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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Ran my first ever half marathon Saturday in Vegas. Finished just under 2:05, which is way better than I thought I would. Probably could have had a better time too, but miles 9-11 were mostly all uphill, which was killer late in the race. Three days later my legs are still sore as can be, so still not thinking about what future races I might do. One thing I do know is that I could never do a full marathon. After this half was over, I couldn't imagine running another 13 miles at that point.
  2. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 14, 2010 -> 06:53 PM) You're kidding, right? The most reviled, hated, despised, loathed White Sox player of the last 10 years is EASILY Scott Podsednik. As much as I hated him last year, its hard to rank a guy at the top who hit a walk-off home run in the World Series.
  3. Before I left Vegas yeseterday I got the Buckeyes at 15-1 to win it all, so I'm saying Evan Turner & company bring home the title.
  4. I'm glad the Illini get a few more games as it could only help them for next season and I hope they win it all. That being said, its still a meaningless tournament in the end. If I'm home when the game is on, I'll probably watch some and root for them, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to watch any games like I would for the regular season. I'm sure the logistics weren't feasible, but I wish they could have played the first game at Huff Hall, instead of heading out to NY. As far as not receiving an at-large bid, all I know is that on a neutral court we lost to f***ing Bradley & Utah. Two or three weeks ago, a top bubble contender with a very similar resume came into Champaign and thoroughly dominated the Illini for 33 minutes. Another frantic late game comeback made it only a two-point loss, but they didn't really show up to a big game at home. Congrats to Minnesota for getting the wins they needed and earning a bid. Florida & Utah State may or may not have been more deserving of a bid than Illinois, but the Illini had every chance in the world to lock up a bid and blew it, so I can't complain about not being picked.
  5. QUOTE (farmteam @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 11:47 AM) Conseco is an awesome venue. Also, IU is going to run the table. Just though you should all know. Actually, its the University of Illinois (UI), not Illinois University (IU), but I like the way you think.
  6. QUOTE (SnB @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 09:12 AM) beef, sweet and hot, w/ fries. This w/ some mozarella or cheddar on it too
  7. LittleHurt05

    The Money Thread

    QUOTE (Tex @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 09:30 PM) I would just like to mention one thing. A friend of mine, + or - 50 by a couple three years just retired. He never earned more than $60,000 per year, never spent more than $25,000. That's right, he saved over *half* of his income every year. I will be working at least another 15 years to retire on less than he has. He built a sailboat and will soon be starting a circumnavigation of this planet with his wife. Let me guess, no kids?
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 12:12 PM) Greg Oden? I think theres a difference between overrating someone's future NBA potential and their importance/contribution while in college. His ability to play in the pros was overrated, but I dont think as a college player he was overrated. As a freshman, he nearly averaged a double-double, had over 3 blocks/game, and his team was the national runner-up. Does that team have the same results without him?
  9. Yesterday on Buster Olney's blog, he compared Nathan's numbers to Mariano's over the last six years. Shows you just how f***ing good the guy has been. Nathan Rivera Saves 246 243 Save % 90.8 93.1 ERA 1.87 1.90 K/9 11.1 8.7 Opp. BA .182 .206 WHIP .093 .094
  10. QUOTE (Fotop @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 12:49 AM) Surely this idea has been floated before, but now with the Guzman injury does anyone think there's a chance Linebrink gets dealt to the Cubs? Supposedly they're sniffing around Jason Frasor w/the Jays and they're in desperate need for some RHP out of the pen. No idea what we would ask for, but If the cubs offered a decent spec for him, it'd clearly be a good deal for the Sox - getting Linebrink's contract off the books. Thoughts? The Cubs don't really have the money to even sign anymore free agents, so I doubt they try to trade for a guy making $5 mil this year and $5.5 next.
  11. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 01:25 AM) And if they do, it's either due to the fact that he's an injury machine or is having trouble staying on the wagon so to speak (aka he's damaged goods.) Exactly. Guy has all the natural talent, but no thanks, Texas can keep him.
  12. I think that if Minnesota makes the Big Ten final with wins over MSU & Purdue, they could easily snag one of those at-large bids as well.
  13. QUOTE (since56 @ Mar 8, 2010 -> 07:56 AM) It doesn't have to be just Kotsay and Jones for the situational scenario. They may start at DH and finish in the field. One of the starters may be pinch hit for and some one like Vizquel may lay down a bunt and then move into the Dh spot for the rest of the game, or go to short and put Alexi at Dh for the rest of the game. Ozzie may remove some one for defense ( Konerko for instance ) late in the game put Kotsay at first and Paulie at DH. The flexibility and situational matchups don't end with just Kotsay and Jones. As long as you have guys who play the field the Possibilities exist all through the lineup. Even a pitcher may pinch run and be put in the DH spot and then when his turn to bat comes up be pinch hit for, with the pinch hitter going into the Dh spot and not in the field. I may be wrong, but if you move the DH into the field, don't you lose the DH for that game and isn't the pitcher moved into that spot of the order? I remember a game vs. the Twins where Mauer was DH and Redmond was catching. Redmond got hurt, Mauer went behind the plate and the pitcher had to bat.
  14. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Mar 8, 2010 -> 12:28 PM) No way, if they win 2 games the Illini are in without a doubt. For sure. Wins over Wisconsin & Ohio State would make it six top 25 wins and gets them a bid easily. However, they suck and aren't gonna beat OSU so thats a moot point. One win over Wiscosnin makes it a toss-up I think.
  15. http://www.chicagobreakingsports.com/2010/...or-viciedo.html
  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 8, 2010 -> 08:20 AM) Apparently Xavier Nady is having some troubles with his (twice) surgically repaired arm. Hitting isnt a problem, throwing is very much a problem A $3.3 million pinch hitter?
  17. I think this is Ohio State's tourney to lose, don't see anyone beating them.
  18. Sweet Lou says there is no way Starlin Castro starts the season in the majors. At least we can avoid the hype machine for a little bit.
  19. Finally got to Kuma's Corner last night. There was a two hour wait for the two of us, but we got spots at the bar 45 minutes in. Got the Metallica burger and it was pretty f***ing good. I wouldnt do it every week, but I think the wait was definitely worth it. The beers they have make the wait much easier, the Alligash was great. Definitely downed several those during the hour wait for the burger to be cooked. The Half Shell (Diversey/Halsted) is another awesome Chicago spot if you like seafood. Went there Friday, the crab legs there are just awesome.
  20. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 7, 2010 -> 01:00 PM) Blackhawks need to get Ryan Miller. Maybe we shoulda sent Kaner back home to Buffalo in exchange for Miller. I wonder if either side would be willing to do that deal. This team is like the Bears Super Bowl team. You completely dominate your opposition but the player at the most important position does everything he can to blow it. The Capitals have goalie issues as well but Theodore/Varlamov is far superior to Huet/Niemi.
  21. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 6, 2010 -> 04:22 PM) Please, a closer is a lot easier to replace then Joe Maur or Justin Moreneu. Hell, i could even argue that Baker contributes more to the team then Nathan. He's a good-to-great pitcher, but he gives you 5 innings a week if you play your cards right. If Baker makes all his starts, thats 34 games he contributes to. A couple of those games either the Twins get shut out or they score 10 runs, so his contribution is neutralized in several of those games. Around 45 times a year Nathan comes in with the game on the line, depending on him getting the last 3 outs in a close game. Not to mention the other games where the score is tied. Baker may pitch over 100 more innings, but it doesnt necessarily mean he contributes more.
  22. QUOTE (WHarris1 @ Mar 7, 2010 -> 03:30 PM) I suppose. I just don't even really know what to say at this point, such an outrageously disappointing finish to the season. This has to be one of the mentally softest/weakest teams in America. Mike Davis is easily the mentally softest player in America.
  23. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 7, 2010 -> 03:25 PM) No you're right, my bad. I think they play Wisconsin again. I think if Michigan can somehow pull off the upset in East Lansing, then we would play MSU. But the Wolverines are already 0-3 from behind the arc so its probably not their day.
  24. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 6, 2010 -> 03:11 PM) All I can say is: get out there, have fun with the guys, be seen. Some woman will find you and you won't even be expecting it. True that. After college, just had fun with my friends, going out a lot, not worrying about chicks and had some great times. Then I met a girl one night, next thing I know my one year anniversary is coming up next year.
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