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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:55 AM) This is the perfect time for the move to be made with the uncertainty with Peavy, Jackson likely being gone after this coming season, etc. That's a different argument and I can definitely see that point. I am just doubting that if he happens in pitch in the bullpen this year, his chances of ever being a great starter get thrown out the window.
  2. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:47 AM) Yeah. Sacrificing 1 month of an ace pitcher for the career of a potential future ace. I don't see how one extra season of Sale in the bullpen at age 22 would sacrifice his entire career? You have the guy under your control for a good amount of time, he doesn't have to start right now. If he pitches 200 innings this year, will that help his career? I don't want him to be a reliever his entire career, but the move does not need to be made today.
  3. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:38 AM) Good. Never thought I would happy to see a starter out longer with an injury, but if it means not wasting Sale in the 'pen, then I am down for it. You'd prefer Sale starting & the Sox ace on the DL, than the ace in the rotation and Sale in the pen???
  4. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:05 AM) Tigers Reach Agreement With Joaquin Benoit Getting Linebrink money... Let's hope he performs about as well as Linebrink for the Tigers. It's possible that the rotator cuff surgery helped him pitch so well and last year wasn't a fluke. But given his career numbers before that, I would question that deal. Its the largest contract for a non-closer reliever since Mr. Linebrink.
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 10:06 AM) So, initial predictions on the ACC/Big Ten Challenge? I think this is finally the time for the B10 to shine. I'm no expert on the ACC, but here goes my early picks: Virgina @ MINN: Gophers Iowa @ WF: Wake Forest (I hope no one has to watch this one) GT @ NW: Northwestern OSU @ FSU: Buckeyes (they already have one big road win in Florida) Michigan @ Clemson: Clemson UNC @ Illinois: Illinois (great matchup, home court gives Illini the edge, plus I'm a homer) Indiana @ BC: Boston College (not sure how good/bad they are, give it to them at home) NC State @ Wisconsin: Badgers Purdue @ Va Tech: Purdue (Find out of they are real w/o Hummel) Maryland @ Penn State: Maryland MSU @ Duke: Duke (Toss-up) That would put it at 6-5 Big Ten again. Most of them seem to be pretty close matchups overall, so a few could go either way. Again, I don't know all that much about the ACC, so I may be giving some of these teams too much/little credit.
  6. Sounds like I am in the minority here, but for the most part every beer on my list is pretty well known and widely available. I occasionally try the special obscure craft beer or whatever, but those aren't beers that I would choose to drink on a regular basis.
  7. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 11:01 PM) Why? The Rays are going to be good for a really long time. And your argument is somewhat flawed because they changed their front office direction a few years before 2008. They sucked for so long because they were managed poorly. The change in their front office helped, but so did their draft slot as well. From 1999-2008, they picked first 4 times, picked in the top four 8 times, and were in the top 10 the other two years. Picking that high in the draft makes it much easier to find the top talent. In a 10 year span, they were one of the worst four teams in the league 8 times, and were bottom 10 the other two. Would you really be willing to put up with that? And rememeber there are no guarantees that you become as good as the Rays are now either. Other teams have had had similar draft positions and have not been successful, either due to bad drafting or just flat out bad luck.
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 05:03 PM) Well, lets see if these Buckeyes are for real. IMO, its a bigger question if the Gators are for real, not the Buckeyes.
  9. Tim Hudson is gonna enjoy watching his new 2nd baseman field all those ground balls. Despite that, I do think its a great move for the Braves. He really is an impact bat, that can make up for his defense, plus you may be able to stick him in LF anyway. Since 2006, Uggla has the 5th most HRs out of all right handed hitters, just behind A-Rod, Pujols, MCab, & PK.
  10. QUOTE (SoxPride56 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 04:07 PM) There are far worse options out there then Mike Napoli. Offensively yes. Defensively, not so much.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 03:09 PM) I never understood these types of responses with regards to privacy issues. "Who cares if a federal agent looks through my windows occasionally? I always wear a robe after I shower." "Who cares if my phone calls are being listened in on? I NEVER talk about things I don't want others to know about." "Who cares cares if the government opens my mail/email and reads it before I get it. I NEVER have anything to hide." Well that makes it sound a little different. I am not advocating an entire Big Brother operation where the govt. watches you 24-7 or anything like that. As far as my phone conversations go, if for whatever dumb reason they feel like my convos need to be listened to in order to save the world, then no, it honestly doesn't really bother me all that much.
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 02:54 PM) And thank goodness I purchased my own hover craft recently. When I first read this, I thought you were referring to one of these. I was gonna say, they don't work over water.
  13. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 02:39 PM) "No one is making you use a phone. If you don't like the NSA tapping it, there are tons of other modes of communication available." Seriously, if this is our thinking these days, the terrorists have absolutely won. If the government wants to listen to my wife and I discuss why the dog has the s***s or what I forgot to take out for dinner, then they could go right ahead. This doesnt bother me because there's not gonna be anything worth listening to anyway.
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 02:45 PM) So you still think they're groups of terrorists to get on a plane to take over the controls and fly them into buildings? I don't see a 9/11 type scenario taking place now that the cockpit doors are locked. A plane blowing up is not as bad as a very large train station blowing up where there could be several hundreds of people. Thats probably true, although if the plane blew up near a large outdoor event, it could be much worse. The problem with comparing plane travel and mass transit is how much easier it is to secure a plane as opposed to a subway train in a large city. There are only a certain amount of people who need to be in an airport at a certain time, while a subway station can have thousands of random people all at once. Ensuring that all those people are secure is levels more difficult than on an airplane.
  15. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 02:32 PM) Exactly. And for each one of them there are virtually no actions taken to prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks (see: London Subway Bombing). Well yeah, and those other methods definitely need to ramp up their security as well, but are much harder to contol. Also, the damage one can do with an airplane is far greater than a train or in the subway.
  16. No one is making you fly. If you don't like it, there are tons of other modes of transportation out there available.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 12:47 PM) Why would they cut him this summer? Between the FA uncertainty and the fact that they have no obvious replacement, that's really unlikely. The time they're gonig to want him for is the next year, maybe two. Even if he bombs the rest of the year, you probably still bring him back. Chances are they don't cut him. Just considering the recent issues they had, his questionable relationship with the Shanahans, and his age, the contract extension makes much more sense if they do have that option.
  18. Reports are that McNabb's deal only guarantees him $3.5 million if they cut him this summer. That would make way more sense.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 11:42 AM) I wonder if something could be done around D1 there. The D-backs really need LHP, they have a young rotation with no one really "established" or playoff-tested, and they'd still be saving money by moving Upton's contract. That could be true. Despite the Giants winning it all, they aren't some Yankee-like unbeatable powerhouse. That division is very winnable with a couple smart moves. (And a bit of luck as always)
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 11:28 AM) http://mlb.fanhouse.com/2010/11/16/scott-b...ike-vlad-guerr/ I'm on the fence... I kind of want him back, and at $5.5 million I'd really enjoy it. If I could be sure that he was healthy from what ailed him last year, I think I might be on board too. He is gonna need a good year if he wants to make more money in the future, so I could see him being motivated.
  21. QUOTE (smalls2598 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 11:29 AM) This would be sweet, but i'm sure the Sox don't have enough prospects to give up: Per Rotoworld Definitely, although I bet it starts at like Sale & Beckham. Upton's contract isn't too bad either, only his age 26 & 27 seasons cost $14.5 million. But that is through 2015.
  22. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 09:01 AM) Kurt Thomas alone has to throw that list off by a lot for the Bulls. Because he has played 7 minutes & 15 seconds out of a total of 384 possible minutes so far this season.
  23. QUOTE (He_Gawn @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 10:21 AM) Also to go along with the Zeller recruitment... UNC was out the week prior for what happenened on his official visit. Lets just say ol Roy screwed up mightily by not having Cody stay with Tyler on his official. Whoever Cody stayed with, ditched him at a party to go home with some random girl and locked him out of the dorms. So there Cody was, lost at UNC, at some random party, and probably made his mind up right there. Well if the kid can't take one for the team in that situation, then I'm sure none of the UNC players really wanted him around anyway.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 08:39 AM) 1 year, $12 million for Hiroki Kuroda, who put up a 3.39 ERA in 196 innings last year. That just seems like a lot, but comparing to other pitchers like MB, I guess it really isn't. Plus, pitching in Chavez Ravine helps him too.
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