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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 30, 2010 -> 09:23 AM) Sell out. Maybe he'll still wear a Sox hat when he goes out there?
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 04:32 PM) Every year? Still remember watching our 1-0 win over Cleveland to start the wonderful 05 season at Murphys in Champaign. I had gotten there at 11 AM prepping for the NC game that night. Damn you Sean May.
  3. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 01:45 PM) Yeah, but it's Butler. It's the Hoosiers story played out in real life. Sure it's not that extreme, but no casual fan knows anything about Butler. I dunno, upsets/special stories are what made the tournament what it is. As viewers we remember awesome performances and huge upsets. I think Butler winning it all would be nearly as memorable as a 16 beating a 1. I agree that its an awesome story, and the memories would last forever in the college basketball world. However, when talking about TV ratings, it just doesnt attract as many viewers. The casual fan who knows nothing about Butler, is less likely to watch the game due to that fact. I'm not saying thats right or fair, but thats just the way it usually goes ratings-wise.
  4. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 01:08 PM) If the NCAA had any brains they'd realize the exact opposite is true. I guarantee a Butler-Duke national championship game would not only beat viewing records, but would shatter them. EVERYONE who likes college basketball would watch the David v Goliath match, more so than two decent teams going at it. The best hope each year for the championship is that the two favorites make it (e.g., ILL-UNC, KAN-MEM, etc), or you get an unknown mid-major that makes a run for the history books. Those years become memorable and make the experience and history of the tourney 100 times more special. Really? I don't think a Butler/Duke final would even approach any kind of viewing records. Butler was a 5 seed so its not like they are some crazy Cinderella story, and the casual college basketball viewer isnt always interested in teams they dont really know about. You get the most viewers when its two awesome teams, that are from large markets or have huge alumni/fanbases, like your second point. A Kentucky/Kansas final would have had such a higher viewship than Butler/Duke or anything like that. The year George Mason made the Final Four, the year of the upset, I will remember for one main reason. It was easily the worst final four I have ever watched, just bad, bad basketball.
  5. There was a Real Sports HBO piece on Izzo a few weeks ago. Other than a six week stint as an assistant at Tulsa, he has never in his life lived outside of the state of Michigan. Oregon is trying to get some pub & interest for a big name hire, but yeah, its not gonna be Tom Izzo.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 07:52 AM) Here's the box score from the Sox's last preseason stop last year. Contreras, 4 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 0 BB, 3 K Colon, 5 IP, 3 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 6 K LOL, too bad they didnt keep that up when the games mattered
  7. QUOTE (zenryan @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 03:37 PM) Izzo does it again. 6 Final Fours in 12 seasons....ridiculous
  8. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 27, 2010 -> 10:59 PM) Memphis's season has been forfeited due to player infractions and it no longer counts, so, while Memphis made it, it doesn't count anymore. The national championship game doesnt count anymore either, so strike that from Kansas's record too, cause the rules say it didnt happen
  9. Not even a comparison, the way K-Wood's curve was dropping that day, unhittable....I'll always remember Mark's perfect game, but it doesnt compare to the 20K game at all
  10. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 27, 2010 -> 12:53 PM) Brandon McCarthy sent to AAA. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Ahhhh, I still remember seeing a random ESPN headline that BMac was traded away for some guy named John Danks and being so pissed. Turns out that Kenny Williams guy knows what he is doing.....at least some of the time
  11. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 11:28 AM) Jason Heyward makes the Braves. He is more than 2 years younger than me and can't even drink yet. I'm officially starting to feel really, really old. Just drafted him way too high in a keeper league. Please live up to the hype, already calling you a young Griffey Jr.
  12. Until Franklin Gutierrez wins one, the GG award is obviously worthless...
  13. Either Butler, Michigan State, or Tennessee is going to play in the national championshp game this year....wow...
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 27, 2010 -> 01:37 PM) I think we match up with Vancouver better than San Jose. They don't scare me as much. The only thing there that really scares me is a hot Luongo. Honestly I have the opposite opinion. I think the Hawks own Luongo, but they rest of that team is very physical, which leads to a tough matchup for the hawks in the playoffs. San Joes may be skillful but I like the Hawks matchup vs them way more
  15. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 04:29 PM) Nick Cage automatically ruins a movie for me. Was it really necessary for his Con Air character to have the worst accent in movie history??? Drop da bunnnnyyy!!!! Ugh, that movie alone makes me hate him.
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 09:55 PM) This game is brutal. I think Purdue knows they can't play Duke straight up, so they have to muck it up. No doubt. Thank god for MMOD so I can watch the other game on the comp cause Chicago TV is stuck on this one
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 08:55 PM) 166 games? Maybe the division ends in a 5-way tie and we play a four game playoff???
  18. Can the Bulls trade James Johnson for JaJuan Johnson, no one will notice..
  19. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:57 PM) I've said it before, I'll say it again, people that f*** with kids like this should be castrated, without drugs, forced to sit through the pain, then shot in the face. Priest or no priest. Considering how many innocent people tend to be found guilty and locked up nowadays, there are gonna be a lot of unhappy, undeserving dickless faceless people out there
  20. Omar Vizquel pulls a Palmeiro circa 1999 and wins the Gold Glove at SS despite primarily being the everyday DH, leading off after Pierre tears a hammy.
  21. Freddy Garcia doesn't reach double digits in starts. Matt Thornton finishes with more saves than Bobby. Rios joins the 25-25 club.
  22. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 05:02 PM) Why didnt I discover how to make it in America sooner. Great show. I've heard all the good reviews its gotten, including here, so I've tried to watch it 3 different times. It has some good aspects to it, but the two main characters just come off as such huge d-bags, they suck and I just dont really want to watch them. Oh well, at least I tried. Just started following Kenny Powers on Twitter, I wish season 2 of that show would come out soon.
  23. Kim Johnsson's "upper-body injury" turns out to be a concussion, they could really use him coming back soon. A top 4 of him & Hammer, Keith/Seabrook would keep me confident. Filling in that third line with whatever combo of Sopel/Boynton/Hendry would be OK, then get Buffs back in front.
  24. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 01:02 PM) I've actually already did that when we were in the beginning stages of hooking up. Whoops Sounds like you should be the one giving out the advice, not asking for it
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