improved team with Jackson starting over Hudson. You can't believe everything you see on TV, but I do believe that KW did like Jackson and thought he'd improve the team. Just the way that article was presented, IMO, it sounded like it was all about getting Dunn, not about Jackson at all.
  20. QUOTE (G&T @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 10:42 AM) It could have been a calculated risk. He certainly wanted to trade for Dunn, but if that didn't happen, he was stuck with good pitcher that wasn't a 1 year rental. The only way this deal is a "fireable offense" is if they couldn't get Dunn because of EJax's salary hit. But that didn't happen. If it was a calculated risk, then that's different. If KW said, "I like EJax for Hudson, but I'd prefer Dunn" then I can live with that. But if they wanted nothing to do with Jackson, and strictly acquired him to move for Dunn and got played, then that's bad and a GM cannot be making decisions like that.
  21. If KW traded for EJax with absolutely 0% intention of keeping him, instead of just brokering a 3-way deal with WAS & ARI, then that's a borderline fireable offense.
  22. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 09:17 AM) I would grab Rachel Ray by her ankles and swing her like a baseball bat to bludgeon Oprah Winfrey and Mike North. Thats a good choice right there.
  23. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 07:43 AM) I'd be embarrassed if I were him. Yeah he is in the NBA, but still. He is like that white walk-on that everyone loves on the team because he sucks and only plays in blowouts. How soon before they chant his name near the end of games? Are you serious? He's one of only about 450 people in the world that are on an NBA roster at any given time and he has been for 9 years. He has made over $17 mil in his career and even now still makes more than most people. He is still playing basketball for a living. I'm sure he is not embarassed in the least.
  24. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jan 5, 2011 -> 07:38 AM) It just so surprising to me that he hasn't signed with the Yankees. It actually seems too perfect for the marriage. Yankees have the money. Deal with Boras all the time. Have a gaping hole in their bullpen right after Mariano. Could use some insurance in case Mo becomes injured. I still think he will be a Yankee come opening day. I've heard many experts say that they expect Soriano to the Yankees, especially if Pettite doesnt come back. They figure if their rotation will be a mess might as well have 2 of the top 5 relievers in the game at the back end of the bullpen. I assume Soriano wants to be a closer, but I'm sure the right amount of $$$ will change his mind.
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